Page 7 - Q1_2023_Corp Newsletter
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In a recent study conducted by the Harris Poll, nearly two-thirds of employees listed corporate culture among the most important
reasons they stay with their current employer — or start looking for another job. MIT Sloan Management Review analyzed 1.4 million
employee reviews using the Natural Language Understanding platform developed at Culture X to determine the ten elements of
culture that matter most to employees.
1. People feel respected. The single best predictor of a 6. Benefits. Recent research shows that benefits and
company's culture is whether people feel respected at compensation are equally important when it comes to
work. Respect is not only the most important factor, the assessment of an organization's culture. Having the
it stands head and shoulders above other cultural
elements in terms of its importance. People want to 7. Perks. When people talk about the perks of a company
be treated with consideration, courtesy, and dignity there is a positive jump in the overall culture sentiment.
and have their perspectives taken seriously. Ironically, coffee truly is the central perk! Although perks
are not expected, they are appreciated and any opportunity
2. Supportive leaders. Leaders help others do their work, to organize company social events like team builders or
respond to requests, accommodate others' individual happy hours, positively increases a company's culture.
needs, offer encouragement, and have one another's
backs. Leaders influence all aspects of a company's culture 8. Learning and development. Any opportunity to continue
and can instantly create a negative or positive culture. learning, develop or enhance skillsets, or receive
tuition reimbursement for a certification or degree
3. Leaders live core values. Leaders' actions should be consistent program is viewed as extremely positive. Companies
with the organization's values. A boost in culture is seen when need to ensure that people know about all the
leaders "walk the walk" or "practice what they preach." When learning and development opportunities provided.
this is witnessed or experienced personally, culture is boosted.
9. Job security. Job insecurity weighs heavily on people's minds
4. Toxic managers. Toxic leadership can take many regardless of job title or rank. Fear of layoffs, offshoring,
forms, but people who describe managers as toxic and automation are just a few of those insecurities.
are more likely to say they are abusive, disrespectful, Companies should communicate and be transparent
noninclusive, or unethical. These feelings create with their people about the state of the company. People
extremely negative views on a company's culture. appreciate honesty rather than being blindsided.
5. Unethical behavior. Integrity is the cornerstone of 10. Reorganizations. When people mention reorgs,
most organizations' culture and matters to people. they are much more likely to also discuss the pace of
When leaders or peers participate in unethical organizational change as too fast, inconsistency in strategy
behaviors with zero repercussions, it feeds others to act over time, and a lack of clarity about the company's
unethically and diminishes the company's culture. evolving strategy. Job insecurity also comes into play.
By understanding the most important elements that positively At the beginning of 2023, Rosendin promoted over 200 people
drive culture, we can all be part of winning the hearts and minds across the country in roles of project management, estimating,
of our people and attracting and retaining the best talent while safety, QA/QC, purchasing, finance, engineering, business
continuing to grow and offer new and exciting opportunities development, training, marketing, and field operations. These
for everyone. People are what matter most and will ultimately promotions included 14 new Division Managers, seven Operations
determine if Rosendin succeeds or fails. People determine our Managers, two Vice Presidents, and two Senior Vice Presidents.
customers' experience, and customers will judge the value of doing Training and building people from within the company is a
business with Rosendin by their experience with our people. key element of the Mission and Vision of Rosendin.