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%LRORJ\                                                       %D\WDû   $   2007.  $  )LHOG  *XLGH  WR  WKH  %XWWHUÁLHV  RI  7XUNH\.   its territory, a passing Hipparcia pisidice in Bet Arye, Israel.
                                                                                                                                       Istanbul. 218 pp.                                  Spring-summer seasonal records 1999. News of the Israeli
                                                                       )OLJKW  SHULRG  1st brood from the first week of May at       %HDOH  &    6SUHQJHU  $  2006. %XWWHUÁLHV RI WKH $DPPLT DUHD   Lepidopterists Society 16(2): 48 (in Hebrew).
                                                                       1200 m to mid-June at 2300 m on Mt Hermon, Anti-                Lebanon. A Rocha, Lebanon, 7 pp. & 3 plates.     %HQ\DPLQL  '  1999e. Limenitis reducta territorial male near
                                                                       Lebanon. Ten Hagen collected it on 2 May at Zabadani          %HQ\DPLQL  $   1998. Arginnis pandora record in Gush Etzion.   Lonicera japonica its main hostplant in Beit Arye 17 July
                                                                       1400 m Lebanon – Syrian border but did not find it in           News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 15(1): 33 (in   1999. 1999 spring-summer seasonal records, News of the
                                                                       the Hauran (SE Syria) which may be too dry for it. Marios       Hebrew).                                           Israeli Lepidopterists Society 16(2): 48 (in Hebrew).
                                                                       Aristophanous (Cyprus) collected it in mid-June at            %HQ\DPLQL  '        'LVWULEXWLRQ OLVW RI WKH EXWWHUÁLHV RI ,VUDHO   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2000e  6SULQJ ² 6XPPHU      ,VUDHOL EXWWHUÁ\
                                                                       Bscherre, 1870 m, Lebanon. Sanettra (1999) reported             west of the Jordan River (Lepidoptera).  Israel Journal of   records. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 17(2): 29
                                                                       M. didyma from Qanawat NW Hauran but it is possibly             Entomology 17: 23–36.                              (in Hebrew).
                                                                       M. acentria. 2nd partial brood is uncommon in 2000 m          %HQ\DPLQL   '          7KH  EXWWHUÁLHV  RI  WKH  6LQDL  3HQLQVXOD   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2000f. Melitaea cinxia in Mt Meron. News of the
                                                                       local peak of Mt Hermon from late June to mid-August.           (Lep. Rhopalocera). Nota lepidopterologica 7(4): 309–321.  Israeli Lepidopterists Society 17(1): 4-5 (in Hebrew).
                                                                                                                                     %HQ\DPLQL   '    1984b.  Issoria lathonia a new species to   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2001a  6SULQJ ² 6XPPHU      ,VUDHOL EXWWHUÁ\
                      1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1              /LIH  KLVWRU\  polyvoltine with partial second brood at         Israel. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 1(4): 15 (in   records. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 18(2): 41
                                                           © Ofir Tomer
                       Female acentria in cop. & carrying male israela.   2000+ m. On 22 June 2019, in south-looking slope of          Hebrew).                                           (in Hebrew).
                                                                       Mt Hermon ~ 20 m below the peak first brood adults            %HQ\DPLQL   '          7KH  =RRJHRJUDSK\  RI  WKH  %XWWHUÁLHV   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2001b  6SULQJ ² 6XPPHU      ,VUDHOL EXWWHUÁ\
                                                                       were observed  in cop. the female carrying the male.            (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) of Israel and nearby areas.   records. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 18(2): 40
                                                                       Five days later in the same biotope a female was flying         Monographiae Biologicae 62: 309–324.               (in Hebrew).
                                                                       over small “rosettes” of its LHPs  Plantago lanceolata        %HQ\DPLQL   '   1989.  Polygonia egea adult observed at Ein   %HQ\DPLQL   '   2001c   7KH  %XWWHUÁLHV  RI  $QWLRFK   +DWD\   6
                                                                       var. atrata finally alighting on a flat ~ 15 cm diam. plant     Feshkha (NW Dead Sea coast) on 24 March 1989 after   Turkey). News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 18(2):17–
                                                                       and starting to lay eggs on low leaves that were close to       winter hibernation, Annual records.  News of the Israeli   26 (in Hebrew).
