Page 2 - Sound Rides January 2022
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      President Report January 2022:

      Welcome to a new year. We hope your celebrations with family and friends were joyous and filled with
      love and laughter. Summer is well and truly upon us so when you get your new ride calendar you will
      see many of the rides are starting 8.30am and a little shorter. There are plenty of rides to suit your
      own choices and more fun-filled social events. This month will be a branch fundraiser, Baldivis Bun-
      nings sausage sizzle from 7am to 4.30pm, which we are still in need of helpers to take orders, take
      the payments, servers, cold drink servers, raffle ticket sellers so if you can volunteer a couple of hours
      please call me, 0402955399, all offers are gladly received. Also this month we celebrate Australia Day
      with a BBQ Brekky in Bell Park, Rockingham Foreshore, from 7.30am onwards.
      See you soon in the great outdoors!

      Always take care, be aware and be kind to each other.

                                 Julie Wilcox     #35151
                                 Telemachus Medalist #64

                                 Warnbro Sound Wanderers
                                 Ulysses Club Inc

                                       Secretary Report January 2022

       Hi Everyone,
       Great to see a few new names on the ride calendar this month. Please support them, & it is always
       nice to hear some “thanks for the ride” at the end of the day. Some of our leaders spend quite a
       while planning their rides, checking to make sure there are no gravel roads, checking café facebook
       pages to make sure they can handle our numbers at a fairly reasonable price, & some even ride the
       route the week before to ensure there are no surprises on the day. If there are a couple of U turns,
       please laugh with them, not at them so we have the great variety of rides in our branch that we
       sometimes take for granted.

       Chris, Secretary
       Warnbro Sound Wanderers Branch

                                                 UPCOMING EVENTS

       2022   January 23 - Bunnings sausage sizzle Baldivis
                  January 26 - Australia Day BBQ breakfast
                 April 4th - 10th National Rally Warwick QLD
                   June 4th-6th WA Rally Kalbarri. Red Bluff Tourist Park.
                   September  24th - 26th Geraldton Odyssey Hosted by Geraldton.

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