Page 9 - NLH Newsletter February 2022
P. 9

                2  February 2022*  Destination: Patonga??

    I hopped out of bed at 7:20 am and took a look out the window. The view to the south was totally miserable, exactly
    the same as yesterday, so I made the coffee and climbed back into bed. No such luck yesterday! Yesterday was
    the first Wednesday of the month and that meant our ride day. Because the rain was not bucketing down there was
    a chance it may recede or even go away. Who knows, I thought. In an hour it may be all gone. So, with that hope in
    mind, I headed out to Freemans’ Waterhole, todays’ meeting spot, wondering who would be there.

    Upon arrival I saw there were two members of our group and
    I made three, then another arrived. One was Gary Hughes
    who stated he was only there for a coffee then going back
    home because he “thought the ride day was next week”! So,
    as  9:30  was  nearing,  we  had  a  discussion  about  our
    destination. It was to have been Fish and Chips at Patonga.
    Mark Thomas had contacted me on Monday night to inform
    that the fish and chip shop was closed indefinitely. So, on
    went  the  thinking  cap and I  rang Ettalong RSL  Club.  This
    became the new destination. During our chat, the other two,
    Paul and Peter, could not be talked out of calling off the ride!
    We left at 9:30 something for morning tea at the Corrugated
    Cafe  after  getting  Gary  to  take  a  photo  of  the  three
    participants for the newsletter. By the time we arrived at the base of Bumble Hill I pulled over to test the mood of the
    group. It had not stopped raining since we set out and to the South, it appeared to be getting a lot worse. Peter had
    never experienced the service at the Corrugated and said he wanted to give it a go. Paul said “why not” so we

    On arrival at Peats Ridge, we ordered our M/T and I purposely saw we took our time. I Told Paul I had intended to
    stop in at Central Coast Motorcycles on my way home after Ettalong. Paul said let’s go there now and think about
    Ettalong while at Gosford. The rain eased a bit during our bike shop visit and after more discussion, the West
    Gosford RSL around the corner from where we were, became the latest lunch destination! We arrived there ten
    minutes before lunch went off at two o clock.

    After some bonding and a lot of chat by me, the other two are more reserved, it was decided to call an end to
    todays’ excitement and head to our respective homes. Co-incidentally we all lived in the same direction so, up the
    hill to join the freeway and then we sat on 110kph all the way to the Toronto turn off. Just to show who was boss on
    this ride, we had non-stop rain all the way. The only thing out of the ordinary that happened was, when we were
                                                  about  to  leave  morning  tea,  a  bloke  approached  and  asked  who
                                                  owned the Bonneville? When Peter fessed up, the bloke said do you
                                                  want a set of genuine panniers, hardly used, for a song? Pete was
                                                  driven just up the road to have a look and decided they would be
                                                  good and he would buy them, and the bloke brought him back. Then
                                                  he offered a pair of hardly used exhaust pipes!.....

                                                  About an hour later I pulled into my driveway at 4:15pm, happy to be
                                                  home  but  not  sorry  for  having  done  the  ride.  I  reckon  you  can’t
                                                  afford to not have rain riding experience and I do rather enjoy the
                                                  challenge it presents.
                                                                                             Till next time, Ken Taylor.
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