Page 158 - PARPAR-4
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#21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 10 - B | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Black
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 10 - B | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Yellow
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 10 - B | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Magenta

                   Barcelona by a student of Roger Vila in the CSIC-ES lab.   adjacent Pine, Acacia, Cypress & Ficus trees for overnight                                                                                                                  21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 10 - B | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Cyan
                   (pers. comm.).                                    sleep – illustr. 4                                                                                               7 7                                           8
                   :HVW (XURSH                                       * Yitzhak  Meyuhas of Kibutz Giv’at HaShlosha, C Israel
                   8. - found everywhere, depends on migration from S   is an amateur archeologist, naturalist, spiritual and
                   Europe but usually unable to survive the winters. In late   physical healer, photographer and an extreme “sample”
                   summer “return migration to the butterfly winter breeding   of a lepidopterist that can communicate with butterflies
                   grounds in southern Europe” (Eeles, 2019: 233; Thomas   (but also with ravens and owls)! His story starts on 13
                   & Lewington, 2014: 174). Sometimes  overwinter inside   November 2005 at 12:00 noon time on his way to his                                                                      © Dubi Benyamini
                   houses (Weddington, 1934).                        work at the Kibbutz shop. On the concrete junction of
                   )UDQFH - two annual broods between March and November,   two tracks he saw a Red Admiral busking in the sun with
                   everywhere up to 2600 m in the mountains, but in the   spread wings. This junction is under the canopy and shade
                   south year round above 15°C. The global warming-up   of a large Margosa tree but in November in early-winter it                         Ļ
                   enables them to overwinter in C France by migrants   is leafless and the sun illuminates the track below. Every
                   reinforcements from the south in May-June. In the autumn,   day he saw the Red Admiral on his way to the shop at                                            © Dubi Benyamini                              © Dubi Benyamini
                   part of the 2nd brood migrates southwards to overwinter in   12:00 and again in 16:00 on his way back. He called them
                   warmer biotopes, sometimes in swarms e.g. in Havre on 13   Zrubavel (male) and Zrubavela (female). He saw them                   9 9 9 9 9 9              9                     9 9                              9
                   September 2002, one to five meters above ground at the   every day except cloudy days when they stood with closed
                   rate of 50 specimens every minute; In a mountain cradle   wings or were absent. On 16 March 2006 he photographed
                   north and over La Basilique Notre Dame de Fourvière in   them and succeeded to attract one of them to his extended
                   the old city of Lyon, SE France on 1st October 2021, in a   hand where it landed five times on his palm (Benyamini,
                   sunny windless day, at 13:00 PM, migrating singletons and   2006f & Meyuhas website Zrubavel 2
                   pairs Red Admirals were flying southwards ~ two meters   (Z2) was observed in October 2006; Z3 on 4.11.2007; Z4
                   over the ground at a rate of 30-36 individuals per minute   on 19.10.2008; Z5 on 8.11.2009 to Z13 on 3.11.2016;           © Dubi Benyamini          © Dubi Benyamini     © Dubi Benyamini                 © Dubi Benyamini
                   crossing a four meters front (Adi Kahan, 2021 & pers.   Z14 on 28.11.2017; Z15 in early October 2018 but Z16
                   comm. to DB). It flies also at night and overwinter in old   (or its offspring) was observed only on 21.3.2020 after                                                                                            10
                   houses roofs, rock crevices, near stones, cracks in tree   overwintering. It seems that in this site the Red Admirals
                   barks etc. Overwinter as egg, larva or pupa but mostly as   arrived usually in November, a bit later than in the Negev.
