Page 35 - PARPAR-4
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#21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 3 - B | 22-01-02 | 12:34:17 | SR:-- | Black
                                                                                                                               21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 3 - B | 22-01-02 | 12:34:17 | SR:-- | Yellow
                                                                                                                               21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 3 - B | 22-01-02 | 12:34:17 | SR:-- | Magenta

 Lasiommata maera (Linnaeus, 1758)             Large Wall Brown                                                                21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 3 - B | 22-01-02 | 12:34:17 | SR:-- | Cyan
          0LJUDWLRQ  With its slow, sailing and persistent flight,  D.   13
          chrysippus can travel great distances, its migrations bearing
          some resemblance to those of its more familiar American
 One of the most common satyrids in the Levant, inhabiting   relative, the Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus), similarly
 Mediterranean areas, especially rural settlements, where   arriving in the spring from the south and migrating NW,
 hostplants grow year-round. Flight is weak, jerky and close   with offspring of the spring migrants returning south to
 to the ground. Males hilltop or fly among cliffs/vertical   overwintering areas in autumn. The main difference between
 rock faces, where they search for females (Tomer, 2005;   the two species is that in  D.  chrysippus, the number of
 Tolman 1997: 253; John & Skule, 2015: 324). Individuals   specimens involved is very much smaller and they are
 frequently rest with wings half open after alighting on   generally solitary fliers, only rarely forming groups. Migration
 rocks or on the ground. Mated females reject male   flight is about a metre above ground in a constant direction
 advances by repeatedly turning to face head to head,   and speed; measured from a moving car, flight velocity of a   © Dubi Benyamini
 denying the male (wings vibrating to release scent scales)   migrant was found to be 20 k/h, much slower than 35 k/h
 a mating opportunity. In cop., the male is carried by the                          DGXOW  measured for Vanessa cardui.   14
    9   10  1
 2 1

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 female (Benyamini, 2001a, 2016d and breeding notes).                         HJJ  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10  11  12
               lar v a
 Territoriality was reported by Benyamini (2000e, 2004b,   3UHGDWRUV  DQG  3DUVLWRLGV  several green praying mantids
 2009c: 200), On 20 February 2021 in Beit Arye, at noon   (Sphodromantis viridis,  Mantodea) were observed in lower
 time, maera male intercepted Vanessa cardui and chased   Jordan Valley’s plains of Jericho -270 m bsl, 20 km N of the
 it out of its territory (Leah & Eran Benyamini, pers. comms.   city on Calotropis procera with chrysippus larvae; suggesting
 to DB); flying along ravines (mate location) was reported   they may pray on these larvae (DB pers. obs.). Between
 by Tomer (2008) and puddling by Tomer (2001b).
          9/2014 and 7/2015 50% of 8 collected pupae at the same
          biotope were infested by the parasitoid Brachymeria albicrus
 %LRORJ\  (Klug, 1834) (Chalcididae - det. Dick Askew), while about 40
          collected larvae were clean of any parasitoid. A green fresh
 )OLJKW  SHULRG  : January to early December, sl to 1200   pupa that was collected on 10 June 2015 did not hatch and
 m depending on location in Israel, early May to early   instead darkened and after three weeks hatched the wasp.
 September, 1000-2400 m on Mt Hermon; 1545-2400   It proved that this parasitoid lay its eggs only inside fresh
 m at Al-Lazzab reserve Syrian Anti-Lebanon (Zarikian &   pupae. On two occasions in Newe-Monoson and Beit Arye
 Ghrejyan, 2018); January-November, sl-1960 m in Cyprus   Israel DB bred chrysippus larvae outdoors in netted cages.
 (Makris, 2003: 262); March-October, sl-2000 m in Hatay   It did not prevent  Pteromalus puparum (Pretomalidae) tiny
 (Atahan et al., 2018: 99); “found in a succession of broods   larva-pupa parasitoids to enter the breeding cages and infest
 almost all year round…a fresh brood in late October”, sl-  L. m. orientalis Heyne , 1894  the larvae. Ilan Ben-Yosef (Ma’agan Michael, Israel) found on   © Nitzan Cohen
 1500 m in Lebanon (Larsen, 1974: 142); April-July, 100-  14 Jan. 2016 in his Binyamina-Burg butterfly farm that he
 1000 m in Jordan (Larsen & Nakamura, 1983; Katbeh-  lost larvae to un-identified Tachinid fly (“same as in Vanessa   15
 Bader et al., 2003).
          cardui”). The Assassin bug Rhynocoris punctiventris is fond
          of sucking pupae while eggs are the diet of ants and snails.
