Page 3 - NLH Newsletter February 2022
P. 3

Presidents                                     Have  you  registered  for  the  Ulysses  Rally  in
                                                              Warwick yet? I completed mine a week ago and
                                                              have  booked  accommodation  for  the  event,  I
                    Report                                    think  some  accommodation  is  getting  hard  to

                                                              find so if  you  are interested in going  I  suggest
                                                              you  get  things  organized  as  soon  as  you  can.
    Hard  to  believe  that  we  are  into  the  second       Pete  and  Deb  Hill  have  also  booked  and  are
    month  of  2022,  won’t  be  long  and  we  will  be      getting a group booking together for those who
    heading into autumn when riding conditions will           are camping on site, if this is your desire contact
    be  more  bearable.  Having  said  that  I  have  not     them to be included in the group. It will be great
    been on my bike for over two months and have              to have a AGM Rally again after several years of
    made  the  hard  decision  to  put  the  VFR  on  the     cancellations due to the impacts of Covid.
    market  and  then  look  for  a  lighter  model  that
    will be easier on my hips and back. I will try and        Our monthly social meeting will be on Saturday
    venture on some shorter rides in the interim just         evening  the  12   February  at  Wallsend  Diggers
    to keep my enthusiasm going.                              Sports  Club  with  meals  being  available  from
                                                              6PM and meeting from 7PM.
     Over the past month we have had quite a few of           Keep healthy and safe.
    our  members  catch  the  dreaded  Covid  and
    thankfully all have made full recoveries and are                                       Mike Abberfield #8158

    once again able to participate in our activities. I
    remember it was not that long ago that I could
    not name anyone I knew who had caught Covid,
    but now it is the opposite where the list is quite
    During January the Branch had several rides but
    the standout event for the month was the annual                     Happy birthday to-
    Australia  Day  BBQ  and  cricket  match  at
    Stockton.  Great  to  see  so  many  members  and
    visitors turn up for the day. Many thanks to Big

    John  McGrath  and  Bob  Locus  for  working  the
    BBQ on the day, the sausages and onions were
    done to perfection. Several people popped in for
    short visits, great to see Carol Cameron and Fay
    Shepherd  and  a  special  thanks  for  Kerry
    McLeish for their visits. The cricket match was
    once  again  a  very  competitive  event,  but  the
    effort  of  the  day  must  go  to  Jose  for  her
    attempted catch in the outfield, not taken but a              Happy Wedding Anniversary to the
    spectacular dive. I don’t know about anyone else              following members and their
    but  I  had  muscle  aches  and  pains  for  several          partners-
    I would like to remind members that the Branch
    AGM  will  be  held  on  12   March  and  the
    nominations are to be into the Secretary by 12
    February. To date we have nominations in for all
    positions  but  if  anyone  is  interested  in
    nominating  contact  Colleen  for  a  nomination

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