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#21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 14 - A | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Black
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 %HQ\DPLQL   D. 2003h.  Polygonia egea male nectaring on a   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2011b. When do Israeli Satyrinae mate? News   Lukhtanov DNA analysis of  acentria highlighted its   21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 14 - A | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Cyan
 UHG ÁRZHU RI Lantana camara, 3 November 2002. Mahane-  of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 28(2): 7–9 (in Hebrew).  origin as a hybrid of M. persea & M. didyma that was
 Israel, Ben-Gurion international airport. Winter 2002 – Spring   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2011c. Junonia orithya arrived to East Turkey.   isolated and speciated since 1-1.6 MYA at the far
 2003 seasonal records. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists   News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 28(2): 10-11  (in   southern limit of its distribution in the Levant hence
 Society 20(1): 32 (in Hebrew).  Hebrew).  its name “acentria” = off center of the species’ origin
 %HQ\DPLQL  '  2003i. Limenitis reducta territorial males chase   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2012c. Is Melanargia titea toxic in Israel (2)?   (& center of distribution in Iran). However, while persea
 female in aerial courting Beit Arye 26 July 2003. 2003 spring-  News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society  29(2): 10 (in   merged and hybridized with  didyma creating finally
 summer seasonal records. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists   Hebrew).  acentria, it seems that didyma that was also isolated in
 Society 20(2): 44 (in Hebrew).  %HQ\DPLQL  '  2012e. Courting of Hipparchia fatua in Israel.   the same southern mountainous habitats changed too
 %HQ\DPLQL  '  2003j. Annual records; Melitaea collina mating   News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society  29(2): 12 (in   to become our new sp. M. israela.
 in N Galilee. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society.          Hebrew).
 44 (in Hebrew).  %HQ\DPLQL   '  2012f. Winter diapause of the Plain Tiger   acentria X israela K\EULGV   These two taxa that have
 %HQ\DPLQL  '  2004b  6SULQJ ² 6XPPHU      ,VUDHOL EXWWHUÁ\   (Danaus chrysippus). News of the Israeli Lepidopterists   common ancestors, mate sometimes in the wild to                          DGXOW
                                                                                 5    6
                                                                   1 1 1 1 1
                                                                                HJJ  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10  11  12
 records. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 21(2): 9   Society 29(1): 4–5 (in Hebrew).  create new nameless hybrids – illustr. 1,  see next page;                  lar v a
 (in Hebrew).  %HQ\DPLQL  '  2012g. How female of southern white admirals   female acentria in cop. & carrying male israela. In his
 %HQ\DPLQL  '  2005e. Autumn 2004 – Spring 2005 seasonal   (Limenitis reducta) rejected male’s ground courting ?. News   dissections John Coutsis found hybrids of  acentria X
 records. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 22(1): 69   of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 29(2): 11 (in Hebrew).  israela in: Mt Hermon, 1650 m, 2000 m, 2300 m and Al
 (in Hebrew).  %HQ\DPLQL  '  2012h. Junonia orithya crossed Israel (in spring   Arz, Lebanon 1870 m - illustr 6.  These four specimens
 %HQ\DPLQL  '  2005f. Charaxes jasius in Ein Gedi?. News of   2012). News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 29(2): 4-5    are 8.5% of the 47 total dissected acentria – didyma
 the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 22(1): 52 (in Hebrew).  (in Hebrew).  material mostly from Mt Hermon but also from Lebanon
 %HQ\DPLQL   '  2005g.  Pseudochazara telephassa at Ras   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2013b. Pseudochazara pelopea territorial male   (three specimens) and Syria (13 specimens of acentria,
 An-Naqab 1400 m / S Jordan on 27 May 2005. Autumn   at Nahal Gubta 1100 m Mt Hermon W slope 10 August   14  didyma & israela but no hybrids). All four hybrids that
 2004 – Spring 2005 seasonal records. News of the Israeli   2013. Seasonal records spring-autumn 2013. News of the   are in DB collection will be marked properly and placed   Holotype  Allotype
 Lepidopterists Society 22(1): 68 (in Hebrew).  Israeli Lepidopterists Society 30: 45 (in Hebrew).  separately in the collection between  acentria and   Mt Hermon,   Mt Hermon,
 %HQ\DPLQL  '  2006a  %XWWHUÁ\ UHFRUGV ZLQWHU      ² VSULQJ   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2013c. A new hostplant to Ypthima asterope in   israela.       1600-1700 m, 10.5.2017  1600-1700 m, 10.5.2017
 2006. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 23(1): 19   Israel. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 20(1): 19   Rated Endangered (EN) in the Red Book of Israeli
 (in Hebrew).  (in Hebrew).  Butterflies (Renan et al., (in prep.)).
