Page 47 - The Promise of Persecution
P. 47

the  seven  churches,  and  it  applies  to  you

             and me today as well.                                 A lot of people are

             fearful  and  disturbed  about  the  book  of

             Revelation, but I've learned over the years

             that it is a great comfort.  If I want comfort,

             there's usually a couple of places I go:  the

             book  of  Psalms  and  also  the  book  of

             Revelation, because in the book of Revelation,

             we have the risen Savior in His priestly robe,

             and  He's  standing  in  the  midst  of  His


                    All right.  I'll read in Acts chapter 4 and

             chapter 5, but first I'll give you a few verses

             in  the  book  of  Acts  where  we  see  this

             persecution being played out:

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