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Boa quidem serpens quem tellus Itala nutrit
 Personally, I follow most scholars who conclude that Josephus’ identity of the authors of some      dwellings for a relatively long period. They were not seasonal workers, for if they were we   (2Bar 4:2-7). Why?  It  is  because the  Lord  God took  Paradise  away from  Adam  and all his   Is that not clear? Is that dream not uplifting? We do all see “the sinners waxing strong.” How do
                      Hunc bubulum plures lac enutrire docent.
 Dead Sea Scrolls and the collectors of the “Qumran Library” were Essenes. Hippolytus of Rome      would most probably find similar sites in other parts of the oasis as well. All features of the   descendants, even Noah (ܒܐܕ ܐܤܝܕܪܦ ܗܢܡ ܗܠ ܬܙܠܓܬܐ.ܟܝܐ 2Bar 4:3).     we inculcate being partners with the “people of heaven”?
 (c. 170 – c. 255 CE) adds credulity to Josephus’ report and corrects some of his evaluations:       site its location above Ein Gedi, simplicity, and unique nature conform to Pliny the Elder’s
               Ashton also quoted Pliny: “The blood of a serpent is more precious than Balsamum, and if you                         Our dream literature eventually describes Paradise as open and waiting for us. Recall this poignant                 Is the Morality in the Apocalypses Focused Only on This Earth?
                      (d. 79 A.D.) famous passage on the Essenes, which he describes as a celibate group of men,

 None among them [the Essenes] is richer than the other; for the law with them is that
                      living on the western shore of the Dead Sea, who have no money only palm trees for
                                                                                                                                    passage in the Testament of Levi:
                      Boa quidem serpens quem tellus Itala nutrit
                      dwellings for a relatively long period. They were not seasonal workers, for if they were we

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Is that not clear? Is that dream not uplifting? We do all see “the sinners waxing strong.” How do
 Personally, I follow most scholars who conclude that Josephus’ identity of the authors of some   annoynt your lips with a little of it, they will looke passing redde: and, if the face be annoynted   (2Bar 4:2-7). Why?  It  is  because the  Lord  God took  Paradise  away from  Adam  and all his   Some nations rise and fall because of their military might; those nations would include, at least,
                      company. He concludes by saying that below them lies Ein Gedi, which in his times was
 whosoever joins their order must sell his possessions and hand the proceeds over to the

                      Hunc bubulum plures lac enutrire docent.
                      would most probably find similar sites in other parts of the oasis as well. All features of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        we inculcate being partners with the “people of heaven”?
 Dead Sea Scrolls and the collectors of the “Qumran Library” were Essenes. Hippolytus of Rome   therewith, it will receive no spot or fleck, but causeth it to have an orient and beautiful hue.” Ashton   descendants, even Noah (ܒܐܕ ܐܤܝܕܪܦ ܗܢܡ ܗܠ ܬܙܠܓܬܐ.ܟܝܐ 2Bar 4:3).     the early Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Huns, Mongols, and well
 common stock; and the leader distributes it to all [other Essenes] according to their need.
                      "a heap of ashes" (Pliny, Natural History, V, xv.73; trans. By H. Rackham).

                      site its location above Ein Gedi, simplicity, and unique nature conform to Pliny the Elder’s
 (c. 170 – c. 255 CE) adds credulity to Josephus’ report and corrects some of his evaluations:    apparently accepted these wild  myths  as  truthful:  “Hitherto  we have only  seen that side  of  a        And he shall open the gates of Paradise,    as the more recent Nazis. The ancient “heroes” were renowned because of great warriors like
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Is the Morality in the Apocalypses Focused Only on This Earth?
                      (d. 79 A.D.) famous passage on the Essenes, which he describes as a celibate group of men,

               Dragon’s temperament that is inimical to man, but there are stories, equally veracious, of their
    Hippolytus continues adding a comment important for us now: “They have no special city   Ashton also quoted Pliny: “The blood of a serpent is more precious than Balsamum, and if you   Our dream literature eventually describes Paradise as open and waiting for us. Recall this poignant   Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Genghis Khan. These nations and warriors, once powerful,
                                                                                                                                           And he shall remove the threatening sword since Adam.

