Page 26 - The Television
P. 26

the  same  three  areas  that  he  is  tempting

             you and me today as mentioned in 1 John

             chapter 2.  He tempted Jesus Christ in those

             areas,  and  he  tempted  Adam  and  Eve  in

             those same areas.  I'm saying to you that the

             television  is  a  Trojan  horse  that's  been

             brought into the homes and living rooms of

             people around our country.

                    Now,  I'm  going  to  be  reading  in

             Deuteronomy in just a minute, but let me

             read  the  philosophy  and  doctrine  of  the

             creator  and  producer  of  Star  Trek,  who  is

             Gene Roddenberry. Now, first of all, he was

             a humanist and he believed in evolution.  He

             believed in the existence of human beings

             on other planets, and he believed there will

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