                                                                       the ground.  Small batches of 4, 5 & 2 eggs were laid           Lepidopterists Society 8: 18 (in Hebrew).        %HQ\DPLQL  '  2001d. Refuelling station for migrating Vannesa
                                                                       on the underside of the leaves. The eggs were glossy          %HQ\DPLQL  '  1990a. $ )LHOG *XLGH WR WKH %XWWHUÁLHV RI ,VUDHO   cardui. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 18(1): 19–
                                                                       light green 0.5 mm wide and 0.65 mm high with flat               LQFOXGLQJ  EXWWHUÁLHV  RI  0RXQW  +HUPRQ  DQG  6LQDL    .HWHU   20 (in Hebrew).
                                                                       inconspicuous 24-28 vertical ribs. They turned gray with        Publishing House, Jerusalem. 234 pp. (in Hebrew).   %HQ\DPLQL   '  2001e. The process of migration build-up of
                                                                       black cap prior to eclosion. Larva right after eclosion       %HQ\DPLQL   '   1990c.  Junonia orithya appeared in Israel.   Vannesa cardui in spring 2001 in Israel. News of the Israeli
                                                                       white 1.6 mm long with long thin black hairs, L1 hatched        News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 7: 11 (in Hebrew).  Lepidopterists Society 18(1): 20–21 (in Hebrew).
                                                                       after 5-6 days. It rested for a while before returning to     %HQ\DPLQL   '          6LQDL  %XWWHUÁLHV   News of the Israeli   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2001f  7KH EXWWHUÁLHV RI 'DQD 5HVHUYH  (GRP
                                                                       eat the whole eggshell. The larvae of each batch stayed         Lepidopterists Society 8: 14–21, 31 (in Hebrew).   Jordan (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea et Hesperioidea) Part 1.
                      1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1                            together on the upper surfaces of leaves at distances         %HQ\DPLQL   '., 1991b.  Issoria lathonia established a local   Linneana belgica XVIII(2): 95–102.
                                                           © Ofir Tomer  of 5-10 mm from each other without the protective web         Israeli population. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2001g. Hipparchia syriaca in Israel? .News of
                                                                       used by other larvae such as are those of M. cinxia. It is      8: 35 (in Hebrew).                                 the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 18(2): 16 (in Hebrew).
                                                                       not clear how they protect themselves from the common         %HQ\DPLQL   '  1992. Annual migration summary for 1992.   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2001h. Junonia hierta appeared again in the
                                                                       Cotesia  sp. parasitoids that attack also larvae of  M.         News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 9: 35 (in Hebrew).  Jordan Valley.  News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society
                                                                       cinxia and M. acentria that share with israela the same       %HQ\DPLQL  '  1992b  7KH EXWWHUÁLHV RI &\SUXV  News of the        : 8 (in Hebrew).
                                                                       hostplants and biotope. By end July they grew to 18.5-          Israeli Lepidopterists Society 9: 25-29 (in Hebrew).  %HQ\DPLQL  '  2002a  7KH EXWWHUÁLHV RI 'DQD 5HVHUYH  (GRP
                                                                       20 mm long beautifully “decorated” larvae with black          %HQ\DPLQL  '  1992c. Hypolimnas misippus in Israel. News of   Jordan (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea et Hesperioidea) Part 2.
                                                                       body punctuated with tiny white spots, and having nine          the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 9: 31 (in Hebrew).  Linneana belgica XVIII (6): 265–272.
                          Mt. Hermon,            Mt. Hermon,           longitudinal rows of cones with black hairs, the mid-         %HQ\DPLQL  '   1992d. First records of Nymphalis polychloros   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2002b  7KH EXWWHUÁLHV RI 'DQD 5HVHUYH  (GRP
                        2000m, 11.8.1973  6    2300m, 15.6.1972        dorsal and the two lower lateral ones of which are small        in Mt Hermon. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 8:   Jordan (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea et Hesperioidea) Part 3.
                                                                       and respectively white and bluish-white, while the sub-         32 (in Hebrew).                                    Linneana belgica XVIII (7): 351–360.
                                                                       dorsal two rows on each side are yellow and larger. The       %HQ\DPLQL  '  1992e. Junonia orithya appeared again in Arad   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2002d. $ )LHOG *XLGH WR WKH %XWWHUÁLHV RI ,VUDHO
                                                                       head is orange with white lateral line from segment no.         (N Negev, Israel). News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society   LQFOXGLQJ  %XWWHUÁLHV  RI  0W  +HUPRQ   6LQDL  DQG  -RUGDQ, 5th
                                                                       4 backwards – illustr. 4. Pendulous “-” shaped pre-pupa         9: 37 (in Hebrew).                                 revised edition. Keter Publishing House Ltd. Jerusalem. 248
                                                                       is 15-16 mm long and the pupa itself 13 mm long and           %HQ\DPLQL  '        7KH EXWWHUÁLHV RI 0W +HUPRQ  /HSLGRSWHUD    pp.
