Page 42 - Riding On No.157 Summer 2022
P. 42

Ridden On

        Ron Butler #3584                    Raymon Bevin Dinte #3662           Chris Hawley #44746
        18/12/39 to 15/09/22
        82yrs Young                         15th June 1946 to 21st August      Chris came into the world on the 18th
                                            2022                               February, 1945 and left on the 18th
        Ron signed up for the Airforce in Jan                                  February, 2022 age 77 years. Chris
        1956, catching the train from Spencer   Raymond Dinte, known as ‘Walla’,   served in the Australian Navy, later met
        Street Melbourne out to Wagga Wagga.   (because he still owned an ex-Army   his wife Sandy and together they had two
        With his earnings he was able to buy   1942 Harley, a Walla, which was fully   children.
        his first motorbike and often drove it on   registered and now and then he would
        the streets of Melbourne and throughout   tinker with it to make it run smoothly).  Chris was an incredibly valued member
        Victoria. He had a few scrapes and                                     of the Tamworth Ulysses Club where
        broken bones on occasions where his   He was associated with the Brisbane   he served as a committee member and
        bike tyres would get trapped in the tram   Branch before any other Branches were   treasurer.
        tracks and he would end up underneath   in the area. As said he was not really
        the actual tram. It didn’t deter him   an active Branch member, however, he   Chris fought off prostate cancer over 10
        though and for another Sixty years and   always showed interest in the happenings   years ago. His love of travel and bike
        many different bikes he enjoyed the   of the Club.                     rides – particularly back roads, was what
        open roads travelling throughout Western   Ray joined the Ulysses Club in 1991.  he loved most along with his red wine.
        NSW, Victoria, South Australia, and                                    This brought out his great laugh and
        Queensland. Along those trips he would   Ray attended quite a few Ulysses events,   wonderful sense of humor.
        camp or stay with old mates and family,   including the 1995 AGM in Toowoomba,   After a good ride, Chris would like to
        sharing his adventures and catching up   1999 AGM in Cairns and 2001 AGM   ‘wet his whistle’ and then later that night
        on everyone. He Joined the Ulysses Club   at the Gold Coast. In the later years,   would enjoy a good red. By this time, it
        on 26/07/1991 and travelled on a couple   even though he didn’t attend any   would be when all of Chris’s many stories
        of big rides to Queensland and Victoria.   Ulysses events, he still maintained his   would come out. He would then be off
        He would travel to the Golden Dog Hotel   membership.                  to bed to get a good night’s sleep, wake
        at Glenreagh for meetings when the 065                                 up and head for breakfast and would
        branch was first formed. He also loved   Poem                          be ready to venture on his bike all over
        to ride every week with his mates on                                   again.
        local rides and enjoyed a chat over a   I’d like the memory of me to be a happy
        coffee with them. Ron was a member   one,                              Chris loved trips away, anywhere via the
        for 31years and was always asking when   I’d like to leave a glow of smiles when life   back roads he loved most. The more
        he would get his 35 year Badge. He will   is gone,                     twisty the road the better – often they
        be missed by his Wife, Georgina and   I’d like to leave an echo,       would end up at the Coast, where he
        daughters Colleen and Michelle plus his   Whispering softly down the ways,   loved the ocean.
        mates, but never forgotten.         Of happy times and laughing times,
                                            And bright and sunny days,         Chris passed away after a short illness,
        Information supplied by his daughters   I’d like the tears of those who grieve,   he is sadly missed by his Tamworth
        Michelle & Colleen.                 To dry before the Sun,             Ulysses Club mates but also remembered
                                            Of happy memories that I leave when life   with great fondness.
        Phil Hedley #50853, President, Port   is done.
        Macquarie Mid North Coast Branch                                       Bruce Clare #56657
                                            Tom Rundle #5846 DM44

                                Colin Boyle #40629                         attend our Saturday or monthly gatherings, Colin
                                                                           had a good circle of friends who kept in touch and
                                It is with a great sadness that I advise the Ulysses   visited him regularly.
                                Club Family and Members of the Yarra Ranges
                                Branch of the passing of our Riding Companion   An artistic person he made lovely centre pieces
                                and friend, Colin Boyle. Colin was a member of   for Branch functions and Christmas events. Our
                                the Ulysses Club from 30th of May 2005 to 31st of   thoughts are with his family and friends at this sad
                                December 2016.                             time. Ride On Colin, Ride On.

                                Colin was a member of the Yarra Rangers Branch   Stewart Westfield #59019
                                for eleven years and rode a Kawasaki Vulcan   President, Ulysses Club, Yarra Ranges
                                1600 but was unfortunate to be diagnosed with   Branch
                                dementia some time ago. Although unable to

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