Page 101 - Mario Bigon "The Morrow Guide to Knots"
P. 101


       The running bowline is mainly
       used for hanging objects with
       ropes of different diameters.
       The weight of the object
       determines the tension
       necessary for the knot to grip.
       It was used by poachers
       during the last century but
       also has many other uses; for it
       is strong and secure, does not
      weaken the rope. slides easily,
      and undoes just as simply.
      The running bowline is
       probably the only running
      knot used by sailors. who use
       it on the running rigging or to
      fish out floating objects that
       have fallen overboard. It was
      also used during the last
      century for tightening the
      squaresail to the yard in high
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