                                                                       4 mm wide, white with red and black spots, and small            Rhopalocera and Hesperiidae).  Linneana belgica  14(4):   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2002f. The Cardinal in Mt Odem, Golan Heights.
                                                                       hairless black-white and orange flat cones. The second          167–204.                                           Spring - Summer Seasonal records 2002. News of the Israeli
                        Mt. Hermon, 1650m,   Lebanon, Mt. Cedar, El Arz,   brood hatched after having spent ten days in the pupal    %HQ\DPLQL   D. 1997b   %XWWHUÁ\  REVHUYDWLRQV  LQ  -RUGDQ  LQ   lepidopterists Society 19(2): 55 (in Hebrew).
                            19.5.1972          1896m, 10.6.2014
                                                                       stage.                                                          September 1997. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society   %HQ\DPLQL   '       D   %XWWHUÁ\  REVHUYDWLRQV   News of the
                                acentria X israela hybrids                                                                             14(2): 9–12 (in Hebrew).                           Israeli Lepidopterists Society 20(1): 30 (in Hebrew).
                                                                       3DUDVLWRLGV  same  Cotesia sp. (Braconidae) as of  M.         %HQ\DPLQL   '   1997c.  Hypolimnas misippus was observed   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2003b. Lekking? of Kirinia roxelana in Northern
                                                                       acentria and M. cinxia.                                         again in Israel.  News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society   Greece. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 20(1): 11
                                Type locality at Mt Hermon                                                                             14(1): 14-16 (in Hebrew).                          (in Hebrew).
                                   slope 1650 - 1800 m                 5HFRUGHG KRVWSODQWV  only one hostplant was used by M.        %HQ\DPLQL   '   1998a   %XWWHUÁ\  REVHUYDWLRQV   News of the   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2003c. 6SULQJ ² 6XPPHU      ,VUDHOL EXWWHUÁ\
                                                                       israela in Mt Hermon;  Plantaginaceae, dominant plant           Israeli Lepidopterists Society 15(2): 31 (in Hebrew).  records. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 20(2): 44
                                                                       on the bare slopes of the mountain: Plantago lanceolata       %HQ\DPLQL  '  1998b. The cryptic life of Kirinia roxelana in N   (in Hebrew).
                                                                       var. atrata – illustr. 5.                                       Israel. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 15(2): 8 (in   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2003e. Is Melanargia titea toxic in Israel? News
                                                                                                                                       Hebrew).                                           of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 20(2): 36 (in Hebrew).
                                                                                                                                     %HQ\DPLQL  '  1998c. The Zoogeography of Dana Reserve’s   %HQ\DPLQL   '   2003f. Territoriality of a male  Hipparchia
                                                                       'LVWULEXWLRQ                                                    EXWWHUÁLHV  (GRP  -RUGDQ   News of the Israeli Lepidopterists   pisidice intercepting Pontia daplidice (Pieridae) in Beit Arye,
                                                                                                                                       Society 15(2): 14-23 (in Hebrew).                  C Israel. In: Seasonal records fall 2002 – spring 2003. News
                                                                       TL. Mt. Hermon 1600-1700 m Israel. Confined to the            %HQ\DPLQL  '  1999b  6SULQJ ² 6XPPHU      ,VUDHOL EXWWHUÁ\   of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 20(1): 33 (in Hebrew).
                                                                       Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon mountain ranges of Israel,             records. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 16(2): 49   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2003g. Hipparchia pisidice in cop. on 25.9.2002
                                                                       Lebanon and Syria above 1200 to 2300+ m.                        (in Hebrew).                                       in Beit Arye, C Israel. In: Seasonal records fall 2002 – spring
                                                                                                                                     %HQ\DPLQL  '  1999d. On 6 August 1999 Ypthima asterope   2003. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 20(1): 33
                                                        © Dubi Benyamini
                                                                                                                                       WHUULWRULDO PDOH LQWHUFHSWHG DQG GURYH RXW ÀYH PHWUHV DZD\ RI   (in Hebrew).
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           2Butterflies of the Levant danaidae satyridae.indd   210                                            12/30/2021   4:30:16 PM  2Butterflies of the Levant danaidae satyridae.indd   223                                   12/30/2021   4:30:47 PM
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