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Sefer Chafetz Chayim                  םייח ץפח רפס
 Ilustrative Examples                      םירויצ
 Example 11                                 ו רויצ

 is very familiar with the listener’s personality and knows that he will take    ז"עהאב  בטיה  ןייעו  .ויתובא  השעמ  תונגב  )ו(
 matters into his own hands and will act based on what he hears), that is only
 where he (where only one person) has no license to provoke an outcome   .א"י ןטק ףיעסב םש לאומש תיבבו ה"ס 'נ ןמיסב
 based on his report that a Beit Din would not have implemented in that same
 situation; please see that referenced halacha.  But here in our discussion,
 even if only a solitary witness testified about someone in Beit Din and said
 that she (the bride) had a significant medical illness, still, it is possible that   .לולא ז"כ ,רייא ז"י ,טבש 'ח - תרבועמ הנש    .לולא ז"כ ,רייא ז"כ ,תבט ז"כ - הטושפ הנש :ימוי חול
 there is no prohibition barring the groom from breaking the engagement
 based on the witness’ \ the speaker’s “report” and there is no obligation
 on his (the groom’s) part to compensate the bride (the bride’s family) for   םייחה רוקמ
 any embarrassment they may have suffered because the engagement was
 broken.  (Regarding compensation) Please see Ehven HaEzer, section #50    םִא ,'ד ףיִעס תלִּחְתִבּ וּנרְַתִּהֶשּׁ המ ראבל רֹזחנ הָתּעו .ו
 and the commentary there by our Later Authorities (referencing the Pitchei
 Teshuvah, sub paragraph #14), regarding a situation where the bride wants    )לדּבה( הּנִּמ אקְָפנ שׁי יִכּ ,םיִמוּצֲע תוֹנוֹרסח וֹל שׁי ןָתחה
 to break off an engagement claiming that the groom became abhorrant
 to her because of a rumor that surfaced about him.  Therefore, even if    ,וֹפוּגּ יִלח דצִּמ אוּה ןוֹרסִּחה םִא ,וּניהדּ .תוֹנוֹרסחה ןיבּ
 he terminated the engagement because of the speaker’s “report,” he (the    רֶשׁא יִמינְפּ רבדּ אוּהֶשׁ דצִּמ ,וֹתוֹא ריִכּמ וֹניא ןָתּחְמהו
 listener) was within the law in what he did.  But because I have some
 doubts regarding this subject, I did not write above “the report is permitted    )ז( הֶז ןָיְנִע הֶלַּגְמַה לַע ןיֵאְדּ ,אוּה טוּשָׁפּ ,לֹכַּל הָלְגִנ אלֹ
 even if the speaker is certain the groom will unilaterally break off the
 engagement without any valid halachic claim,” instead I only expressed    םיִטרְָפּה )ח( הֶזָבּ וּרְסְחַי אלֶֹּשׁ ךְַא ,תוּליִכרְ רוּסִּא שַׁשֲׁח
 this law in a general sense (“there are occasions when it is permissible to
 disclose information”).   .םייּח םימ ראבִבּ הֹפּ םיִתּרְאבוּ ,'ב ףיִעס 'ט ללכִבּ ל"נּה
                  לע עמְשׁנ םִא ,וּניה ,וֹל תוֹלּגל ךְירִצדּ ,ינֵשׁ ןפֹא שׁי דוֹעו
 (E3/10/2)-(16) .. he may not disclose it to the groom: This is                                                                                                                  VOL-4
 obvious.  Since the speaker does not know this information firsthand but    תוֹלּגל ךְירִצ )ט( ,םוֹלָשְׁו סַח ,תוּסרְוֹקיִפֶּא וֹבּ שֵׁיֶּשׁ ,ןָתָחֶה
 only learned about it from others, how can he possibly rely on this second
 hand information and (potentially) cause a loss to the bride?  Maybe the    לבא ,"ךָימּעבּ ליִכרָ ךְלֵת אלֹ" :ןיִכוּמס וּרְמאנ הז לעו ,וֹל                                    13
 information was  a  lie!   Even  if  the  speaker  tells the  groom-  “I  do  not   ."ךָערֵ םדּ לע דֹמֲעַת אלֹ"
 have first hand knowledge of this, but I heard about her medical condition
 from  someone  else,”  still,  if  the  speaker  knows  it  is  very  possible  the
 groom will rely on this (second hand) “report” and unilaterally break off    שׁיֶּשׁ הרָוֹתּה תמכח טוּעִמ דצִּמ אוּה ןוֹרסִּחה םִא לָבֲא
 his engagement without any investigation of the report’s veracity, it also
 seems to me that this too would be forbidden to disclose to the groom.   לע  דיִסְפִה(  הֵּשְׁפנּא  דיִסְפאדּ  וּהיִאדּ  ,וֹל  תוֹלּגל  ןיא  ,וֹבּ
                  תא וּסּניֶּשׁ ,הרָוֹת ילֲעבּ לצא וֹכיִלוֹהל וֹל היהדּ ,)וֹמְצַע
 Mekor Hachayim   םה ,ןכ הָשׂע םִאו( תעגּמ ןכיה דע ,וֹתעידִיו וֹתמכח חֹכּ
                  רבדּבּ וּצּרְַתנ )י( םידִדצּה ינְשִּׁמ יִכּ ,תמאה רמוֹל םיִכירִצ
 E3/  .    If  an  observer  knows  the  bride’s  family  is  unrestrained
 (by the Torah’s laws, meaning the family is irreligious or not G-d    לכּ דבלוּ( .רבדּבּ הצּרְַתנ - ןכ הָשׂע אלֹדִּמוּ ,)הלִּחְתּכל
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