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is 24 mm long, brown with metallic golden spots, eclosing   10  0LJUDWLRQ
 after 10-14 days, but possibly more in winter and less in
 mid-summer. DB never observed diapause in any of its   Several major discoveries, activities and exceptional weather systems
 metamorphosis stages.  in Arabia - East Mediterranean and North Africa highlighted the late
          2010’s – early 2020’s placing cardui as world’s record migrant:
 3UHGDWRUV  DQG  3DUDVLWRLGV  The black-red-white warning   - The overwintering sites of European cardui in the Sub-Saharan Sahel
 coloration of  cardui adults possibly help them to reduce   belt that was discovered by Talavera & Vila (2016) is equal to Urquart’s   )LJ    - Map of breeding records
 pressure of avians and mammalians predators but not   historical discovery of the Monarch (Danaus plexippus) overwintering in
 against spiders (illustr. 3) and preying mantids. However   Mexico. However, political reasons and civil war prevented Talavera &
 © Dubi Benyamini  © Dubi Benyamini  © Dubi Benyamini  Cotesia vanessae (Braconidae) is the most common   Vila to discover Levant's overwintering sites in S&E Egypt, N&E Sudan, E
 larval parasitoid and together with  Pteromalus puparum   Ethiopia, Somaliland & Arabia. In the short range of up to 300 km S of Eilat
 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 10 - A | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Magenta
 (Chalcididae) pupal parasitoid (illustr. 4) that are still “waking   DB knows that cardui exist in small numbers in every Oasis in the Sinai
 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 10 - A | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Yellow
 #21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 10 - A | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Black
 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 10 - A | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Cyan
 up” in the first brood infect less than 5% of the swarm build-  Peninsula being their overwintering cite. In longer ranges southwards
 up. This number is growing up quickly in later generations   we do not have sufficient data (in late 2021) of cardui overwintering in
 where the toll of all parasitoids may reach 30% of the   Arabia, S Egypt and Sudan except sporadic records of Williams (1930)
 population (Benyamini, 2017d). Other infacting parasitoids   further southward in East Africa and the detailed historical description   )LJ    - Mountly adults' distribution models
 that appeared in low frequencies in Israel are:  Cotesia   of Skertchly (and J. K. Lord) that on March 1869, near Suakin, S Port   source: Menchetti et al., 2019 (with permission).
 vestalis, Diadegma oranginator & Hyposoter didimator (both   Sudan, Red Sea W coast, witnessed mass emergence of a cardui swarm
 Ichneumonidae) det. Mark Shaw.  Brachymeria femorata   (Skertchly, 1879). DB hopes that the  cardui citizen science program   6
 © Dubi Benyamini  © Ofir Tomer
 (Kugler, 1966) and the Tachinid Sturmia bella (Eisenstein,   and better political environment will help in solving this question.
 Pteromalus puparum parasitoids
 1982).    - The creation of huge cardui swarms in the Levant and Arabia following
 4        exceptional weather systems: 1) Red Sea Trough (RST) tropical storms
 5HFRUGHG  KRVWSODQWV  Wild and cultivated plants from   2) Indian Ocean intensifying cyclons that hit southern Arabia and its vast
 many families: Asteraceae -  Arctotis spp. [C],  Atractylis   Rub al Khali Desert 3)  Cross-African Jet stream that lower to surface in
 comosa,  Carduus argentatus,  C.  getulus [L],  Carthamus   subsidence process and convey the migrants to the Rift Valley. Each of
 tenuis,  Centaurea cineraria (=  C.  candidissima) [C],  C.   these synoptic weather systems causes local heavy rains and floods to
 crocodylium, Cirsium spp. [?],  Cousinia hermonis,  Cynara   the southern and eastern vast Deserts where “trillions” of fast-growing
 syriaca, Echinops adenocaulos, E. philistaeus, E. polyceras,   LHPs served as proven & documented bases of cardui build-up swarms   6
 E. spinosissimus, Filago contracta [?], Gundelia tournefortii,   migrating to the Levant and beyond to Europe and West Asia (Benyamini,
 Notobasis syriaca,  Onopordum cynarocephalum,  O.   2017d; Shalmon & Benyamini, 2019). A few figures will explain the
 © Dubi Benyamini  © Dubi Benyamini  © Dubi Benyamini
