Page 40 - RidingOn156 SPRING 2022
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Telemachus Award #160 nomination had been approved and that a presentation pack
had been sent consisting of a Telemachus Award certificate,
Donald Pearson #1402 an enamelled Telemachus Medal, a large cloth patch similar
in design to the medal and a new Ulysses membership card
Tweed Border Branch Ulysses stating that Don was the 160th recipient of this award.
Club Inc. The committee decided that the most appropriate time to
present the award to Don was at the Branch’s June monthly
meeting and AGM.
In February ‘22 a unanimous decision was reached by the The Ulysses National President was to make the presentation
Tweed Border Branch committee to apply to the National but unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances he was
Committee for a Telemachus Award to be presented to long- unable to attend.
time member Don Pearson #1402. NatCom advised how we Member turnout for the meeting was quite good, though no
should proceed with the nomination.
doubt would have been significantly higher if members had
The criteria were straight forward: The nomination should known that one of our members was to receive a nationally
reflect Don’s long-term commitment, not only to our Branch, recognised award.
but also his service to the Ulysses Club Inc.
The meeting opened with the Branch President asking if
These criteria were easily met. Don has been an active member #1402 was present and Don duly responded. The
member of our branch for more than 10 years, having presentation then commenced, much to Don’s surprise and
served as Branch President for three years and as a regular delight and when asked to respond, those present will testify
committee member and newsletter editor. He has also that it was the first and only time Don has been lost for
organised many Branch day rides and longer overnight words! All agreed that the award was very well deserved and
trips and continues to do so. As an ex-Telstra employee, as is so often the case, it is the quiet achievers that make
he also assists members with installation of UHF radio Clubs like ours such a pleasure to be a part of.
communications on their motorcycles which contributes Heartfelt congratulations Don!
to the safety and enjoyment of our riders. Don has also
attended more AGM/Rallies than any other member in our President: Errol Fletcher #64501
Branch and has been an enthusiastic volunteer at most of Secretary: Alan Jones #29149
them. Committee: Paul Higgins #68913
Committee/Social: Deidre Warrian #62552
The application was completed and signed by all Branch Committee/Newsletter: Richard Holloway #69778
committee members and forwarded to NatCom for
consideration. Shortly afterwards, we were informed that our