                      living on the western shore of the Dead Sea, who have no money only palm trees  for
 [or  village] of  their own,  but  live in large numbers  in  different  cities  [or  villages] …
 None among them [the Essenes] is richer than the other; for the law with them is that   annoynt your lips with a little of it, they will looke passing redde: and, if the face be annoynted   passage in the Testament of Levi:                        Some nations rise and fall because of their military might; those nations would include, at least,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        are in our proverbial review mirrors and lost in the dust behind.
               affection and love for men, women, and children: How they, by kindness, may be tamed, and
               Hirschfield showed me his discovery at Ein Gedi which he called the “Essene Village,” and I was

                                                                                                                                           And he shall permit the Holy Ones to eat from the tree of life.
                      company. He concludes by saying that below them lies Ein Gedi, which in his times was
 whosoever joins their order must sell his possessions and hand the proceeds over to the   therewith, it will receive no spot or fleck, but causeth it to have an orient and beautiful hue.” Ashton        [TLevi 18:10-11; my new translation]         the early Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Huns, Mongols, and well

 Particularly firm is their doctrine of resurrection; they believe that the flesh will rise again
               brought into kindly relations with the human species.” These claims, barely a century old (from
               impressed with this brilliant man and enjoyed the years we shared together in many ancient sites
                      "a heap of ashes" (Pliny, Natural History, V, xv.73; trans. By H. Rackham).
 common stock; and the leader distributes it to all [other Essenes] according to their need.   apparently accepted these wild  myths  as  truthful:  “Hitherto  we have only  seen that side  of  a        And he shall open the gates of Paradise,     as the more recent Nazis. The ancient “heroes” were renowned because of great warriors like
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The Jews and Christians share a different concept of greatness. They have survived for millennia
 and then be immortal like the soul.”
               1890 until today), have continued to shape the minds of too many today.
               within modern Israel, but conceivably the huts may have belonged to Jewish simple farmers. He
                                                                                                                                           And he shall remove the threatening sword since Adam.
    Hippolytus continues adding a comment important for us now: “They have no special city     Dragon’s temperament that is inimical to man, but there are stories, equally veracious, of their     The author of this pseudepigraphon, as with many Semites, occasionally fails to make it pellucidly   Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Genghis Khan. These nations and warriors, once powerful,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        fundamentally because of morality, human values, and expectations and dreams. Many who read

               and I would appreciate careful responses to his hypothesis.

               affection and love for men, women, and children: How they, by kindness, may be tamed, and
                                                                                                                                           And he shall permit the Holy Ones to eat from the tree of life.
 [or  village] of  their own,  but  live in large numbers  in  different  cities  [or  villages] …
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        my words would add, by the continuing presence and unlimited power of the Creator. These rules
 In Quod Omnis Probus Liber Sit paragraph 12, Philo of Alexandria (c. 20 BCE to 50 CE), who   Hirschfield showed me his discovery at Ein Gedi which he called the “Essene Village,” and I was   clear who is the speaker. Most likely, Levi is the intended speaker. He informs his sons that the   are in our proverbial review mirrors and lost in the dust behind.
               Such unfounded claims from ancient mythology and Victorian Cryptozoology are enriched and
                                                                                                                                           [TLevi 18:10-11; my new translation]
               These diverse ancient and modern reports on the Essenes make it highly likely that Essenes could

               brought into kindly relations with the human species.” These claims, barely a century old (from
 Particularly firm is their doctrine of resurrection; they believe that the flesh will rise again
               impressed with this brilliant man and enjoyed the years we shared together in many ancient sites
 visited Palestine, adds more insight for us to contemplate the location of the Essenes:    enlivened by more recent claims. Examples would include Christopher Columbus’s report in his   “new priest” whom the Lord shall raise up “shall open” (ἀνοίξει) “the gates of Paradise” (τὰς θύρας   and perspectives are taught notably in families from an early age. The Testaments of the Twelve

               1890 until today), have continued to shape the minds of too many today.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The Jews and Christians share a different concept of greatness. They have survived for millennia
 and then be immortal like the soul.”
               be found in many villages within ancient Palestine. We now know, perhaps too little, about Essenes
               within modern Israel, but conceivably the huts may have belonged to Jewish simple farmers. He                        The author of this pseudepigraphon, as with many Semites, occasionally fails to make it pellucidly                  Patriarchs preserves an early record of this custom:
               journal of seeing “mermaids,” and an authority in Florida in 1954 who supported the accounts of
                                                                                                                                    τοῦ παραδείσου). Among a people oppressed consistently by foreign powers this divine promise

