Page 28 - The Television
P. 28

ever been on television." Now, this was not

             a preacher that said this.  This was out of the

             magazine,  the  humanistic  magazine.  He

             said that Roddenberry said this on religion:

             “There  has  always  been  fundamentalism

             and the religious right, but I think there has

             been too much of this. I keep hoping that it

             is temporary foolishness.  Some of it will be

             around because there will always be people

             who  are  so  mean-spirited."  And  there  are

             many  other  things  that  he  said,  and  the

             point is that these people in Hollywood that

             hate God, hate your Bible, hate Jesus Christ,

             and hate you are the ones who are producing

             the  movies  that  the  majority  of  Christians

             are watching today.

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