Page 5 - NLH Newsletter July 2022
P. 5

Sunday Ride to Denman

                                                           26 June 2022

    Our second Sunday ride in January was to Denman with morning tea at Greta.
    We departed McDonalds Hexham at 9.00am with eight bikes, one spyder and nine riders. We rode
    up the Pacific Highway and onto the New England Highway. We then took the M1 turnoff onto
    John Renshaw Drive, riding through to Kurri Kurri, Lovedale and onto Greta. Morning tea was at
    the Bakers Cottage Café.
                                                       After  morning  tea,  we  rode  up  the  Hunter
                                                       Expressway to Hermitage Road out to Broke, Bulga
                                                       and Jerrys Plains. At Jerrys Plains we took the back
                                                       road to Denman through all the farms.

    Lunch was at the Royal Hotel where we were
    joined for lunch by Wayne and Wendy.
    After lunch most of us refuelled and then we
    all turned in different directions to make our
    own way home.

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