Page 7 - NLH Newsletter March 2022
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moved to reside by the beautiful Lake Macquarie. We have aligned ourselves with the Lower Hunter
Branch and around seven years ago now, we instigated the first Wednesday of the month, midweek
rides. Along the way I have been awarded a Dearnley Medal for services to the Club. I’ve also been
keen on the branch getting involved with playing the odd cricket match.
Ken George Member #69802
Nomination for position of Committee
My lifelong interest in riding motorcycles began with the riding of primitive
ag bikes on the family farm at about age 12 and has remained a lifelong
interest with me. For me it has always been about the buzz of the ride, not so
much the machine, I didn’t care what it was, I had a need for speed, it just
had to go like stink! Needless to say, I had one or two crashes and
involvements with the long arm of the law but I survived unscathed by the
grace of God. Marriage and children brought about a maturity in the way I
rode but it also meant being without a motorcycle for period or two.
Retirement and a move to Newcastle from NZ provided the perfect
opportunity to get serious about riding again. I joined NLH Ulysses in September 2020 and greatly
enjoy the rides and social events.
Mark Paynter Member #62789
Nomination for position of Committee
My name is Mark Paynter I am mechanic by trade currently working as a
teacher at TAFE. I have been around motorcycles most of my life from
building mini bikes to dirt bikes then onto road bikes later in my life.
My wife, Ness, also rides and we enjoy touring our great country.
I joined the Ulysses Club in 2013 quickly became involved in Tamworth
Branch activities progressing on to the committee and then President for a
couple of years.
Since moving to Lake Macquarie I have joined up with NLH branch.
Last year I volunteered for the MAOTY adjudicator role working with Rob
Hunt and NATCOM on selecting worthy motor cycle apprentices for the award.
I look forward to working with the committee of NLH branch this year.