 %HQ\DPLQL  '  2006d. Two southern white admirals (Limenitis   %HQ\DPLQL   '  2013d. A visit to the Blue Pansy (Junonia
 reducta   IUXLW  SXGGOLQJ  RQ  URWWHQ  ÀJV  %HLW  $U\H              orithya) biotope at the Tigris River in East Turkey. News of
 2006 spring-autumn seasonal records. News of the Israeli   the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 30: 14-15  (in Hebrew).  Melitaea israela Benyamini, Tomer and Coutsis n.
 Lepidopterists Society 23(2): 38 (in Hebrew).  %HQ\DPLQL  '  2013e. The strange couple or how it was proved   sp. 2021 (Benyamini, 2022b).
 %HQ\DPLQL  '  2006e. Four territorial Limenitis reducta males   that the male dictates the length of mating.  News of the
                                                                                         Mt Hermon,
 in upper Nahal Pa’ar at least 20 m between each two 25   Israeli Lepidopterists Society 30: 6 (in Hebrew).  +RORW\SH  01 male, forewing length 20 mm, labelled as:   Israel, Shnunim   1300 m, 16.5.1992
                                                                  Valley (Mt Dov),
 August 2006. 2006 spring-autumn seasonal records. News   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2014b. The Biology of the Yellow Pansy (Junonia   “Israel, Mt. Hermon, [/] 1600-1700m [/] 10/05/2017   1250 m, 12.5.2000
 of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 23(2): 38 (in Hebrew).  hierta). News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 31(1): 12-  [/] Leg. Dubi Benyamini” (printed) and “didyma L6”
 %HQ\DPLQL   '   2006f.  The story of sharp-eyed Yitzik and   13 (in Hebrew).   (printed).
 Vanessa atalanta. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society   %HQ\DPLQL   '  2014d.  Limenitis reducta fruit puddling on   $OORW\SH  02 female, forewing length 20 mm, labelled as:
 23(1): 10 (in Hebrew).  URWWHQ  ÀJV   %HLW  $U\H                    VSULQJ DXWXPQ   “Israel, Mt. Hermon, [/] 1600-1700m [/] 10/05/2017
 %HQ\DPLQL  '  2008f. Melitaea cinxia is extinct in Mt Hillel (Mt   seasonal records. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society   [/] Leg. Ofir Tomer” (printed).
 Meron complex). News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society   31(2): 82 (in Hebrew).  3DUDW\SHV (PT)  03 PT 1650 m 19.5.1972 leg. DB; 04 PT
 22(1): 49-51 (in Hebrew).  %HQ\DPLQL  '  2015b. The Cardinal in Mt Hermon. News of the   2000 m 23.6.1973 leg. DB; 05 PT 2000 m 21.7.1973
                                                                   Mt Hermon,
                                                                                          Mt Hermon,
 %HQ\DPLQL  '  2008g. A territorial Danaus chrysippus male.   Israeli Lepidopterists Society 32: 101 (In Hebrew).  leg. DB; 06 PT 1986 m El-Arz Lebanon 17.6.2014 leg.   1800 m, 14.5.2013  1800 m, 14.5.2013
 News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society  25(2): 21 (in   %HQ\DPLQL   '  2015c. A grey, orange-less form of  Danaus   M. Aristophanes - illustr. 2; 07-09 PT 1600-1700 m
 Hebrew).   chrysippus  (L.) from Israel (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae:   10.5.2017 leg. DB; 10-14 PT same as 07 PT except leg.   1st. gen.
