Page 10 - Psalms 11 thru 20
P. 10
10. How does 1 John 4:4 disprove the belief
of many professing Christians that Christians
cannot resist temptation or resist succumbing
to sinful behavior (the “Devil made me do it”
mentality)? (See also 1 Cor. 10:13)
Anita’s Comments
(Psalm 11)
When a Christian is discouraged and wanting
to “flee as a bird” from God and God’s will for
his or her life, the enemy of our souls will be
close at hand to encourage us in that
disobedient direction. As in the story of
Jonah, Satan will provide “a ship” going in the
opposite direction from God’s will. Evidently
David was either being taunted by his
enemies or struggling with his own reasoning