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Subfamily 1\PSKDOLQDH 5DÀQHVTXH        2

 Vanessa Fabricius, 1807                                              Junonia Hübner, [1819]
 Vanessa cardui  2 species in the Levant.                         Junonia hierta   2 species in the Levant.
 #  About 22 species, cosmopolitan (except                            About 34 species, cosmopolitan (except
                                                                      Antarctica), mainly tropical.

 +RVWSODQWV  Asteraceae, Boraginaceae,
                                                                      +RVWSODQWV  Acanthaceae, Amaranthaceae,
 Brassicaceae, Cannabaceae, Cucurbitaceae,
                                                                      Asteraceae, Convolvulaceae, Crassulaceae,
 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 2 - A | 22-01-02 | 12:34:17 | SR:-- | Magenta
 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 2 - A | 22-01-02 | 12:34:17 | SR:-- | Yellow
 #21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 2 - A | 22-01-02 | 12:34:17 | SR:-- | Black
                                                                      Gentianaceae, Gesneriaceae,
 Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, Lauraceae,
 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 2 - A | 22-01-02 | 12:34:17 | SR:-- | Cyan
 Malvaceae, Plantaginaceae, Salicaceae,
 Solanaceae, Urticaceae, Verbenaceae,
                                                                      Melastomataceae, Mimosaceae,
                                                                      Plantaginaceae, Poaceae, Portulacaceae,
 Vitaceae.                                                            Goodeniaceae, Lamiaceae, Linderniaceae,
                                                                      Scrophulariaceae, Verbenaceae.
                                                                      Hypolimnas Hübner, [1819]
 Aglais urticae  Aglais Dalman, 1816                              Hypolimnas misippus  About 31 species, Palaeotropical &
                                                                      Australian, 2 also Palaearctic, 1 species
                                                                      introduced to North and Central America.
 6 species, Holarctic.
                                                                      1 species in the Levant.
 1 species in the Levant.
                                                                      +RVWSODQWV  Acanthaceae, Amaranthaceae,
                                                                      Asteraceae, Convolvulaceae,
 +RVWSODQWV  Cannabaceae, Urticaceae.
                                                                      Commelinaceae, Fabaceae, Malvaceae,
                                                                      Moraceae, Plantaginaceae, Polygonaceae,
                                                                      Portulacaceae, Rubiaceae, Urticaceae.

 Nymphalis xanthomelas   Nymphalis Kluk, 1780                     Melitaea syriaca  Melitaea Fabricius, 1807

                                                                      About 90 species, mainly Palaearctic, 2
 About 6 species, mainly Holarctic & 2
                                                                       12 species in the Levant.
  2 species in the Levant.
                                                                      +RVWSODQWV  Acanthaceae, Asteraceae,
 +RVWSODQWV  Anacardiaceae, Betulaceae,
                                                                      Caryophyllaceae, Cichoriaceae, Dipsaceae,
 Rhamnaceae, Rosaceae, Salicaceae, Ulmaceae.
                                                                      Lamiaceae, Loganiaceae, Plantaginaceae,
                                                                      Polygonaceae, Scrophulariaceae,

 Polygonia c-album  Polygonia Hübner, [1819]

 About 15 species, mainly Holarctic, also
 2 species in the Levant.
 +RVWSODQWV  Betulaceae, Cannabaceae,
 Elaeagnaceae, Ericaceae, Grossulariaceae,
 Linaceae, Rosaceae, Rutaceae, Salicaceae,

 24                                                                                                           25

 2Butterflies of the Levant danaidae satyridae.indd   24  12/30/2021   4:20:47 PM  2Butterflies of the Levant danaidae satyridae.indd   25  12/30/2021   4:20:50 PM
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