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        fundamentally because of morality, human values, and expectations and dreams. Many who read
               and I would appreciate careful responses to his hypothesis.
               at Qumran, Jericho, perhaps above Ein Gedi, southwest Jerusalem, and in the Galilee. In addition,
 [A] number of men living in Syria and Palestine, over 4,000 according to my judgment,
               Such unfounded claims from ancient mythology and Victorian Cryptozoology are enriched and
 In Quod Omnis Probus Liber Sit paragraph 12, Philo of Alexandria (c. 20 BCE to 50 CE), who   the St John’s River Serpent that he would not be “surprised at all” if in “the wilds of Florida” there   clear who is the speaker. Most likely, Levi is the intended speaker. He informs his sons that the     my words would add, by the continuing presence and unlimited power of the Creator. These rules
                                                                                                                                    removes anguish and brings forward everlasting hope. Human perception of weakness and finitude
               These diverse ancient and modern reports on the Essenes make it highly likely that Essenes could
               with Magen Broshi (1929-2020),  I examine
                                                        25d possible Essene burials, perhaps one mile west of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Teach your children also,
 called “Essæi” (ὅσιοι)  from their saintliness (though not exactly after the meaning of the
               enlivened by more recent claims. Examples would include Christopher Columbus’s report in his
 visited Palestine, adds more insight for us to contemplate the location of the Essenes:    would be “some creature like that monster.”     39know, perhaps too little, about Essenes   “new priest” whom the Lord shall raise up “shall open” (ἀνοίξει) “the gates of Paradise” (τὰς θύρας     and perspectives are taught notably in families from an early age. The Testaments of the Twelve
                                                                                                                                    is evident throughout history. The Jew feels God’s omniscient loving-kindness. The human cannot
               be found in many villages within ancient Palestine. We now
                 journal of seeing “mermaids,” and an authority in Florida in 1954 who supported the accounts of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               so that they might have understanding throughout all their lives
    Greek language), they being eminently worshipers of God (θεραπευταί Θεον) — in the sense   Jerusalem’s old walls. With Bargil Pixner (1921-2002),  I studied possible Essene cisterns in   τοῦ παραδείσου). Among a people oppressed consistently by foreign powers this divine promise     Patriarchs preserves an early record of this custom:
                                                                                                                                    survive or enjoy life without “hope.”
               at Qumran, Jericho, perhaps above Ein Gedi, southwest Jerusalem, and in the Galilee. In addition,
               the St John’s River Serpent that he would not be “surprised at all” if in “the wilds of Florida” there
 [A] number of men living in Syria and Palestine, over 4,000 according to my judgment,   Mount Zion within the present Jerusalem Walls.     removes anguish and brings forward everlasting hope. Human perception of weakness and finitude                     as they ceaselessly read the Law of God.
 … that they are anxious to keep their minds in a priestly state of holiness. They prefer to live
               With this aside, which may have been unconsciously stimulated when I suddenly was face to face

                                                        25d possible Essene burials, perhaps one mile west of
               would be “some creature like that monster.”
 called “Essæi” (ὅσιοι)  from their saintliness (though not exactly after the meaning of the   with Magen Broshi (1929-2020),  I examine  26  39  is evident throughout history. The Jew feels God’s omniscient loving-kindness. The human cannot              Teach your children also,
               As we conclude and peruse the lives of humans over the past four thousand years, and more,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               [TLevi 13:1-2; Kee in OTP 1.792-93]
 in villages and avoid cities on account of the habitual wickedness of those who inhabit them,
               with a cobra that was the largest in captivity,  we may continue with our questions. How can

                                                                                                                                    survive or enjoy life without “hope.”
 Greek language), they being eminently worshipers of God (θεραπευταί Θεον) — in the sense   Jerusalem’s old walls. With Bargil Pixner (1921-2002),  I studied possible Essene cisterns in   According to the author of the Testament of Abraham, Paradise is open again and the Holy Ones        so that they might have understanding throughout all their lives
               nothing has or can drain the human’s ability to dream. While in the 16  and 17  centuries, the
 knowing, as they do, that just as foul air breeds disease, so there is danger of contracting an
               storks fly from Amsterdam or Beijing to Australia, often stopping on the way in the Hula Valley

