Page 41 - Riding On No.157 Summer 2022
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breathed it so much so that he got the
‘Old Man’ logo tattooed on his left inner
forearm. He even looked like the ‘Old
Man’ with his beard, glasses and open
faced helmet.
His last bike was a Harley Davidson
Superglide Sport FXDX 2000 model.
Those riders who rode behind him can
attest to his fabulous riding skills honed
at the speedway. Unfortunately by 2010,
his speedway injuries started to take
their toll on his mobility. He became less
willing to ride and his bike remained
in the shed. A few years ago he was
diagnosed with cancer and received
treatment for that at various times. In
April 2022 he suffered a severe stroke
which affected his balance and he was
permanently bedridden. He hated that,
John Horan #3029 but, faced it with a defiant spirit until the
24/7/1946 – 27/10/2022 end. (Albert) Martyn Hewitt #65269
It’s my sad duty to report the passing of Horehound will live on in the hearts Telemachus Medal #147
much-loved member, John Horan (known of those of us who had the absolute 13th April 1954 – 27th
as ‘Horehound’). Born in Warwick, Qld, privilege of getting to know him. November 2022
but raised in Adelaide. His father owned
a service station and John was a fixture Ride On, Brother. Warnbro Sound Wanderers have sadly
of the mechanic’s shop from a young lost a great mate after a devastating
boy. He went on to become a qualified Maria Tzannes#16498 altercation with a kangaroo whilst out
mechanic himself. At 17 he purchased
his first motorbike. When he brought it and about on a Sunday ride. Martyn
home, his father took it straight back and Helen joined our branch 3rd June
and got a refund. However, his mother 2015 bringing with him such an uplifting
reminded his father that he, himself, had personality. He was our “tousled haired
been a dispatch rider during the war so likeable lad” and always ready for
how could he now prohibit his son from an adventure, offering friendship to
riding motorbikes. With that the bike everyone with a huge smile. Nothing was
was retrieved and John started his riding ever too much trouble and would help,
career. Many years were spent riding volunteer, lead rides, safety chats and
scramblers and at the speedway with the just generally supporting and assisting
usual injuries. people, which is why we nominated him
John enlisted in the Navy as a Petty for the well-deserved Telemachus Medal.
Officer. He lasted a few years before
going AWOL when the Navy wouldn’t The passing of Diane WELSON: Martyn loved riding, fishing, sailing
give him leave to get married. They’re (not necessarily in that order) but most
still looking for him!! John married twice It is with sadness that I advise the of all, his wife, 3 adult children and 4
and has 3 boys and a girl from those Members of the Ulysses Club Family of grandchildren. They were his world,
marriages who survive him. the death of Diane (Di) WELSON #26234, and he was planning 2 great adventures
who passed away on Friday the 9th of for 2023, and one of those, was re-
John loved to ride bikes and touring. September 2022. Diane was affiliated connecting with extended family in
Having settled in Wee Waa for the last 3 with the Yarra Ranges Branch and was Namibia. He will always be remembered
decades, he became a regular rider with a member of the Ulysses Club from the as a valued member of WSW Branch
the Narrabri Motorcycle Touring Club. 21st of January 2002 until the 31st of Ulysses Club.
When the Ulysses Club was established, December 2016.
he joined on 1st November 1990 and the Taken by surprise way to soon.
Club became his life. He rode regularly Diane resided in the Melbourne eastern
with the Cotton Country Cruisers and suburbs before moving to Queensland Ride On, In Peace dear friend.
formed life long friendships there. He was around 2010 for the health of her partner
also a regular attendee at Rallies in NSW, Julie Wilcox #35151
SA and Victoria such as the Yowie Rally, Peter who was also a Ulysses Member. President of WSW Branch Ulysses
Rivergums and Blizzpin. He attended Unfortunately, Peter passed in 2018 and Club
as many Ulysses AGMs as he could, in Diane returned to Victoria to be close to
particular Cairns, Mudgee, Newcastle and her family.
Coffs Harbour. He made many friends
at these events as he was a happy, Ride on Di, ride on.
easy going friend and possessed an
unforgettable personality. If anyone was Stewart Westfield #59019
‘Mr Ulysses’ it was John. He lived and President
Ulysses Club, Yarra Ranges Branch