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#21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 14 - B | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Black
                                                                                                                               21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 14 - B | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Yellow
                                                                                                                               21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 14 - B | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Magenta

 5HIHUHQFHV DQG VHOHFWHG %LEOLRJUDSK\   Dec. 2021                                                                              21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 14 - B | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Cyan

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 GozlemFoto.asp?Durum=7&FamilyaId=2&CinsId=12&Tur  October 1992. Annual (& migration) records 1992. News of
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 $KDURQL  ,  1943. Memories of an Israeli zoologist. Am Oved,   of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 9: 36 (in Hebrew).
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 $KDURQL  ,  1992. Annual migration summary for 1992. News   Heights. Annual migrants summary, 1992.  News of the
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 Entomologischen Vereins Apollo. Supplementum 18: 1–255.   Israeli Lepidopterists Society 8: 39 (in Hebrew).
 $OÀHUL  $  1942. Quatre Lépidoptères nouveaux pour la faune   $YQL  =  2004. Polygonia egea on Mt Bental’s peak 1100 m
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 southern Jordan.  Acta entomologica serbica  14(2): 241–  $YQL  =   2004b. Annual records; Melitaea collina the dominant
 244.  EXWWHUÁ\  RI  WKH  ELRWRSH  OD\  HJJV  RQ  Serratula cerinthifolia
 $PDQ\  $ 6   5DPDGDQ  +  0    $EX *KRQHP  0  $  2014.   at  Bashnit Ridge, E Golan Heights.  News of the Israeli   © Ofir Tomer  © Dubi Benyamini  © Dubi Benyamini
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 2Butterflies of the Levant danaidae satyridae.indd   222  12/30/2021   4:30:47 PM  2Butterflies of the Levant danaidae satyridae.indd   211  12/30/2021   4:30:24 PM
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