               With this aside, which may have been unconsciously stimulated when I suddenly was face to face
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               as they ceaselessly read the Law of God.
 … that they are anxious to keep their minds in a priestly state of holiness. They prefer to live   Mount Zion within the present Jerusalem Walls.     are assembled there. Note TAb 20; the speaker is “the undefiled voice of the God and Father”:      We all assume good parents want their “children” to “have understanding throughout all their
               exploration of the sea was merely speculative, in the last few decades humans have discovered that
               in Galilee; and how do they know the way without compasses? How are humans similar to animals
 incurable disease of the soul from such bad associations.
               with a cobra that was the largest in captivity,  we may continue with our questions. How can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               [TLevi 13:1-2; Kee in OTP 1.792-93]
               scientific focused explorations have led to massive discoveries
    in villages and avoid cities on account of the habitual wickedness of those who inhabit them,   As we conclude and peruse the lives of humans over the past four thousand years, and more,     According to the author of the Testament of Abraham, Paradise is open again and the Holy Ones     lives.” Pausing to comprehend each word, I ponder why the author added “all.” Was he thinking
               and also different from them? When we are living during the centuries in which we have proven
               nothing has or can drain the human’s ability to dream. While in the 16  and 17  centuries, the
                                                                                                                                    are assembled there. Note TAb 20; the speaker is “the undefiled voice of the God and Father”:
               storks fly from Amsterdam or Beijing to Australia, often stopping on the way in the Hula Valley
                                                                                                                                           Take, then, my friend Abraham into Paradise, where there are the tents of my righteous

 knowing, as they do, that just as foul air breeds disease, so there is danger of contracting an
 Also, contemplate what Philo reported in Hypothetica 11.1-18, many of Philo’s comments are now     the ability to annihilate all life  and buildings, what advantage then do humans have? Are we      ones and (where) the mansions of my holy ones, Isaac and Jacob, are in his bosom, where   about the past, present, and future? The work is an apocalyptic testament so maybe the future
               exploration of the sea was merely speculative, in the last few decades humans have discovered that
               in Galilee; and how do they know the way without compasses? How are humans similar to animals
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        We all assume good parents want their “children” to “have understanding throughout all their
 incurable disease of the soul from such bad associations.
 grounded in some Dead Sea Scrolls. Note Philo’s conclusion focused on the Essenes:   Healthy lives demand lively dreams. All humanity must realize the dire consequences we are    Take, then, my friend Abraham into Paradise, where there are the tents of my righteous   sharpened his vision. Recall again his prophecy of a blessed future shared later:
               humans  obliterating the life-giving dimensions  of  our  fragile earth?  Did not  the  ancient
               scientific focused explorations have led to massive discoveries
               and also different from them? When we are living during the centuries in which we have proven
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        lives.” Pausing to comprehend each word, I ponder why the author added “all.” Was he thinking

                                                                                                                                          there is no toil, no grief, no moaning, but peace and exultation and endless life.
   Also, contemplate what Philo reported in Hypothetica 11.1-18, many of Philo’s comments are now   spying and then endeavor to achieve the optimism that too many of us have lost.      ones and (where) the mansions of my holy ones, Isaac and Jacob, are in his bosom, where     about the past, present, and future? The work is an apocalyptic testament so maybe the future

               the  ability to  annihilate all life  and buildings,
               apocalyptists envision such a possible scenario? what  advantage then  do humans  have? Are we
                                                                                                                                           [TAb 20:14; E.P. Sanders in OTP 1.895]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               And he will open the gates of Paradise,
   Now, this is the enviable system of life of these Essenes, so that not only private individuals
                 humans  obliterating the life-giving dimensions  of  our  fragile earth?  Did not  the  ancient
 grounded in some Dead Sea Scrolls. Note Philo’s conclusion focused on the Essenes:     Healthy lives  demand lively dreams.  All  humanity must realize the dire consequences  we are      there is no toil, no grief, no moaning, but peace and exultation and endless life.     sharpened his vision. Recall again his prophecy of a blessed future shared later:

               If we hear replies that categorize this hope as
               apocalyptists envision such a possible scenario?  unrealistic and unperceptive, we might reply by
               Fourth, the OTP is full of death bed scenes and reflections on finality. It seems that some passages
    but even mighty kings, admiring the men, venerate their sect, and increase their dignity and   spying and then endeavor to achieve the optimism that too many of us have lost.      [TAb 20:14; E.P. Sanders in OTP 1.895]                                 And he will remove the threatening sword since Adam.

