Page 5 - Sound Rides January 2022
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We’re going to be famous!
Dave Wright , our Ulysses Club Road Safety Committee Chair, organised the filming of a “Riding in
Groups” video on the 11th December. There were cameras on bikes, drones, and fixed cameras, & the
filming took most of the day. There was a great turnout from most of the Perth metro branches
(including three branch presidents!), and we are all looking forward to the release of the video early
next year after the editing of hours of video and the addition of voice overs. The video will be sent out
to bike clubs across Australia, and available on Facebook and Youtube social media. Look out for it on
the National website as well. We all had a great time making the video, and the long breaks between
filming gave us all time to do some interbranch socializing.
Thanks Dave for arranging funding and making it all possible, and we hope it will improve the safety on
group rides. Julie will be signing autographs at Pengos next week! Chris Glover
Who gave that man
a bloody radio!
Thank god for the
mute button!
“And then
you say”
Yep, that
looks straight
Julie is the star attraction again !
Dave was a bit upset
when he didn’t get
the leading role! Even the Emus were impressed
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