 /LIH KLVWRU\  Generally trivoltine, but uni- or bivoltine in the   Released fresh adults are often attacked in the air by pairs
 high mountains. Eggs are laid singly (sometimes in pairs)   © Ofir Tomer  of the White-spectacled Bulbul (Pycnonotus xanthopygos)
 on the hostplant’s leaves and are 1.2 mm in height, 0.8-  and the Yellow Jacket (Vespula germanica) may also pray on
 0.9 mm wide and greenish-white when laid. L1 emerges   3UHGDWRUV  parasitized eggs develop external black   chrysippus’ larvae despite their toxicity (Ronen Pryov. pers.
 after 5-6 days and eats the eggshell. Measuring 3 mm in   markings prior to the emergence of tiny  Trichogramma   comms. to DB). Within breeding cages jumping spiders may
 length, L1 is greenish-white and hairy; the head is light   wasps (Benyamini, 1990: 53). A larval parasitoid, Agrypon   take heavy toll of sleeping helpless Queens (DB, breeding
 brown with dark spots. The mature larva is 25-28 mm   delarvatum (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), was reported   notes).
 long, green with pale yellowish stripes along the body. The   from Greece (Lafranchis, 2019).
 suspended pupa is 12-15 mm long and green, changing   5HFRUGHG KRVWSODQWV  Many wild and cultivated Apocynaceae
 colour to brown-green before emerging after 10-12 days   'LVWULEXWLRQ  (formerly Asclepiadaceae) including:  Araujia sericifera [C,
 in June-October and 20 days in November. A complete   L], Asclepias curassavica [C],  Caralluma  spp.,  Calotropis
 metamorphosis occupies ca. 70 days in winter (Eisenstein   TL: Sweden. The species’ distribution ranges from N Africa   procera  [M],  C.  gigantea [C],  Ceropegia woodii [C, L],   Ļ
 2000: 216). Aestivation in the summer (between the   to Europe, C Asia and the Himalayas, Turkey, Cyprus , Syria,   Cynanchum acutum [M], Hoya carnosa [C, L], Gomphocarpus
 second and third broods) and overwintering is in the larval   Lebanon, Israel (S to Arad, N Negev), Jordan (‘scarce’ –  S to   fruticosus [C],  G.  physocarpus  [C],  G.  sinaicus,  Leptadenia
 stage, with growth slowing or stopping in midsummer high   Dana Reserve and Petra?, Edom) the species’ southernmost   pyrotechnica, Pentatropis nivalis [?], Pergularia tomentosa,
 temperatures or in winter in colder areas. An aestivating   limit (Benyamini, 2002a). Descends to the Judean Desert   Periploca aphylla [?], Solenostemma arghel [?], Stephanotis
 late summer larva (illustr.) that resumed feeding in   at Ein Fara, Wadi Kelt, NE Jerusalem at 315 m and may   floribunda [C, L],  Trachomitum venetum,  Rosa sp. [C, L]
 October, pupated in November 2015 and overwintered   descend below sl around the Sea of Galilee. Absent from   (Rosaceae) and Antirrhinum majus [L] (Scrophulariaceae).  Ļ  © Samir Hamza
 to next spring; it was BD’s only experience of  maera’s   Sinai. Olivier (1993: 188) concluded that this ‘remarkably      15
 pupal overwintering (DB, breeding notes; Lafranchis et al.,   variable’ species ‘has no distinct subspecies in Europe or
 2011: 570).   Turkey’.   'LVWULEXWLRQ
 A very rare aberration (female) with additional large ocelli
 5HFRUGHG  KRVWSODQWV  Poaceae (Gramineae) –Andropogon   on the fw was photographed by Yaron Mish'an in nahal   TL: ‘Canton’ (Guangdong), China. The species’ distribution
 distachyos,  Cynodon dactylon,  Dactyloctenium australe   HaShofet (HaShofet stream) reserve, Ramot Menashe,   ranges through the tropical and subtropical areas of the
 [C],  Festuca spp,  Hordeum  glaucum,  Pennisetum   Israel, on 20 Aug. 2021 - illustr. A similar female with two   Old World: all of Africa S of the Atlas Mts., Egypt, Arabian
 cladestinum,  Piptatherum miliaceum [C],  Poa spp.,   ocellus on each fw was collected by Wolfgang ten-Hagen   Peninsula, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Cyprus, Turkey,
 Saccharum  officinarum [C],  Schedonorus arundinaceus,   (Mömlingen, Germany) in Armenia, and is in his collection   Iran, Iraq, Spain, Portugal and north up to S France, Italy and
 Setaria adhaerens. Cyperaceae – Cyperus alternifolius and   (ten-Hagen pers. comm. to DB). John Coutsis (Athens,   Greece.
 C.  rotundus (Tomer, 1999b, 2001c, 2006b; Benyamini,   Greece) noticed that a second detached fw ocelli is quite
 1999b, 2003c).  frequent in L. petropolitana (pers. comm. to DB).                                   © Samir Hamza
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 2Butterflies of the Levant danaidae satyridae.indd   46  12/30/2021   4:21:59 PM  2Butterflies of the Levant danaidae satyridae.indd   35  12/30/2021   4:21:20 PM
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