                   an adult (Lafranchis et al., 2015: 442-443).      Yitzhak became famous because of his success to call
                   6: 86$   &HQWUDO &DOLIRUQLD  “There does not appear to   Zrubavels to his hand every year (illustr. 5) but he is
                   be significant latitudinal migration…they overwinter at low   possibly not alone in the world; Almost in the same period
                   elevations as adults and are the most commonly seen   on 7 July 2007 a Red Admiral landed on the shirt collar
                   butterflies from mid-December to early-March…when they   of Dan Southerland near his office when he walked along
                   breed in the local winter… so are probably not in diapause.   busy 19th street NW in Washington DC; to his surprise       © Dubi Benyamini          © Dubi Benyamini     © Leah Benyamini                 © Leah Benyamini
                   There appears to be upslope migration into the Sierra   the butterfly did not left him during the next hour or more                                                                                             11
                   around June” (A. M. Shapiro – pers. comm. to DB).  when his picture was snapped with his little friend at a
                   1( 86$   3KLODGHOSKLD DQG 1HZ <RUN  “Its migration can be   photography shop, next he took him to a restaurant and                                                                                         © Dubi Benyamini
                   conspicuous in the NE USA, where they migrate in spring   then called his wife from the steakhouse to tell her that he
                   from further south; as early as late March arriving to Ithaca,   was coming home early with a butterfly. He managed to get
                   NY not until May” (A. M. Shapiro pers. comm. to DB).  into a cab “without dislodging his passenger. The butterfly
                                                                     shifted from his collar to his necktie” until he arrived to his
                                                                     house in Maryland. To his amazement day after day after
                   &RQVWDQW DQQXDO RYHUZLQWHULQJ VLWHV               that, if he returned home before dark, the butterfly, which
                   one of the most amazing phenomenon in Israel are fix tiny   he recognized by one tattered wing, would come out from
                   sites where a few adults (even singletons) visit year after   the garden to greet him. This relationship with butterflies   © Leah Benyamini       © Leah Benyamini         © Leah Benyamini              © Dubi Benyamini
                   year during very similar dates; it can be a tree, a junction of   that repeatedly landed on him proceeded for more than a
                   tracks in a kibbutz or a  Lantana bush in a private garden;   decade and was published in the Washington Post where    Limenitis reducta                 13                                         Limenitis camilla  12
                   they always choose sunny area or a sun spot.  Five different   Dan believed that he was “blessed by the red admiral”                                                 aerial latrine  Ļ
                   sites and their stories are presented with a summary   (Southerland, 2020).
                   suggesting for the first time a rather simple solution to a   * Gadi Ish-Am of Kibbutz Sasa N Israel is a leading Israeli
                   complicated unbelievable (epigenetics?) phenomenon:  botanist, a teacher in Ohalo academic college of education,
                   * Evyatar Feingold of Midreshet Ben-Gurion (college), Sde-  a mentor in BMS  Israel for monitoring teams in the north
                   Boker C Negev, a high school student in 1998 when he   of the country and a senior lepidopterist. Since the early
                   first observed a single territorial  atalanta perching on a   2000’s observed Red Admirals basking on asphalt roads                                                                   “pier” extension
                   small olive tree in front of no’ 3 house (Feingold, 1998   in the center of the Kibbutz – starting in autumn months                                                                 of Lonicera’s leaf midrib   Ļ
                   & 1999b). In the next 21 years, every year, Evyatar saw   of October/November, nectaring in warm winter days and                                                                                     © Dubi Benyamini
                   a new Red Admiral perching from the “same” olive tree   reappearing in the spring-early summer as late as May/                                      © Dubi Benyamini                                        © Peter Eeles
                   branches, Evyatar managed to record the first arrivals in   June before departing to the north – illustr. 6.
                   most of the years: 16.10.1998; 19.10.1999; 22.10.2000;   *  Yehiam Salts is a plant genetics and biotechnology
                   17.10.2001;  26.10.2002;  30.9.2005;  28.10.2006;  expert but also a keen photographer who observed and
                   4.11.2007 & 30.9.2008. In the following years between   photographed V. atalanta adults busking at noon and early
                   2009 – 2019 the Red Admirals kept their schedule arriving   afternoon hours in HaMaginim Forest C Israel every year
                   usually in late October to early November. However, they   in the same place (“plus minus a few meters” – facebook
                   grew in numbers and up to five adults, mostly territorial   information) since 2014 in a sunny opening on asphalt and
                   males were observed on sunny days, arriving at noon time   dirt roads. Yehiam suggested that our case of Atalanta’s
                   to the pavements near his house and leaving by 15:30 to   offspring return to their parent’s origin in the Levant is a
                                                                                                                                                   © Dubi Benyamini   © Dubi Benyamini             © Limor Gefen                ‹ 2ÀU 7RPHU

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           2Butterflies of the Levant danaidae satyridae.indd   158                                            12/30/2021   4:27:42 PM  2Butterflies of the Levant danaidae satyridae.indd   147                                   12/30/2021   4:27:18 PM
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