Page 7 - NLH Newsletter July 2022
P. 7

Hunter River Hotel East Maitland

                                          12  June 2022

    16 Bikes, 19 people left McDonald’s travelling up the highway to The
    Bucketts Way, where we were asked to toot the horn to say hi to Mark’s
    family.  We  headed  to  Stroud  for  morning  tea  where  John  and  Jose
    joined us.

    The wind was fierce in places, trying to blow our heads off except for
    the weight of the helmets that did not happen.

    Leaving  Stroud  we  headed  off  over  Bingleburra,  which  I  found  the
                                                                     scariest  place
                                                                     I  have  been
                                                                     on  a  bike,
                                                                     never felt safe
                                                                     because of the
                                                                     wind        and
                                                                     winding  road,
                                                                     we  headed  to
                                                                     East  Maitland
                                                                     where we met
                                                                     up with others
                                                                     for lunch.

                                                                     In total there were 24  for  lunch, where a
                                                                     lot of yarns and laughs were had.

                                                                     Thanks for a great ride (next time please
                                                                     don’t invite the wind).
                                                                            ...... Wendy.......

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