 cyprium, Ptilostemon chamaepeuce,  Scolymus hispanicus,   enormous size of this phenomenon: Two consecutive cyclones that
 1 1 1  Silybum marianum; Malvaceae - Alcea rosea [C], A. setosa   hit S Arabia in the end of 2018 brought over 600 mm of rain in just
 [L],  Gossypium hirsutum [C], Lavatera cretica,  Malva   24 hours resulting in countless supply of hostplants to gravid  cardui
 aegyptia,  M. neglecta, M.  nicaeensis,  M.  parviflora,  M.   females. Their fast multiplication rate of three weeks (or less) for every
 sylvestris; Boraginaceae -  Arnebia linearifolia,  Echium   brood + up to 500 eggs laid by every female + many available species
 angustifolium; Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) - Diplotaxis harra   of hostplants + high rate success of protected larvae to survive within
 [S]; Cucurbitaceae -  Cucumis sativus var. [C], Lauraceae   their concealed leaf-pods created the cardui “clouds” we witnessed in   7 7 7 7 7
 -  Persea americana  var. [C]; Solanaceae -  Solanum   the whole East Mediterranean in late March – early April 2019. Butterfly
 melongena var. [C]; Urticaceae - Forsskaolea tenacissima,   counts by members of BMS Israel and DB resulted in huge numbers of
 Parietaria judaica [L], Urtica pilulifera, U. urens; Vitaceae -   hundred thousands for one km and up to several billions per day for   © Amir Givati
 Vitis vinifera [C]; Lamiaceae (Labiatae) - Ocimum basilicum   whole Israel. Let us calculate together three examples: 1) In Kibbutz
 [C, L]; Plantaginaceae -  Plantago albicans; Verbenaceae -   Lotan, S Arava, Israel, Shahar Cohen counted on 8 February 2019     7 7 7
 Verbena peruviana var. [C, L].   between 11:30 and 12:00 AM 45 carduis every minute crossing a front
          of  20 m. For 6 hours we get 45x(1000:20)X60X6= 810.000 butterflies
          for every km front. 2) In Um-Zuka N Samarian Desert on 3 April 2019                         ©  Uzi Avner
 'LVWULEXWLRQ  noon time Galit Moshe counted 79 carduis crossing a front of 5 meters
 TL: Sweden. A cosmopolitan species, found throughout   every minute. With similar calculation we get 5.688.000 millions for 6   8
 the Levant, its distribution ranging over all of Europe, Asia,   hours per front of one km. 3) in Mt Gilboa NE Israel on 21 March 2019
 Australia, Africa and from N America to Mexico. Absent from   Israel Pe’er and Noam Kirshenbaum counted in mid-day 150 butterflies
 the Tropics and the rainforests. It has not become resident   every 10 seconds crossing 10 m front. This is 32.4 millions for 6 hours
 in S America, although it penetrates there during migrations.   in every km and for whole Israel 6.4 billions. Indeed on the 21st of
 © Ori Mintzker
          March 2019 dense “clouds” of Painted Ladies crossed the sky of Tel
 11  3 3  Aviv north-westwards and DB estimated their number to be about a                         © Dubi Benyamini
          billion for the whole day (illustr. 5, possibly taken further north).
          - The process of swarm build-up in S Israel was documented step by
          step by DB, possibly for the first time in Winter 2015 – Spring 2016 and                7LJULV 5LYHU
          presented in the 20th SEL congress in Podgora, Croatia (24-30.IV.2017)            (XSKUDWHV 5LYHU
          as one solution for the missing link and Benyamini, 2017d:
          1. First brood (F1) - establishing the base and initial step in Southern
          Arava Rift Valley N Eilat/Aqaba (e.g. 75 km NNE of the Red Sea, Ka
          a Saidin flat depression ~ 100 hectars on both sides of the Israeli –
          Jordanian border) to Uvda Valley ~ 50 km N Red Sea with about 500                   V. cardui PLJUDWLRQ RULJLQV
          hectars, from the end of Oct. to the end of Dec. 2015;
          1.1 – Meteorological combination of high jet stream at the troposphere              V. cardui VSULQJ PLJUDWLRQ
                                                                                              J. orithya PLJUDWLRQ
          with active low Red Sea Trough over SE Mediterranean in autumn 2015                 P. demoleus PLJUDWLRQ
 © Dubi Benyamini  © Dubi Benyamini  © Galit Moshe
                                                                       source: Benyamini, 2017d
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 2Butterflies of the Levant danaidae satyridae.indd   152  12/30/2021   4:27:32 PM  2Butterflies of the Levant danaidae satyridae.indd   153  12/30/2021   4:27:34 PM
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