Page 32 - RidingOnSummer
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weather gear! As we hit the suburbs, the ride group began to display, the Museum houses an excellent collection of motor
VSOLW XS DW WUDF OLJKWV EXW DOO HYHQWXDOO\ DUULYHG DW :KLWHPDQ cycles and some 4000 scale models, many being recently
Park ready to take in the Motor Museum. A big bonus for donated to the Museum under the Cultural Gift Scheme. The
the Ulysses members who took part was that the tour guide Museum is for the most part self-funded and operates with
was museum manager, Patric O’Callaghan, former Ulysses D OLPLWHG EXGJHW RQ D QRW IRU SUR¿W EDVLV ,W UHOLHV ODUJHO\ RQ
member and total good guy with a wealth of knowledge on the revenue received from entry fees, donations, and assistance
collection. from organisations such as the Council of Motoring Clubs and
The Motor Museum of Western Australia opened its doors to volunteers who work tirelessly to ensure the Museum is kept
WKH SXEOLF RQ 'HFHPEHU DQG ZDV RFLDOO\ RSHQHG RQ open to the public seven days a week.
02 April 1995. The museum was dedicated to the late Percy
Markam (1913-1994) in appreciation of his contribution to the In hindsight, it was a blessing that we had only one group
historic vehicle movement in Western Australia. for the tour, it took nearly 3 hours as we walked around the
classic and wonderful collection. Those who had not been to
The Motor Museum of Western Australia is governed by the the museum before left in awe while others that had previously
Motor Museum of WA Trust (Inc) and is manned by volunteers visited, once again realised what a gem we have in WA.
drawn from over ninety member car clubs. It houses one of
the largest collections of privately owned motor vehicles and A late lunch was had at the park café by most before a dry ride
motoring memorabilia in Australia. The collection of around back to Muresk for the Sunday nights activities.
180 vehicles includes examples of motor vehicles dating from
the early 1900’s though to the present day and provides an Ken Eaton #51189
excellent visual timeline of the rich motoring heritage that has
helped shape the state of Western Australia as we know it today
In addition to the diverse range of passenger vehicles on