Page 25 - The Television
P. 25

First  John  2,  verses  15,  16,  and  17,  talks

             about the lust of the eyes.  You see, the devil

             is using the media, the things that we see;

             he's using music today, the things that we

             hear,  to  draw  individuals  away  from  God

             and into the world.  We end up imitating the

             things  that  we  see  and  hear.  Watch

             musicians.  They  imitate  those  that  they

             follow,  and  the  same  is  true  with  the

             television.  We imitate many of the actors.

             We used to watch TV programs growing up.

             There was one called Combat.   Man, I fought

             the Germans for years back then.  You know,

             we imitated what was being played out on

             those  television  programs.    I'm  saying  to

             you that Satan painted a picture for Eve of

             advertisement in the Garden back there in

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