Page 8 - NLH Newsletter July 2022
P. 8
Special Resolution to Ulysses Club Inc. Constitution
At the Annual General Meeting held
Saturday 9 April 2022, the Special
Resolution to amend the Clauses 19 d)
and 19 e) of the Ulysses Club Inc
Constitution (2015) was put to a vote and
was passed.
The amendment made the following
change to clauses 19.d) and 19.e)
Constitution (2015) – Clause 19
19.a) The Public Officer shall establish and have maintained a register of members of the Club
which shall specify at least the name and address of each person who is a member, the person’s
membership number, and the date on which the person became a member.
b) The register of members shall be kept in New South Wales at the National Administration Office
of the Club.
c) No ordinary member of the club shall be entitled to any information contained in the Members
Register unless authorised by the person about whom the information is sought.
d) The provisions of clause 19 c) shall not apply to any member of the National Committee nor
to any office bearer of a Branch requiring such information for the purposes of the National
Committee or Branch nor to any member requiring information about his or her own entry in
the register.
e) If a member requests that any information contained on the register about the member not
be available for dissemination, that information must not be made available for dissemination
New Amendment to - Clause 19 (d) and 19 (e).
d) The provisions of clause 19 c) shall not apply to any member of the National Committee requiring
such information for the purposes of the National Committee nor to any member requiring
information about his or her own entry in the register. Any office bearer of a Branch, or any ex-
officio office bearer of the Club, who keeps a register of members related to their particular
activities, can have the member information they hold verified by sending their register of members
and a request to verify the data to any member of the National Committee, the Public Officer or the
Administrator at the National Administration Office of the Ulysses Club Inc.
e) All member's information contained in the Register is deemed confidential and is not available for
dissemination, except as provided for in Clause 19.d (above).