Page 5 - NLH Newsletter March 2022
P. 5

                                                               Sunday 13  February

                                                                         Tea Gardens
                                                                                   by Jose

    11  bikes,  1  scooter,  2
    Spyders  and  17  people
    met at Hexam Maccas for
    the  ride.    John  and  I
    walked  over  from  the
    Shell servo as our regular
    fill  up  joint  was  not
    accepting  cards  for  the

    We ventured off and rode
    via    Raymond        Terrace
    through  Clarence  Town
    and Seaham to Dungog for
    morning tea.  There was a
    cast  of  thousands  in
    Dungog  and  some  of  us
    decided to miss the coffee order due to the time it would take to receive anything.  I spoke to a boy
    working at the café who told me it was the busiest they had been in some time which bodes well for
    the town.  Kerry joined us at Dungog, due to not quite getting the start time right and missing us at
    Hexham – so 1 more bike and rider!   One of the spyders returned home at that point so it left us
    with the same number of people we initially started with.

    All back on our steeds for the ride through from Dungog to Stroud.  Oh boy!  It must be one of the
    worst roads I have ridden on lately and I am sure I lost some fillings due to the bumpiness of the
    road.  It is such a pity that the roads are not upkept as without all the potholes, patches on patches
    and bumps, the ride would be magnificent.
                                          We  caught  up  with  the  ride  leader  near  Stroud  and  from  there
                                          onwards  towards  Booral  then  Bulahdelah  –  another  good  riding
                                          road and in somewhat better condition than the one from Dungog
                                          to Stroud.  It was then on to the highway down to Tea Gardens for

                                          We  were  joined  by  Michael  and  Colleen  and  Deb  and  Pete  for
                                          lunch and our numbers swelled to 21.  The pub was busy as usual
                                          but the lunches were promptly catered for by the kitchen and staff
                                          and none of us had to wait long to eat.

                                          A  great  day  and  many  thanks  to  Mark  for  leading  the  ride  and
                                          Roger for performing tail end Charlie duties.

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