Page 11 - Psalms 11 thru 20
P. 11
when he asked himself the question in verse 1
of Psalm 11.
David was very much aware that his enemies
and the enemies of God were “bent” to
destroy him. Sadly, many Christians in our
day are not aware of the activity of Satan and
his demons in their lives and do not see that
activity as a cause behind many of their
difficulties. But God has given Christians all
the power and the means that we need to
resist the devil (2 Pet. 1:3), and James 4:7 tells
believers to “Resist the devil, and he will flee
from you.” When Christians sin against God,
it’s a choice we make and not because we
have no power to resist carnal temptations
and/or the forces of Satan and his demons.
We are again reminded in verse 5 of God’s
attitude toward “the wicked and him that
loveth violence,” an attitude and attribute of