Page 5 - Q1_2023_Corp Newsletter
P. 5
The common thread in these A3s is planning, training, and communication.
If you think about it, these components align with our Core Values.
hroughout the coming year, problem statements. To summarize, When he can, he prefers to pick
you will hear a lot from me we started with one A3 problem up a Rosendin call. This particular
T about "A3s." For those of and ended with five A3 problems. wireman has chosen to join our
you wondering what an A3 is, it is However, the great part about teams on projects nationwide,
a LEAN process used for problem- this process is every A3 problem specifically noting jobs in Oregon,
solving and worth a Google. In the statement ends with a solution. San Jose, SoCal, and Arizona. He
coming months, I plan to address said he chooses Rosendin when he
the results of multiple A3s our The A3 problem statements can because it is excellent work,
Rosendin Leadership Academy and solutions developed by the the jobs are safe, and he's treated
participants developed to improve Leadership Academy are based on well. Think about that, members of
our overall safety performance. data from Oracle, our OSHA 300 the IBEW choose Rosendin when
This type of problem-solving is logs, and feedback from our on-site they travel because we have great
essential to the growth and success field leadership. The Leadership work, the jobs are safe, and they
of Rosendin because it involves Academy asked you how we could are treated well.
leaders who are faced with daily be safer, and you gave them Once again, this speaks to our
subject challenges. What is most the information they needed to Core Values and who we are as a
important about these A3s is how develop the components necessary company.
their results and corrective actions to make us a safer company. We should all be very proud of
focus on bringing us back to the With those components, they our culture at Rosendin and make
basics; it is not complicated. developed comprehensive solutions every effort to share it with our
rooted in construction basics. The traveling IBEW members as they
Thanks to the feedback and input proposed solutions are included pass through.
from our Craftworkers, Project in the five A3s noted below:
Management Teams, and current You have all heard about our
Leadership Academy attendees, the 1. Achieve a TRIR of <.50 updated strategic plan, which
A3 process was developed as clear 2. Planning the Ramp provides a clear vision for the
and concise solutions that should 3. Supervision Ratios Rosendin of the future. You can find
make Rosendin a safer company. 4. Soft Skills Training a link on our intranet home page
The remarkable part about these under 10-year Strategic Plan. In
solutions is they were developed 5. Walk with a New Employee this plan, we discuss our legacy and
internally by our people, not a one The common thread in these the opportunity for all. As we have
size fits all solution being sold by a A3s is planning, training, and previously, Rosendin will continue
consulting firm. We certainly could communication, and these to focus on providing opportunities
have spent a lot of time and money components align with our Core for career growth and generational
to get an outsider's perspective, Values. wealth while positively impacting
but we reached out to our internal the communities we serve.
experts first, those working with As I initially stated, the solutions
the daily challenges, you. to our safety challenges are basic, I hope you'll take some time this
so let's keep the journey to a safer year to ask yourself, "What's my
As our leaders worked through Rosendin simple. legacy?" It is also my hope that you
the A3 process, they identified find contentment in your work. Not
multiple problems associated I met a traveling journeyman every day has to be exciting, but I
with our safety performance. not too long ago while he was hope you begin and end your days
By working the initial problem attending Arizona's new hire with a sense of enjoyment for your
statement through the entire A3 orientation. He said he likes to work.
process, they developed a solution "chase the good weather and the
that created four additional A3 good work around the country." Take care,