Page 30 - RidingOnSummer
P. 30

RUOK Day 2021 was 9th September. The following story should   couldn’t appreciate
        serve as a warning to all, that, we need to ask the RUOK   them, just don’t
        question every day. The problem of someone who is termed a   remember him telling them”.
        ‘loner’, and ends up leaving without anything even resembling
        a whisper, is not an uncommon happening. Please read the   ³*UHJ KDG D WHUUL¿F PHPRU\ IRU QDPHV DQG SODFHV  SOXV D PRUH
        VWRU\ RI *UHJ %HQQHW        DQG WKHQ PDNH D FRQFHUWHG H໤RUW   than average knowledge of mechanics, especially with cars and
        within your own Ulysses family to ensure your mates are safe.  bikes”.
        Neville Poulter #23669, Macarthur Branch member, last rode   ³7KH PRUH , UHÀHFW RQ KLV OLIH  , UHDOLVH KH PXVW KDYH KDG
        with his friend Greg, in early December of 2020. Neville tried   a lonely, somewhat sad existence at times. This is why
        to contact Greg over the Christmas New Year period without   his involvement with us in the Macarthur Ulysses Branch must
        success. Nev didn’t panic, he was just a little concerned as his   have helped him at a lot. Sadly for him, everywhere he went
        friend hadn’t said anything about going away.         on social outings or events, he was a loner, so when he came
                                                              home it was just him and no one else to share the highs
        On the Third of January 2021, still concerned for his friend’s   and lows of his day, and this being the case for years. Even
        uncharacteristic silence, Neville spoke to Greg’s neighbour   birthdays and Christmas’s must have been a struggle with no
        learning that Greg had passed away around the 12th    one in the house to share them with“.
        of December and had already been cremated at a non
        attendance funeral. Neville was told that Greg had passed away   “The signs of mental health issues were visible, but we weren’t
        from natural causes. However, Greg had been deceased for   sure what else could be done. His family became involved along
        some days before the alarm was raised and he was discovered.  with social services, but, I think the damage was long done”.
        Neville tells us about his friend.                    “Perhaps his doctor could have been more proactive in
                                                              diagnosing his mental state earlier? Maybe he/she did? Of
        “Greg was born on 19th July 1949 and grew up in Rockdale   course, we aren’t to know what the conversations were with
        NSW. He had a Brother and Sister, been married but divorced.   Greg and his doctor. We do know that ‘the Black Dog’ keeps
        +H KDG UHWLUHG IURP KLV MRE DV D FRUUHFWLRQV R໥FHU DW   things to itself, very often to the detriment of the individual”.
        Campbelltown Court. He often regaled us with endless stories
        of the ‘crooks’ he had met and their antics. Sadly, his ex-  “Greggie was invited to all social events, always got involved
        workmates were also unaware of his passing”.          and genuinely liked being around others, except maybe toward
                                                              the end. I’ve often said, that in his case, he was better having
        “Greggie joined The Ulysses Club in May of 2006. He was a   his part-time job, that at least gave him an interaction with
        quiet sort of a bloke with a great sense of humour, as well as   people and occupied his thoughts during those days. The
        having a great range of general knowledge. He was always up   trouble was, that to re-skill plus do all the compliance courses
        for a laugh and happily joined in with the endless chitchat when   required at his time of life, was too much (I understand that for
        out on his bike. Those rides with his mates were happy times…  sure)”.
        times that we all enjoyed.
                                                              “I guess we’ve all learnt some lessons on what to look for
        “He had a bad accident about 5 years ago and after that he   in people in these situations, but, how much we can get
        QHYHU KDG WKH VDPH FRQ¿GHQFH ULGLQJ DJDLQ  +RZHYHU  KH GLG   involved (or are legally allowed to) I’m not sure? At the end of
        ride until the very end of his life. His favoured bike was an FJR   the day, Greggie couldn’t see a way out and had in my view,
        Yamaha, but he had many bikes over the years. That said, I   given up. The ‘Black Dog’ is a real disease and couple that with
        know that now he’ll be riding a Triumph, as that’s all they have   poor physical health, plus other issues, makes it a deadly mix”.
        in Heaven!”
                                                              From Bob Baker #25411.
        “Look, Greg may have a sad ending, but he also enjoyed many
        years of friendship with his Ulysses mates. Without his being a   Neville & Dennis beautifully expressed their memories of Greg,
        part of the Macarthur Branch and his connection with people   but I would like to add a little on the lighter side. Unfortunately,
        with kindred interests, Greg may well have left this life much   due to his stature (short legs) and owning a tall FJR and then
        HDUOLHU DQG ZLWK D ORW OHVV IXO¿OPHQW  +H ZLOO EH JUHDWO\ PLVVHG´   an MT09 Tracer, he spent a lot of time picking up his bike... with
        Another of Greg’s friends, Dennis Eagles #22199, gives us
        further insight.                                      In August 2015, he rode with me and my lovely pillion across
                                                              the Nullarbor and back. He didn’t drop the bike every time we
        ³*UHJJLH ZDV D YHU\ SULYDWH SHUVRQ DQG VHOGRP R໤HUHG   stopped, but, we got better at picking it up as time progressed.
        information about his family unless particularly asked about it.   I know he thoroughly enjoyed the long trip and we certainly
        He would mention his marriage with sadness and regret. He   enjoyed his company.
        spoke of his brother, a keen car enthusiast, and, he also had a
        sister who came to his aid not long before he died”.  As mentioned above, he worked at the local Court House
                                                              handling the transfer of prisoners. His co-workers nicknamed
        “My recollection was that Greg loved to talk about his youth,   him the EIGHTH DWARF, ‘’SHITTY’’ and presented him with an
        there were cars, bikes and trips he did”.             engraved badge which he wore with pride.
        “I can’t recall what he said he did employment wise in those   I feel the happiest time of his life was whilst spending time with
        early days”.                                          his mates at Macarthur Ulysses. We all miss him.
        “Greggie was always polite to the ladies, loved the banter and   Riding On thanks the Macarthur Branch for sharing the story of
        laughs we shared. He wasn’t someone who used bad language   Greg Bennet #43797, with us.
        and I don’t remember him telling dirty jokes, not saying he

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