Page 25 - Psalms 1 thru 10
P. 25

families and against the majority of a church

               congregation  (including  the  pastors  and

               church  leaders)  because  today’s  church  is

               extremely  worldly  and  compromised.  But

               just because we stand alone in our immediate

               circumstances  and  surroundings  doesn’t

               mean that we are alone in our stands.   If our

               stands  are  biblical,  God  will  many  times

               encourage  our hearts  by orchestrating

               circumstances  whereby  we  come  into

               contact with likeminded believers either by

               personal contact or via the Internet or other

               media.  When Elijah felt that he was the only

               one left who had not compromised worship

               of the one true God , God revealed to Elijah

               that he had left seven thousand men who

               had  not  bowed  the  knee  to  the  image  of

               Baal (1 Kings 19:18, Rom. 11:4).

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