Page 5 - NLH Newsletter February 2022
P. 5

Sunday Ride

                                                                        East Maitland

                                                                   9  February 2022

    Our  Second  Sunday  ride  in
    January  was  to  East  Maitland
    with morning tea at Greta.

    We       departed       McDonalds
    Hexham  at  9.00am  with  five
    bikes  and  eight  riders.  It  was
    good  to  have  Debbie  and
    Dallas join us on the ride. We
    rode  up  the  Pacific  Highway
    and  onto  the  New  England
    Highway. We then took the M1
    turnoff  onto  John  Renshaw
    Drive,  riding  through  to  Kurri
    Kurri,  Lovedale  and  onto

                                                         After  morning  tea  Vince  and  Del  took  us  on  a
                                                         tour of Greta to show us their block of land on
                                                         which  they  intend  to  build  on  later  this  year.
                                                         Vince  then  lead  the  way  to  Elderslie  Road  to
                                                         continue our ride.
                                                         We  then  rode  out  to  East  Gresford  and  onto
                                                         Vacy,  Paterson,  Tocal  and  arriving  at  East
                                                         Maitland for lunch.

    Lunch  was  at  the
    Hunter  River  Hotel
    and      we       were
    joined for lunch by
    Mike,         Colleen,
    John,  Lisa,  Simon,
    Julie, and Glenda.

    After  lunch  we  all
    turned  in  different
    directions  to  make
    our      own       way


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