   Now, this is the enviable system of life of these Essenes, so that not only private individuals       observing the tectonic plates that separate the Americas from Europe and Africa are moving and   The author provides a clear description of the holy ones, here the patriarchs, who do not toil, grieve,        And he will open the gates of Paradise,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               And he will permit the Holy Ones to eat from the tree of life.
 majesty in a still higher degree by their approbation and by the honors which they confer on
               in our  sacra scriptura  imply  that  the patriarchs  knew the time of  their  deaths.  And is  Death

 [Two Anguiped Serpents pulling a chariot. Courtesy: Sienna Museum]
                                                                                                                                    The author provides a clear description of the holy ones, here the patriarchs, who do not toil, grieve,
               Fourth, the OTP is full of death bed scenes and reflections on finality. It seems that some passages
 but even mighty kings, admiring the men, venerate their sect, and increase their dignity and   If we hear replies that categorize this hope as unrealistic and unperceptive, we might reply by   or moan, but enjoy peace, exultation, and endless life. All the fears of humans are replaced by        And he will remove the threatening sword since Adam.
               increasing the size of the Atlantic Ocean by about 1.5 inches each year. That too is unexpected and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               [TLevi 18:10-11; my new translation]
 them. [11.18]
               imagined to visit humans to take souls to heaven? In one pseudepigraphon, Abraham refuses to
               observing the tectonic plates that separate the Americas from Europe and Africa are moving and                       exultation and life without end. It is clear                                                                               And he will permit the Holy Ones to eat from the tree of life.
                                                                                                                                    or moan, but enjoy peace, exultation, and endless life. All the fears of humans are replaced by
               in our  sacra scriptura  imply  that  the patriarchs  knew the time of  their  deaths.  And is  Death
 majesty in a still higher degree by their approbation and by the honors which they confer on
               allow his soul to be taken. Is it a gift to know when we are about to die? Is it a gift not to know the
   In our culture, many are confused by the account in Genesis in which the serpent is cursed and   unperceived by human eyes.        exultation and life without end. It is clear                                                                          What a spectacular promise: “a new priest” will arise and “open the gates of Paradise.” Then,
 [Two Anguiped Serpents pulling a chariot. Courtesy: Sienna Museum]
               increasing the size of the Atlantic Ocean by about 1.5 inches each year. That too is unexpected and
               imagined to visit humans to take souls to heaven? In one pseudepigraphon, Abraham refuses to
 them. [11.18]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               [TLevi 18:10-11; my new translation]

 Perhaps, Philo may be remembering how King Herod seems to have admired the Essenes. Why?
               specific day and hour when one will die?

 must now “walk on his belly” [ךְ ָ֔ל ת  ֣ךנחְג־לַּע]. Distant mythology and ancient art, see above, often
               allow his soul to be taken. Is it a gift to know when we are about to die? Is it a gift not to know the

                                                                                                                                                  Do the Apocalyptists Urge us to Live Elsewhere?
 In our culture, many are confused by the account in Genesis in which the serpent is cursed and
 It is perhaps, because Herod shared with the Essenes a common enemy: the Hasmoneans.

                                                                                                                                                  Do the Apocalyptists Urge us to Live Elsewhere?

               specific day and hour when one will die?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        What a spectacular promise: “a new priest” will arise and “open the gates of Paradise.” Then,
 imagine a serpent with feet. He lost it in the Fall:  ֙הָתַּא רוּ ָ֤ ראָ  ֒תאֹ ז  ָתי ִּ֣שָׂע יִּ֣כּ ׁ֮שָחָנַּה־לַֽ ֶא ׀םיִֵּּ֥הלֱֹא הָ֨וֹ הְי ֩רֶמאֹ יַּו   unperceived by human eyes.     Those who have not comprehended the apocalypses err by claiming the dreamy apocalyptists     amazingly, “the Holy Ones” will “eat from the tree of life.” Jews and Christians survived because
 Perhaps, Philo may be remembering how King Herod seems to have admired the Essenes. Why?

 must now “walk on his belly” [ךְ ָ֔ל ת  ֣ ךנחְג־לַּע]. Distant mythology and ancient art, see above, often
               If the cultural achievements and dreams of the early Jews did not billow up in smoke in September
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        they believed – and lived – that expectation.

