Page 31 - RidingOnSummer
P. 31

s part of the Muresk Odyssey 2021, a group ride   Sunday was
                    event was organised from the Muresk site to The   very bleak,
                    Motor Museum of Western Australia, which is   with a cold
             Alocated at Whiteman Park, a unique recreation    front and
            and conservation reserve that covers nearly 4,000 hectares   morning
            of natural bushland and leisure facilities in Perth’s northern   storms
            suburbs.                                           predicted
                                                               to lash
            The proposed ride, with discounted museum entry and   over Perth
            guided tour, was very popular on registration with a total of   and hills.
            35 Odyssey participants ready to join in. With such a large   With that
            group it was planned to break the ride into two groups, one   in mind, a
            control of the museum tour numbers. A couple of Saturdays   museum
            leading up to the Odyssey were spent by the two ride   ride group
            leaders plotting and checking interesting 100km routes that   decided to
            would take around 90 minutes through the Darling Rangers,   drop out, leaving around 24 hardy riders
            the mountains overlooking Perth, to the lowlands.  ready to face the elements, come rain or hail. Quick change
                                                               of plans and the two groups were combined to make just
            On the Odyssey weekend, the Friday and Saturday weather   the one Sunday ride event.
            was fantastic, with many members spending their time
            riding the roads around the farmlands of Northam, York and   Looking west early Sunday morning, we could see the dark
            Beverley. Late Saturday afternoon however, the forecast for   weather approaching, with reports that it was bucketing
                                                                     down in Perth. Most of the group opted for their
                                                                     wet weather gear for as you know, if you put it on,
                                                                     LW ZRQ¶W UDLQ  /HDYLQJ 0XUHVN  WKH ¿UVW VWRS ZDV
                                                                     a 25km run to fuel a few bikes that had been left
                                                                     thirsty from the Saturday rides. All was well until
                                                                     around 500 metre from the service station the
                                                                     rain spots appeared on the visors, followed by a
                                                                     downpour as we just managed to get under cover. A
                                                                     WHQ PLQXWH ZDLW  ELNH ¿OOHG DQG HYHU\RQH VDLG OHWV JR
                                                                     as the clouds parted and some blue sky appeared.
                                                                     With wet country roads a fairly cautious but
                                                                     enjoyable ride followed taking in some of the
                                                                     favourite roads used by WA Branches. By sheer
                                                                     luck, apart from the initial rain patch, the rest of the
                                                                     ride was dry, maybe there is something about wet

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