Page 104 - Mario Bigon "The Morrow Guide to Knots"
P. 104

                                        Close a bight in the rope.
                                        leaving a long end (1). Make
                                        a second loop on the left side
                                        (2). Then take a number of
                                        turns (usually seven) around
                                        the loops. working the end
                                        from right to left (3. 4).
                                        Tighten the turns well one at a
                                        time and finish up at the eye
                                        of the second loop through
                                        which you pass the end
                                        (5,6). To reach this point
                                        correctly, Le., without having
                                        the end too long or too short.
                                        you have to calculate the
                                        length before you start. The
                                        knot is tightened by pulling
                                        the eye of the knot and then
                                       sliding the turns to the left to
                                        nip the end securely (7).
                                        Finally, check that the noose
                                       runs freely (8).

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