Page 38 - Riding On No.157 Summer 2022
P. 38
Barry Davis #16678
Barry joined the Ulysses Club in December 1998. Since that
time, he has been a loyal, participating and valued friend of the
Gold Coast Branch.
The Gold Coast Branch were announced as the successful
applicants for the 2001 AGM, Barry immediately volunteered to
run the Gear Shop. He then received an unexpected delivery,
boxes of Regalia from the National Office. Suddenly his
commitment was real! But Barry (and his darlin’ wife Gwen)
took it in their stride and delivered an amazing Gear Shop
which catered for the more than 4000 members attending.
Together with his team of volunteers, Barry sold everything, Since retiring, he’s taken up wood carving and
down to the last coaster. recently put his considerable skills to produce a new trophy to
recognise “Consistent Contribution to Branch Ride Days”.
He has served in numerous positions within the Branch,
culminating in a 3-year stint as President. This is a challenging Since that first AGM in Cairns, he has attended numerous
position for anyone but given that Barry is particularly quiet AGM’s around this beautiful country and is a shining example of
by nature, his service has been even more notable. At the the principles of the Ulysses Club.
Coffs Harbour AGM, Stephen Dearnley likened organising the
membership to herding cats. Barry achieved this with his quiet, He has shown, and continues to show by example that
motorcycling can be an enjoyable and practical activity for
unflappable demeanour.
riders of all ages, regardless of abilities or disabilities.
Barry is also a regular Ride Captain and when it comes to our Through his numerous interactions with the Gold Coast and
social events, no-one outdoes he and Gwen at fancy dress!
further communities, he has drawn attention to the needs and
No request for assistance is too big or too small for Barry. views of older riders.
His willingness to help extends from being the Raffle King to Based on his many years of service to the Gold Coast Branch,
heading out to Crams Farm, our favourite BBQ venue, at the Barry is a more than worthy candidate for a Telemachus Medal.
crack of dawn to set up, and reserve a place for us.
The President, Committee and Members of the Gold Coast
Barry’s health has not been so good lately but regardless of
health or weather, he is at Maccas on ride morning chatting and
providing encouragement for all.
Blackall Range Ulysses
Well, off we headed, the Magnificent Seven (thanks Al for
the name), into the wilds. Aptly guided by Nev, it was a very
pleasant ride, until somebody banged me up the aorta. A stop
sign does mean stop, though some people think this is only
advisory. Thank goodness only some minor damage, and me
being the man I am, weathered the imposition admirably and
with good grace.
The weather was great and we all had a good time. The coffee
and fine company at Mrs Brown’s Diner was also enjoyed by all.
Thanks Nev.
Blackall Range Branch.
Ulysses Club.
Blackall Range Branch, Ulysses Club