Page 3 - NLH Newsletter March 2022
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Presidents On a sadder note we lost one of our members in
December with the passing of Les Paterson, who
will be fondly remembered by many of our members
Report and missed by all.
From all reports we will have a good attendance by
Another Branch year comes to a close this month our members at the National Rally in Warwick which
with our AGM to be held on March 12. We were all will kick off on Monday 4 April 2022 and finish on
hoping and praying for an end to the Covid Sunday 10 April 2022. There is still time to book if
epidemic, but that was not to be. I think we got you have not done so as yet, but accommodation
through this year fairly well with some disruptions may be getting a bit tight.
but not to the same level as the previous year. I I hope to see you at our monthly Social Meeting and
must congratulate and thank our committee for their Branch AGM at the Wallsend Diggers Sports Club
efforts last year, running a branch is a team effort on Saturday 12 March, dinner will be at 6PM
and everyone on the Committee did their part. I followed by a Social Meeting and Annual General
must make a special mention of my wife Colleen Meeting at 7PM.
who will be stepping down from the Committee this
year after 4 years as the Secretary for the Branch, Keep healthy and safe Mike Abberfield #8158
my thanks and the thanks of the members are
extended to her.
At our last Branch committee meeting we decided
to make a donation of $800.00 to UCARF which will
leave the Branch with a good balance in our bank
account to provide for operations through 2022. We
also decided to have an overnight ride in March, Happy birthday to-
which will travel to Forster on Sunday 27 and
overnight in Forster with a ride home on Monday
28 with a stop at the Nabiac Motorcycle Museum.
A poster will appear in this newsletter and will also
be placed on Facebook and Teamapp.
Looking back on the 2021 year I am reminded of
many successful activities that the Branch did and
some of these were as follows:
Attend the Ulysses AGM in Orange in May
Christmas in July at Nambucca Heads
Hold a Bunnings BBQ raffle that donated
$650.00 to UCARF
Hold monthly public relations BBQ’s at
Hold a Branch Christmas Dinner
Hold our Australia Day BBQ and Cricket
match at Stockton Happy Wedding Anniversary to the
As well as the above activities we maintained a following members and their
monthly ride calendar as well as monthly Sunday partners-
coffee mornings.