Page 29 - RidingOnSummer
P. 29
The 24th Melbourne Branch Autumn Ice Run
Despite many interruptions caused by that damn virus, we the Tawonga Gap (where two kangaroos crossed my path)
had the 24th consecutive Autumn Alpine Tour (Ice Run) on and refuelled at Mt Beauty before reaching our destination at
the 22nd and 23rd May 2021. We rode the traditional route via Tawonga.
the Tambo Valley over Mt Hotham (the highest sealed road in
Victoria) and the traditional timing of late May to cross before We the settled into our accommodation at the Mountain Creek
the road closed to motorcycles during the snow season. We also Motel, where we also enjoyed our meal on site. I was so busy
stayed near Mt Beauty which was the original overnight venue enjoying the camaraderie etc that I really didn’t check out the
back in 1998. venue very well, but I did enjoy the stay.
In all, 22 people took part and 19 stayed overnight at Tawonga. 6XQGD\ PRUQLQJ DUULYHG DOO WRR VRRQ :H SDFNHG DQG URGH R
We had Ulysses members from Macedon Ranges, Melbourne, on a sunny but cold crisp morning through Happy Valley to
South Gippsland and Sale (part of the time) and it was great to Myrtleford where we stopped for breakfast. From there it was
have such a mix of people. DORQJ WKH 6QRZ 5RDG WR 2[OH\ DQG GRZQ WR :KLW¿HOG ZKHUH ZH
took a short rest break. I must admit to simply looking around
The word “Ice” was apt as I set out on Saturday morning. as we rode up the King Valley and marvelling about what a
It was zero degrees and frost was very evident as I rode via beautiful place we live in. We the then climbed the delightful
5RZYLOOH WKURXJK ZKLWH IURVWHG YDOOH\V RQ P\ ZD\ WR WKH 2FHU curves up to Whitlands with some spectacular views and on to
start point (you Victorians have some interestingly named 7ROPLH , WKHQ WXUQHG R WKH WUDGLWLRQDO URXWH DQG ZH URGH GRZQ
places..Ed). Everyone arrived on time, and we were able to get WR 0DQV¿HOG YLD %DUZKLWH DQG WKH GHVFHQW DQG RSHQ URDG JDYH
moving promptly. We rode east along the highway in cold and us more great views with less speed restrictions.
sunny conditions to Longwarry, left the highway and used back
roads via places such as Buln Buln and Shady Creek. The views We were basically running early, so it was just a quick fuel stop
from the ridges were great and showed lots of fog down in the DW 0DQV¿HOG DQG WKHQ LW ZDV RQ WR <HD ZKHUH ZH DOO VWRSSHG IRU
/DWUREH 9DOOH\ :H PDGH JRRG WLPH WR +H\¿HOG , ZDV JODG P\ lunch and ran into Melbourne member, Theo, which was great.
new heated gloves were working. From there on it warmed :H WKHQ ELG HDFK RWKHU IDUHZHOO DV SHRSOH ZHQW R LQ YDULRXV
up a bit. We enjoyed a break, a warm drink, exchanged tales directions to home. Holly and Barry accompanied me down
DERXW WKH FROG DQG PHW XS ZLWK $OI DQG *HR IURP WKH 6RXWK the Melba Hwy. By getting to the head of a queue caused by
Gippsland Branch. My son, Michael, also met us, along with roadworks at the Yea River, Glenburn, I had a simply delightful
ride to Bruthen. then bid each other farewell in the outer eastern suburbs and
made our way home.
Michael led the way and “piloted” the route to Bruthen via
some fantastic back roads. We rode past the weir on Lake I had a thoroughly enjoyable weekend and wish to thank all
Glenmaggie, skirted the Avon Wilderness area and found our who came along. Over the two days Stewart, Samuel and
way to the Great Alpine Road via Glenaladale and Wy Yung. We Richard did tail end duties to share the load – Thanks. Others
WXUQHG R DJDLQ DW 6DUV¿HOG DQG HQMR\HG VRPH PRUH GHOLJKWIXO who came along were Richard’s brother Ian, Jack, Tez &
scenery via Tambo Upper before stopping at Bruthen for lunch Shamus, Carlo & Jacko, Andrew, Samuel and Colin.
and fuel. We met up with Holly, Barry, Nev and Scott who had
set out a day earlier. After an exchange of disgraceful lies and Whilst I enjoyed the challenge of the traditional timing, the
JUHHWLQJV ZH ELG IDUHZHOO WR 'HERUDK *HR DQG 0LFKDHO DQG issues with ice and potential dangers and possible road closures
rode north. We rode the Tambo River valley to Swifts Creek, etc, have led to me revert to an earlier Autumn Alpine Run
turned left and climbed up to Omeo via Cassilis. Next year. We are planning to run the 25th consecutive Autumn
Alpine Run on 26 and 27 March 2022 and stay at the Mountain
We regrouped at Omeo and then rode through some lovely Creek Motel in Tawonga again. Check branch website for
high country on great sweeping roads to Mt Hotham, where we details.
stopped for a break and a drink. There was a bit of snow about,
“chains must be carried”. We had a photo stop at Danny’s
lookout and the views were fantastic with the clear skies. We Camaraderie
then rode down to Harrietville. Unfortunately, two bikes had Hospitality
a “little lie down” on black ice shortly after we started the Enjoyment
descent. Happily, no one was seriously injured. Once regrouped, Exploring
we followed the Ovens Valley via Smoko to Freeburg, rode over Rallying (together)
Support (ing) each other