 It is perhaps, because Herod shared with the Essenes a common enemy: the Hasmoneans.     Epilogue                                  Those who have not  comprehended the  apocalypses  err by  claiming the dreamy apocalyptists                        amazingly, “the Holy Ones” will “eat from the tree of life.” Jews and Christians survived because


 ׃ךיֶיַּח יֵּ֥ מי־לָכּ לַָּּ֖כאת רֵָּ֥פָעְו ךְ ָ֔ל ת  ֣ךנחְג־לַּע הֶּ֑דָשַּה תַּ֣יַּח ל ָּ֖ ֹ כִּּמוּ ה ָ֔מ הְבַּה־לָכִּּמ. καὶ εἶπεν κύριος ὁ θεὸς τῷ ὄφει Ὅτι  יַּו
 ַֽ imagine a serpent with feet. He lost it in the Fall:  ֙הָתַּא רוּ ָ֤ ראָ  ֒תאֹ ז  ָתי ִּ֣שָׂע יִּ֣כּ ׁ֮שָחָנַּה־לַֽ ֶא ׀םיִֵּּ֥הלֱֹא הָ֨וֹ הְי ֩רֶמאֹ

                                                                                                                                    mislead us, because we must not live as if the far-off-world is our only abode. Let us not forget
 Most of the leading scholars today concur that the Essenes left the cities of Palestine and lived in   70 CE, they practically vanished by the middle of the second century CE. During the following   mislead us, because we must not live as if the far-off-world is our only abode. Let us not forget     they believed – and lived – that expectation.
               If the cultural achievements and dreams of the early Jews did not billow up in smoke in September

 ἐποίησας τοῦτο, ἐπικατάρατος σὺ ἀπὸ πάντων τῶν κτηνῶν καὶ ἀπὸ πάντων τῶν θηρίων τῆς γῆς,

 ׃ךיֶיַּח יֵּ֥ מי־לָכּ לַָּּ֖כאת רֵָּ֥פָעְו ךְ ָ֔ל ת  ֣ ךנחְג־לַּע ה ֶּ֑דָשַּה תַּ֣יַּח ל ָּ֖ ֹ כִּּמוּ ה ָ֔מ הְבַּה־לָכִּּמ. καὶ εἶπεν κύριος ὁ θεὸς τῷ ὄφει Ὅτι
               70 CE, they practically vanished by the middle of the second century CE. During the following
 villages. Pliny the Elder (Gaius Plinius Secundus lived from c. 23 to 79 CE) locates some of them   period,  apocalyptic hopeful  expectations and cosmological  speculations  were demoted then   that almost always, the apocalyptic seer returns to earth to instruct and fill the faithful with hope.
                                                                                                                                    that almost always, the apocalyptic seer returns to earth to instruct and fill the faithful with hope.
 Most of the leading scholars today concur that the Essenes left the cities of Palestine and lived in
 ἐποίησας τοῦτο, ἐπικατάρατος σὺ ἀπὸ πάντων τῶν κτηνῶν καὶ ἀπὸ πάντων τῶν θηρίων τῆς γῆς,
 ἐπὶ τῷ στήθει σου καὶ τῇ κοιλίᾳ πορεύσῃ [Gen 3:14]. The ancient artists and the author of Genesis

                  John Ashton, Curious Creatures in Zoology (London: John C. Nimmo, 1890). He began his book as follows:
                                                                                                                                    Recall 1 Enoch 104:
 west of the Dead Sea and reports: “Below them was En-gedi” (Natural History 5.15.73). Pliny’s   period,  apocalyptic hopeful  expectations and cosmological  speculations  were demoted then   Recall 1 Enoch 104:                                            What Significant Advances Have Been Made in the Study of Ancient Apocalypses?
 villages. Pliny the Elder (Gaius Plinius Secundus lived from c. 23 to 79 CE) locates some of them

