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Sefer Chafetz Chayim                                                                    םייח ץפח רפס
                                    Ilustrative Examples
                                         Example 4-5                                                                      ריאי תוח תבושת

                “Do not place a stumbling block in the path of a blind person.”
                Chazal have taught (in the Torat Kohanim commentary on sefer
                Vayikrah 19:14) not to give anyone advice that is inappropriate for
                them.  Yet there are people who commit this very sin because of
                some personal interest and this is a profound sin.  Their drive for                                  ריאי תוח תבושת
                money leads them to violate this Lav of the Torah.

                Daily Halacha: 26 Tevet, 26 Eyar, 26 Elul;   Leap Year- 7 Shevat, 16 Eyar, 26 Elul       לכ  לודגש  ןויכ  :ארוקה  יניעב  אלפי  אלש  ידכו
                                                                                                         ,םירבד תאנוא לש ןכו ,ערה ןושל לש רוסאה ךכ
                E3/4 - Third Illustrative Example: If he (the observer) sees someone
                (Reuven)  wanting  to  marry  someone  and  the  observer  knows                         ,הרואכל ,האריש םימעפ המכ ארמגב וניצמ המל
                Reuven has a serious shortcoming, as I will define the term “serious                     יתחקפ הז לע םג ?רבחל רטנקמ דחא ארומאש
                shortcoming” further on in the 6  example, and the future bride’s
                father is unaware of this problem, and if he became aware of it he                       "ריאי  תווח"  תבושת  הז  תמחמ  יתקתעהו  ,יניע
                would not go forward with the marriage, the observer can make that                       ימצעב  יתצרת  םירמאמ  הברה  םגו  ,רפסה  ףוסב
                disclosure to him.  However, someone who studies this carefully
                has to pay close attention because there are many conditions that                                 .םש ריעז ,םש ריעז ,רפסה ךותב
                must be satisfied before the observer can allow himself the license
                to make this disclosure as I will explain further on.  Also one may                   יתבתכש ומכ ב"נק ןמיסב ריאי תוח תבושת קיתעמ יכנא הנה
                not  rationalize  for  himself  and  transpose  this  leniency  from  one                                  :החיתפה ףוסב
                situation to another situation.

                Before beginning an explanation of this law in all of its detail I will                                       :הלאש
                first  remove all the common misconceptions people have (about
                what they are permitted to say without violating any of the laws                     רמאנו ,ןיעמשנ תחנב םימכח ירבדד רחא ,יתלאשנ
                of  forbidden  speech).   Truthfully,  even  though  they  need  not  be             וניצמ ךיא ,ךלשכ ךילע ביבח ךריבח דובכ יהי הנשמב
                written in book form because they are so very obvious and require
                no knowledge of Talmud or specific reasoning, still, because of the                  ביכשו םיינ דכ ןינעכ :ס"שב םילוזלזו םירוטנק םימעפל
                enormity of the damage that is caused by it, that people believe that
                it is permissible and that they have license to say whatever they                    הנהכו  ,יתכוד  המכב  רמאנה  ,אתעמש  אהל  רמא  בר
                want,  I  am  compelled  to  explain  the  enormous  (self-)  deception                                        .םיבר
                of habitual speakers of Lashon Hara in this matter.  Perhaps with
                G-d’s help this will help to remove some of the magnitude of this
                “blindness.”  This is the task that I have set for myself here with                                           :הבושת
                G-d’s help.
                                                                                                     םימכח ידימלת וארקנש פ"עא יאדו יכ ,תלאש הפי
                E3/5.  (Emphatically) How so very much must a person be wary
                of bad character traits, that people routinely defame one side (of                   תוקעצהו םידוקירה דצמ אל ,ב"ב 'סמב םילבוח לבבבש

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