Page 31 - Q4_2021_Corp Newsletter
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      overall size and technological innovations drive our      more than $400B of construction build-out
      focus on projects with high levels of complexity          by 2031. To assure the consistent long term
      and value. Working with clients and programs with         growth, there are three fundamental drivers:
      aggressive schedules, design-build delivery models,
 THE ROAD  technical elements, and remote locations has led our   2.  U.S. RE growth is supported by at least 29
                                                                 1.  The cost of Solar and Wind power is less than any
                                                                     other source of power (i.e, Coal and Natural Gas).
      teams to excel in markets such as Mission Critical,
      Renewables, High-Tech, Life Sciences, and more.
 TO 2030  emerging markets that support our value-add.           3.  Multiple federal mandates are in place,
                                                                     states adopting renewable and clean energy
      Our BD and Precon team continues to explore
                                                                     standards that range from 18% to 100% RE
                                                                     production targets over the next 30 years.
      Our customers have a high degree of trust in
      our work, and these customers have confidence
      in our ability to deliver a successful project.
                                                                     Including the pledge of 100% clean power
                                                                     by 2035 and Net Zero Energy by 2050.
      As with the current of the ocean waves, a shifting
      market is inevitable. Our teams work tirelessly to
      adjust and adapt accordingly, staying with and
      ahead of trends and industry demands as both
      are paramount to the success of our business.

      BD and Precon leverages data analysis across all
      affiliated public and private sectors to make well-
      informed decisions through ongoing target market
      research. Conducting this research and engaging
      in a continuous assessment of target market-
      specific data becomes a core competency of how
      Business Development ensures continuity of work.


      Historically, Rosendin’s business spans across
 osendin’s Business Development and Preconstruction team   16 markets including Biotech/Pharma, High Tech,   The future for the Renewable Energy (RE)
      Healthcare, Commercial, Data Centers, Education,
 take great pride in living our Core Values. Focusing on three   Entertainment, Heavy Industrial, Hotels, Institutional,   business has never been more promising
      Power, Residential, Solar, Systems, Transportation, and
 R main elements of Strategy, Target Markets and Projects, and   Wind Farms. Through 2021, our top three verticals have   for Tier 1 EPC players, such as Rosendin’s
      remained the same with significant growth, and have
 Account Management, will determine how effectively We Excel.   substantial growth opportunities for 2022 and beyond.  Renewable Energy Group (RREG), for providing

      RENEWABLES                                                  PV Solar, wind power, and Battery Energy
 STRATEGY  model and core competencies. Currently, our
 pipeline consists of over $9.1B of high-probability   The future of the renewable energy (RE) business   Storage (BESS) solutions.
 We define and implement plans necessary to cultivate   has never been more promising for Tier 1 EPC
 targets, with the flow of large opportunities
 and grow a diversified customer base and pipeline   players, such as Rosendin’s Renewable Energy
 identified and added weekly and often daily.
 by evaluating existing markets to better understand   Group (RREG), providing PV Solar, wind power,
 their growth potential, ultimately aiding in identifying   In addition to the high probability targets, we have a   and Battery Energy Storage (BESS) solutions.
 targeted pursuits. Our approach is to be intentional   running average of $8B worth of leads, which classify   RREG’s role in this dynamic industry has evolved
 and proactive. This philosophy is intelligence-based   as lower grade opportunities that are currently   From a general renewable Industry perspective,    to a point where Rosendin is now a top 10 EPC in
 and helps position Rosendin well ahead of of our   being tracked and vetted across major sectors.  the market closed out another record year    the Solar and Storage arena. Looking at our past
 competition for program and project opportunities.   tracking almost 32GW of Solar PV, Wind, and    performance over the last three years, we have
 Strategy connects our teams with key decision-makers   IDENTIFYING AND RESEARCHING NEW VERTICALS:   BESS installations through the end of 2021. this   gone from $185M/year to over $750M/year in
 and influencers, from the architect and engineer to the   represents a total of more than 250GW of renewable   2021, with a forecast of at least 10% year-over-year
 general contractor and most importantly, the Owner.  ALIGNING OUR DIFFERENTIATORS  energy power across more than 3 million project   growth between now and 2026. While this growth is
      installations to date in the residential, commercial,      undoubtedly a result of a booming industry, it also
 A large component of this strategy is shown through   Rosendin is proud to be the “go-to” electrical   and utility markets. This amount is enough RE   reflects how effective we have become in targeting
 the generation of our sales pipeline. Our BD and   contractor for many General Contractors and is   electricity to power nearly 40 million households.  specific markets, preferred developers, and owners
 Precon teams focus their efforts on the markets   viewed as the “go-to” EPC contractor for sizeable   with project portfolios that best match where we
 and project types that fit Rosendin’s business   renewable project developers and owners. Rosendin’s   The industry is projecting over 500GW of RE   can provide the most competitive solutions.
      installs over the next ten years, representing

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