 ἐπὶ τῷ στήθει σου καὶ τῇ κοιλίᾳ πορεύσῃ [Gen 3:14]. The ancient artists and the author of Genesis
 3 assume that the serpent once had feet but it must now crawl “on its breast” ἐπὶ τῷ στήθει (cf. 2
               “TRAVELLERS see strange  things.” He added that their claims  were not “put under the  microscope of modern
                  John Ashton,  Curious Creatures in Zoology  (London: John  C. Nimmo, 1890). He began  his book as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               What Significant Advances Have Been Made in the Study of Ancient Apocalypses?
 west of the Dead Sea and reports: “Below them was En-gedi” (Natural History 5.15.73). Pliny’s                                                                                                                                                          I  remember the first PhD seminar  I taught at Duke University in the  early 1970s on the Old
 description lacks clarity. Did Pliny mean Ein Gedi (يدج نيع ,יִּדֶג ןי ע) was at a lower elevation or
 3 assume that the serpent once had feet but it must now crawl “on its breast” ἐπὶ τῷ στήθει (cf. 2
               “TRAVELLERS  see str
               scientific examination.” ange  things.”  He  added that their claims  were  not  “put  under the  microscope  of modern
 Enoch, History of the Rechabites).
                  From Y. Aharoni, “Archaeological Survey of 'Ein Gedi,” Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society 22 (1958) 27
                                                                                                                                           Now fear not, righteous ones, when you see the sinners waxing strong and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Testament Pseudepigrapha. More than 50 books had to be placed on reserve so the students could
               25 scientific examination.”
 description lacks clarity. Did Pliny mean Ein Gedi (يدج نيع ,יִּדֶג ןי ע) was at a lower elevation or
 Enoch, History of the Rechabites).     37  From Y. Aharoni, “Archaeological Survey of 'Ein Gedi,” Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society 22 (1958) 27        Now fear not, righteous ones, when you see the sinners waxing strong and              I  remember  the  first  PhD  seminar  I taught  at  Duke University in  the  early 1970s  on the  Old
               [in Hebrew]. See esp. Yizhar Hirschfeld, Ein-Gedi Excavations I: Final Report (Jerusalem; Israel Exploration Society,
                  “Big Dough Offered For the Monster,” Orlando Sentinel (October 22, 1953). From 1954 to 1960, I explored the
   that it was to the south. Above Ein Gedi are huts that Yizhar Hirschfield (1950-2006) imagined
                                                                                                                                           flourishing, do not be partners with them, but keep far away from those who
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        read translations of the works; there was no definition of this genre and no published collection
               [in Hebrew]. See esp. Yizhar Hirschfeld, Ein-Gedi Excavations I: Final Report (Jerusalem; Israel Exploration Society,
               Everglades and I was often fueled by apparently wise counsel.
   that it was to the south. Above Ein Gedi are huts that Yizhar Hirschfield (1950-2006) imagined   25  “Big Dough Offered For the Monster,” Orlando Sentinel (October 22, 1953). From 1954 to 1960, I explored the        flourishing, do not be partners with them, but keep far away from those who    Testament Pseudepigrapha. More than 50 books had to be placed on reserve so the students could
 may have belonged to Essenes:
 Ancient mythology is sometimes not so ancient. In 1890 John Ashton’s Curious Creatures in
                                                                                                                                           lean onto their own injustice; for you are to be partners with the good-hearted
               38 2007).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        except, perhaps, Johann Albert  Fabricius’  collection in  Latin,  Codex pseudepigraphus Veteris
 Ancient mythology is sometimes not so ancient. In 1890 John Ashton’s  Curious Creatures in   26 Everglades and I was often fueled by apparently wise counsel.          lean onto their own injustice; for you are to be partners with the good-hearted    read translations of the works; there was no definition of this genre and no published collection
                  See the opening of and the information in Charlesworth, “Phenomenology, Symbology, and Lexicography: The
                  I have been influenced by M. Broshi and S. Gibson, “Excavations Along the Western and Southern Walls of the
 may have belonged to Essenes:
 Zoology imagined that:
  We may assume that the inhabitants of these cells were Jews, since the site was part of the
                                                                                                                                           people of heaven. [1En 104:6; Isaac in OTP 1.85]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        except,  perhaps, Johann Albert  Fabricius’  collection in  Latin,  Codex pseudepigraphus  Veteris
                  I have been influenced by M. Broshi and S. Gibson, “Excavations Along the Western and Southern Walls of the
                  See the opening of and the information in Charlesworth, “Phenomenology, Symbology, and Lexicography: The
               Old City of Jerusalem,” Ancient Jerusalem Revealed, edited by Hillel Geva (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society,
  We may assume that the inhabitants of these cells were Jews, since the site was part of the
   Zoology imagined that:    Amazingly  Rich Vocabulary for ‘Serpent’ in  Ancient  Greek,”  Revue  biblique  111 (2004) 499-515. Also see,          people of heaven. [1En 104:6; Isaac in OTP 1.85]                                                    Testamenti in 1713 and Jacques-Paul Migne’s French collection in Dictionnaire des apocryphes
               Amazingly  Rich Vocabulary for ‘Serpent’ in  Ancient  Greek,”  Revue  biblique  111 (2004) 499-515. Also see,
               Old City of Jerusalem,” Ancient Jerusalem Revealed, edited by Hillel Geva (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society,
 Ein Gedi oasis, which was situated nearby a Jewish village (mentioned by Josephus Flavius
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Testamenti in 1713 and Jacques-Paul Migne’s French collection in Dictionnaire des apocryphes

