Page 9 - NLH Newsletter March 2022
P. 9
16th February 2022* Destination: Lake Munmorah
Our third Wednesday ride in February Branch Shirts embroided with
was to Lake Munmorah with morning
tea at Wollombi. Ten bikes headed your name can be purchased now
north along Leggetts Drive to our first
turn left onto Sandy Creek Road. We
rode through Quorrobolong, Ellalong,
Paxton and Millfield to our morning tea
destination at the Wollombi General
Store. The local postman’s ute was
blocking the driveway entrance to the
rear parking area again, so we grabbed
whatever parking spots were available.
Departing Wollombi, we headed south
along George Downs Drive before
reaching Jerry’s at Kulnura to re- Men's & Ladies $40.00
group (remember it’s not a race). Then Contact the Secretary
it was off downhill through Bumble
Hilland the beautiful Yarramalong
A left turn onto Hue Hue Road and
was followed by a right turn at
Bushells Ridge Road which joined up
with Wyee Road. Then it was simply
the case of following Wyee Rd through
to Doyalson and then to Lake How to Join
Munmorah for lunch at the Lake 1. Simply go to and
Munmorah United Bowling Club. install the app, then;
I wasn’t able to stay for lunch but the 2. Hit Search for Your Team, and type in
feedback was disappointing so next NLH Ulysses
time I will be looking for a different 3. Select Sign Up and follow the prompts
location. We still have yet to try 4. You will need to enter your email or
Ourimbah Lisarow RSL club at the phone number, and create a password
bottom of Dog Trap Road. 5. You should receive a confirmation
It was still a great Wednesday ride. email
6. Log In using the password you just
Mark T created.