Page 27 - Psalms 1 thru 10
P. 27
“nonreactive” when adverse situations
come into our lives. We become more
conscious of the fact that God is in control
and that He’s allowed the adversity for a
good purpose (Romans 8:28) — and
sometimes that “good purpose” is to make
changes in our disposition and temperament
that are more in conformity to Christ. Jesus
was never anxious or retaliatory and neither
did He exhibit out-of-control anger.
Although anger is not a sin in itself —
especially when we get angry at those
things that anger God — rage is never
acceptable behavior for a child of God and
should be repented of.
Just as we depend totally on God for our
physical sustenance or “salvation,” spiritual
salvation is also totally dependent upon God
and cannot be produced by good works or