Page 43 - Riding On No.157 Summer 2022
P. 43

Ridden On

                                                                                Unfortunately, in recent years ‘Duckman’
                                                                                had a serious knee injury at work,
                                                                                resulting in several weeks in hospital
                                                                                and a long recuperation. He never fully
                                                                                recovered from this, suffering great
                                                                                pain and was unable to get about freely.
                                                                                He remained in contact with several
                                                                                members having lots of long phone
                                                                                conversations with them.

                                                                                His interest in the Branch continued until
                                                                                his death in July.
                                                                                Ride On ‘Duckman’!

                                                                                Lyn Tout #42397
                                                                                Westgate Wanderers Branch
         David Thomas (Engineer 1)          Garry Jessup– “Duckman”
         #4125                              #15531

         Dave left us after a short illness on the   11/11/1952 – 18/06/202
         29th of November 2021.
                                            ‘Duckman’ was an active member of the
         He had been involved with the Ulysses   Westgate Wanderers for many years,
         Club on and off for many years and was   joining on 30th June 1998 and remaining
         one of the original members of the local   a member until his death on 18th June
         Branch when it was formed in the early   2022. He and King George ran great
         nineties. In his younger days, he was a   breakfast rides that everyone looked
         very keen short circuit and enduro rider   forward to and thoroughly enjoyed.
         and was very loyal to the Maico brand.   ‘Duckman’ ensured that the breakfast
         Dave had a very nice Moto Guzzi sitting   destination provided outstanding food,
         in his shed but circumstances led him   toilets, and bike parking. His ideal ride
         down the path of a Harley Road King   was one to a great food venue!   Paul (Macca) McKenzie #67412
         and sidecar, this became a love hate
         relationship, some days he would have   ‘Duckman’ actively promoted the   29/08/1963 – 10/09/2022
         given it to you, and on others, no amount   breakfast rides and other Club rides.   Paul joined Ulysses on 31st August
         of money would have bought it, but, he   He engaged with all Branch activities   2017 and was an active member (work
         did persevere and I think they both learnt   and was a regular attendee of all social   permitting) until his untimely illness.
         a lot about each other. Dave and Pauline   events.
         did many kilometres on this outfit and                                 He loved his big red Goldwing and joined
         there were very few Club rides they did   He was a proud Ducati owner/rider and   every ride with Westgate Wanderers that
         not attend. When he wasn’t riding bikes   liked nothing better than to get into his   he was able to.
         or fixing them he would turn his hand to   riding gear and take off. Unfortunately,   He particularly enjoyed the Victorian
         building and running small train locos for   this “shrunk in the cupboard” and he   Breakfast Club rides, meeting and
         the local miniature rail.          could no longer wear them. This he   chatting with members of other
                                            discovered at the Launceston AGM. He
         Dave was a strong spirited member   had carefully loaded his Ducati into his   Branches.
         whose presence and that of his Harley   van, packed his gear and travelled to   Paul’s work often meant he was unable
         outfit is greatly missed.          Launceston via the ferry only to discover   to join in our rides and this was a great
                                            when he got there his gear had shrunk   disappointment to him.
         Richard Procter #11395.            and thus, he was unable to ride, and the
                                            Ducati went back to Werribee without   Paul also enjoyed the Branch meetings
                                            having travelled a Tasmanian road!  where he was able to talk to other bike
                                                                                enthusiasts and share his love of his
                                            ‘Duckman’ was a very hard working   Goldwing.
                                            fellow, doing long hours in his delivery   Unfortunately, Paul succumbed to cancer
                                            van. When delivering motorcycle     and was unable to attend Club events
                                            magazines on Saturdays he would find   and rides. Sadly, Paul passed away on
                                            the time to drop into the ‘Tyrekick’   the 10th ofSeptember 2022 at Peter
                                            to share a few magazines with the   MacCallum Hospital. His friendly smile
                                            members, before heading off to his next   and chatty company will be missed.
                                                                                Ride on Macca. Lyn Tout #42397
                                                                                Westgate Wanderers Branch

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