Page 10 - NLH Newsletter July 2022
P. 10

             15  June 2022*  Destination: Huntlee Tavern

    There really two rides occurring today.  The bulk of the group were leaving from Hexham, while
    Gary and Dancer left Freemans as Dancers recovery continues to the point where he is now riding

    12 People Left Hexham on 10 bikes and one Spyder on a cold morning which turned into a pleasant
    day after it warmed up.  At least there was no rain forecast today.

    One amazing thing that happened was that we all made it out onto Maitland rode in a single cycle of
    the lights.  I have no idea how that happened.

    The trip was simple in terms of navigation, out through Kurri Kurri, through Lovedale, Pokolbin and
    out to  Broke  for  morning tea.  The traffic was fairly  light and we  had  no problems other  than a
    mobile speed camera on Wine Country Drive.  Fortunately,  it was facing away from us so I doubt it
    was a problem.  I guess we will find out for sure in a couple of weeks.
    We stopped in Broke for morning tea.  The general store is always a bit chaotic when they are faced
    with a significant  group, but  they  managed to  get  us served  in a reasonable time and  we  moved
    outside to have our break.  Dancer and Gary arrived for their break in the same place.  It’s the first
    time I have seen Dancer for a while, so welcome back.

    After morning tea, we rode out to Bulga, through Singleton, Elderslie and Branxton and on to the
    Huntlee  Tavern
    for          lunch.
    Except          for
    Singleton  there
    was  little  traffic
    anywhere,  so  it
    was     a    fairly
    relaxed ride.

    Mike,      Colleen
    and  Ken  T  met
    us  for  lunch  at
    Huntley,  so  we
    had  a  significant
    group  for  lunch.
    Mike           was
    offered  a  job
    washing  dishes
    by  the  restaurant
    staff  which  he
    turned      down.
    So, if you are looking for work you could try there.  As a lunch venue the Tavern is quite good, so
    thanks to Gary for the suggestion..

                                                         Thanks to Roger for being tail end Charlie yet again.
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