 %HQ\DPLQL   '   2009c   %XWWHUÁ\  *DUGHQLQJ  LQ  ,VUDHO  DQG  WKH   Danainae).  News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 32:   OT; 15 PT 1600-1700 m 5.6.2018 leg. DB; 16-18 PT
 Middle East. Self-published. 357 pp. (in Hebrew).  80-97   same as 15 PT except leg. OT; 19-20 PT 1750-1800 m
 %HQ\DPLQL  '  2009e. Polygonia egea dark adult (hilltopping)   %HQ\DPLQL   '  2016a. The Biology of the Persian Fritillary   26.5.2019 leg. OT; 21 PT 1300 m 16.5.1992 leg. Yaron
 near Mt Hermon battle memorial 2050 m. 2009 summer-  (Melitaea persea) and the Glanville Fritillary (Melitaea cinxia)   Mish’an; 22 PT Har Dov 1250 m 12.5.2000 leg. OT; 23
 autumn seasonal records. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists   sharing the same larval hostplant on Mt Hermon. News of   PT 1400 m 6.5.2012 leg. OT; 24 PT 1800 m 10.5.2013
 Society 26(2): 22 (in Hebrew).  the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 33(2): 22–25 (in Hebrew).   leg. OT; 25 PT 1700 m 14.5.2013 leg. OT; 26-27 PT data
 %HQ\DPLQL   '  2009f   3ROOLQDWLRQ  WUDS  LQ  ÁRZHUV  RI   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2016b. The dominant form of the Plain Tiger   as PT 25 except 1800 m; 28-29 PT Syrien Damaskus
 Araujia sericifera (Asclepiadaceae).   News of the Israeli   (Danaus chrysippus) in the W. Indian Ocean & S. Africa – f.   südl. Zabadani, 1200 m 2.5.1995 leg. ten-Hagen, Gen.
 Lepidopterists Society 26(2): 16 (in Hebrew).   orientis, appeared in Egypt and Israel. News of the Israeli   prep. by JC Athens Greece nos. 6035&6042 – illustr. 3.  Israel, Mt Hermon, 2000 m, 21.7.1973
 %HQ\DPLQL  '  2010a. $ )LHOG *XLGH WR WKH %XWWHUÁLHV RI ,VUDHO   Lepidopterists Society 33(2): 18–21 (in Hebrew).
  LQFOXGLQJ  EXWWHUÁLHV  RI  0RXQW  +HUPRQ   6LQDL  DQG  -RUGDQ    %HQ\DPLQL   '   2016c. The biology of the Persian Fritillary   PT nos. 01-20 in coll. Dubi Benyamini, Beit Arye, Israel.   2nd. gen.
 Keter Publishing House, Jerusalem. Sixth revised edn. 248   (Melitaea persea) and Glanville Fritillary (Melitaea cinxia)   To be deposited in the Steinhardt Museum of Natural
 pp. (in Hebrew).  sharing the same hostplant on Mt. Hermon.  News of the   History, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Israel. PT nos.   3  2 2
 %HQ\DPLQL   '  2010e. Bladder Vine (Araujia sericifera)   Israeli Lepidopterists Society 33(2): 22–25 (in Hebrew).  21-27 in coll. Ofir Tomer (OT), Israel. PT 28-29 in coll.
 Host Plant and Pollination Trap of the Plain Tiger (Danaus   %HQ\DPLQL  '  2016d  )DOO      ² 6SULQJ      ,VUDHOL EXWWHUÁ\   Wolfgang ten-Hagen, Mömlingen, Germany.
 chrysippus).   News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society   records. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 33(1): 57
 27(2): 18 (in Hebrew).  (in Hebrew).  )RUHZLQJ  OHQJWK  PDOHV  1st brood 15.8-20.6 mm,
 %HQ\DPLQL   '  2011a. The Biology of  Melitaea arduinna in   %HQ\DPLQL   '  2016e. Two hilltopping  Polygonia egea near   average 18.01 mm (n=27); 2nd brood 15.5-17.8 mm,
 Israel. Presentation to the 28th Annual Meeting of the Israeli   Mt Hermon battle memorial 2050 m on 11 July 2016.   average 16.5 mm (n=3).
 Lepidopterists Society - 18.3.2011, Oranim School, Tivon,   2016 spring-autumn seasonal records. News of the Israeli   “Syrien”, Zabadani,   Lebanon, Mt Cedar, El-Arz,
 Israel (16 slides) (in Hebrew).  Lepidopterists Society 33(2): 42 (in Hebrew).  )RUHZLQJ OHQJWK IHPDOH  1st brood 20.8 mm (n=1).   1400 m, 2.5.1995   1986m, 17.6.2014
 224                                                                                                          209
 2Butterflies of the Levant danaidae satyridae.indd   224  12/30/2021   4:30:47 PM  2Butterflies of the Levant danaidae satyridae.indd   209  12/30/2021   4:30:13 PM
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