Page 3 - NLH Newsletter July 2022
P. 3

Presidents                                        on the day let us know so that we can pop you
                                                                onto  the  roster.  This  event  is  our  major  fund
                                                                raiser  for  the  year  and  the  proceeds  will  be
                   Report                                       going to UCARF.

                                                                On the National Ulysses Club Inc. front, I did
    As  I  write  this  report,  I  am  looking  out  the       note that Ken Eaton has been assigned a new
    window at the constant rain and thinking what               role of Branch Liaison Officer for the National

    a wet year or so we  have experienced. It has               Committee and I took the opportunity to have
    had an impact on a few of our rides over that               a  conversation  with  him  about  issues  facing
    time  but  the  major  impact  has  been  on  our           branches.  He  is  keen  to  ensure  that  branches
    favourite  riding  roads  conditions.  I  read  a           remain  strong  and  get  the  help  to  keep  them
    Facebook  post  this  morning  regarding  the               operating  and  if  any  members  have  any
    condition  of  the  roads  around  Wollombi  and            concerns  or  issues  if  you  let  me  know  I  can
    how dangerous they were to motorcycle riders                pass these onto Ken.
    and sadly it will be some time before our roads             Keep healthy and safe.Mike Abberfield #8158
    are back to good condition again. I plead with
    all  our  members  please  ride  safely  and  be
    aware of the appalling road surface conditions,
    particularly when you are off the main routes.
    It  is  Sunday  morning  and  I  have  my  fingers
    crossed  that  the  weather  clears  for  our  first
    mid-week  ride  for  the  month  in  a  few  days’
    time.                                                                       Happy birthday to-

    Members, please note that our normal monthly
    social  meeting  at  Wallsend  Diggers  Sports
    Club will not be taking place this month as it
    will  be  replaced  by  our  Christmas  in  July
    Dinner at North Haven on 15  and 16  of July.
    We  have  had  a  great  response  with  41
    members  travelling  north  for  the  weekend
    where we will be joined by 21 members from
    the  Port  Macquarie  Mid-North  Coast  Branch
    for  the  Saturday  Dinner.  It  should  be  a  great
    weekend  away  and  the  Secret  Santa  should
    once again be a great success. There will be a
    ride  on  the  Saturday  which  will  include
    morning  tea  at  Comboyne  and  lunch  at
    The monthly BBQ at Brisans has been bought                     Wedding Anniversaries.
    forward a week to Saturday 9  July due to the                  Congratulations to the following
    clash with the weekend away at North Haven.                    Branch Members
    If  you are about on the  day, come along  and
    join  us  for a sausage sanga and social  natter,
    you  never  know  you  may  even  see  a  new
    motorbike that may take your eye.

    Speaking  of  BBQ’s,  we  are  still  looking  for
    helpers  for  our  Bunning’s  BBQ  on  Saturday
    3  September, if  you  have a  few spare  hours
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