Page 4 - Sound Rides January 2022
P. 4

Thank God for the Salvos

     Warnbro Sound Wanderers made a donation to the local Salvos branch Christmas appeal recently, to
     help make Christmas a little brighter for local people who were down on their luck.
     We have supported the appeal for several years, with the Salvos letting us know what they need to
     help fill their hampers. This year the request was for cake and pudding mixes, so branch President Julie
     Wilcox # 35151 headed off to Woollies to fill the trolly. The handover was at Pengo’s café with around
     forty branch members watching on. We hope this small gesture can brighten Christmas for some local

        Casserole night at Sherrel and Dave’s

      A great night watching the sunset & then being
         amazed at the 3.2 kms of Christmas lights
            Dave had decorated the house with.

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