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#21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 13 - A | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Black
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 13 - A | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Yellow
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 13 - A | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Magenta

                  Melitaea israela  Benyamini, Tomer & Coutsis 2021 n. sp. Hermon Fritillary                                                                                                                                                              21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 13 - A | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Cyan

                   Local, rare, fragile - vulnerable  Melitaea sp. of Mt Hermon
                   at 1600-2000 m middle heights. It was overlooked for
                   many years among five other syntopic and synchronous
                   Melitaea species;  Melitaea acentria,  M.  cinxia,  M.  collina,
                   M.  deserticola &  M.  syriaca. An additional complication to
                   separating by wing characters the new species especially
                   from its closest relatives, such as are the syntopic M. acentria
                   and  M.  deserticola as well as the allotopic  M.  didyma was
                   the great size variability of these spp. where first broods
                   are usually larger. Four events uncovered the existence
                   of a 6th  Melitaea sp. in Mt Hermon: 1. For many years DB
                   looked for M. didyma on Mt Hermon where its lower altitude
                   LHP Antirrhinum majus was not found. A similar sp. that he
                   collected was believed by him to belong to the highly variable
                   M. persea montium. 2. Ofir Tomer collected its first brood in
                   May and realized that it is more reddish than other spp. 3.   Explanatory drawing of male genitalia                                                               © Dubi Benyamini                        © Dubi Benyamini
                   When Ofir collected it also in Gebel Rus (Har Agas – Shnunim
                   Valley) 1100 m, on 12 may 2000 during ILS field trip to N                                                 13
                   Golan he realized that it cannot be M. persea montium nor M.
                   didyma. 4. Then, Lukhtanov (2017) described M. acentria and
                   mentioned the existence of M. didyma liliputana in the same
                   type-locality and presented a single small male of the latter
                   in Fig. 10(g). Discussing the identity of this 6th Mt. Hermon
                   Melitaea Coutsis at first thought it to be M. gina Higgins, 1941,
                   but soon dismissed it on account of differences between the
                   two in the ground-colour of the upper side of their wings.
                   Upon dissecting a good number of male Melitaea taxa that
                   included  persea (mostly from Iran), didyma, hybrids  persea
                   x didyma (from Iran and Turkey), acentria and the presently
                   described israela sp. nov., he found the following differences   M. didyma   distal process of valva: base wide, ventrum without
                                                                        carinate element; aedeagus: dorso-lateral ridge low.
                   in their PDOH JHQLWDOLD
                   Melitaea persea   a. Distal process of valva QDUURZ at base,
                   and  KDYLQJ ventral, serrated carinate structure.  E  Lateral
                   sclerotized element of tegumen in lateral aspect shaped like
                   a “VPRNHU·V SLSH”. F  Dorso-lateral ridges of aedeagus KLJK.                                                                                             © Dubi Benyamini                                   © Ofir Tomer

                   Melitaea didyma   a. Distal process of valva  YHU\  ZLGH at
                   base, and  ZLWKRXW ventral, serrated carinate structure. E
                   Distal extremity of lateral sclerotized element of tegumen in
                   lateral aspect shaped like a “SLVWRO”. F  Dorso-lateral ridges
                   of aedeagus ORZ.

                   +\EULGV  persea  x  didyma:  a. Distal process of valva as in
                   persea, but ventral, serrated carinate structure often less   M. acentria   distal process of valva: base narrow, ventrum with
                   developed. E. Distal extremity of lateral sclerotized element of   carinate element; aedeagus: dorso-lateral ridge high.
                   tegumen in lateral aspect usually intermediate between that
                   of persea and didyma in a variety of combinations. F. Dorso-
                   lateral ridges of aedeagus KLJK.

                   Melitaea acentria   a. Distal process of valva  QDUURZ at
                   base, and  KDYLQJ ventral, serrated, carinate structure.  E.
                   Distal extremity of lateral sclerotized element of tegumen in
                   lateral aspect shaped like a “SLVWRO”. F. Dorso-lateral ridges
                   of aedeagus KLJK.

                   Melitaea israela  a. Distal process of valva QDUURZHU at base
                   than in didyma but ZLGHU than in acentria, and ZLWKRXW ventral,
                   serrated carinate structure.  E. Distal extremity of lateral   M. israela  distal process of valva: base narrow, ventrum without
                   sclerotized element of tegumen in lateral aspect shaped like   carinate element; aedeagus: dorso-lateral ridge low.
                   a “SLVWRO”. F. Dorso-lateral ridges of aedeagus ORZ.
                                                                              Distal process of valvae of three male genitalias
                                                                                    of didyma, acentria & israela                                                                    © Dubi Benyamini                        © Dubi Benyamini

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