Page 11 - NLH Newsletter March 2022
P. 11
Belmont 27 February 2022
There had been a lot of rain on the east coast in the days leading up to the twilight ride. While the
worst of it was north of Newcastle, we had seen plenty of showery days and this day was no different.
When I arrived at Hexham there were others already there. In the end we had 5 bikes and 6 people who
had decided to take a chance on going for a ride that may have left us all very wet.
Todays ride was a fairly simple around the lake ride with only a few diversions. The first took us
through Minmi via Black Hill and then along George Booth Drive to Richmond Vale Road through to
Mulbring. From Mulbring we followed Leggetts Drive through to the Oak at Freemans Waterhole where
we had a break. Surprisingly, the toilets at the Oak were closed, which forced those in need to go
across the road to the service station.
After our break we remounted our bikes and headed toward Cooranbong. There was a section of
roadworks while exiting Cooranbong. This had a 40kph zone and a mobile speed camera was working
in the middle of the work zone. Fortunately, we had been warned by a car going in the other direction
and in any case the camera car was on the other side of the road.
The rest of the ride took us through Wyee and Doyalson North. There were a few rain spots near Wyee
but nothing to be concerned about. After that we turned onto the Pacific Highway and followed it to
Swansea where we were stopped for a little while because the Swansea bridge had opened to let a
boat enter the lake.
Once the bridge was closed it was just a short ride to the Gunya Hotel in Belmont, where we found
those who had driven were already eating. Like most pubs, the meals at the hotel were substantial, but
the food seemed quite good to me. The conversations around me seemed to suggest we have been
infiltrated by a garden club. I’m not sure if this is a hostile takeover or I’m just getting a bit paranoid.
We will have to wait and
It was raining on and off
while we were having
dinner. The road was still
wet in places on the way
home but other than the
few spots near Wyee, we
had not ridden in any rain.
Thanks to those who
attended. I think it was a
successful club ride even
if most of the attendees
didn’t arrive by bike.
.....John L