               1994) pp. 147-155.
               Charlesworth, The Good and Evil Serpent: How a Universal Symbol Became Christianized. The Anchor Yale Bible
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        in 1856. R.H. Charles’ monumental volumes in 1913, The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the
               Charlesworth, The Good and Evil Serpent: How a Universal Symbol Became Christianized. The Anchor Yale Bible
 in the first century and by Eusebius in the early fourth century). The installations and small
 The Boas Serpent which Italy doth breede,
      Ein Gedi oasis, which was situated nearby a Jewish village (mentioned by Josephus Flavius   1994) pp. 147-155.                                                                                                                                    in 1856. R.H. Charles’ monumental volumes in 1913, The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the
               Reference Library. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010) and Charlesworth, “Teologia biblica e simbolismo del
 The Boas Serpent which Italy doth breede,
                  B. Pixner, With Jesus In Jerusalem: His First and Last Days in Judea (Rosh Pina, Israel: Corazin Publishing, 1996).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Old Testament were out-of-print and widely considered an abridged version of the ill-defined
 in the first century and by Eusebius in the early fourth century). The installations and small
               Reference Library. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010) and Charlesworth, “Teologia biblica e simbolismo del
                  B. Pixner, With Jesus In Jerusalem: His First and Last Days in Judea (Rosh Pina, Israel: Corazin Publishing, 1996).
 Men say, upon the milke of Cowes doth feede.  inhabitants lived in these as permanent
               Esp. see, Pixner, “Jerusalem’s Essene  Gateway:  Where  the  Community Lived in Jesus’ Time," Biblical
      artifacts found inside the cells indicate that the   serpente,” in Voci dall’area santuariale di Lanuvium: Un percorso storico- religioso con ricadute nel presente, edited                                                                       Old Testament  were out-of-print  and widely  considered an  abridged version  of the ill-defined
 Men say, upon the milke of Cowes doth feede.
               serpente,” in Voci dall’area santuariale di Lanuvium: Un percorso storico- religioso con ricadute nel presente, edited
 artifacts found inside the cells indicate that the inhabitants lived in these as permanent
               Esp. see, Pixner, “Jerusalem’s Essene  Gateway:  Where  the  Community Lived in Jesus’ Time," Biblical
               by Marcello Del Verme. (Bornato in Franciacorta: Sardini Editrice, 2013) pp. 81-114 with illustrations. [= Biblia e
               by Marcello Del Verme. (Bornato in Franciacorta: Sardini Editrice, 2013) pp. 81-114 with illustrations. [= Biblia e
               Archaeological Review 23 (1997) 22–31. I relish the  years shared  with Bargil  in  Galilee and Jerusalem and the
                                                         Archaeological Review 23 (1997) 22–31. I relish the  years shared  with Bargil  in  Galilee and Jerusalem and the

               Oriente 55, 255-256].

               Oriente 55, 255-256].
               evenings with him and his colleagues in the Benedictine Dominion Abbey in Jerusalem. With him, I have endeavored
                                                                                                                                      For the Syriac text, see S. Dedering, “Apocalypse of Baruch,” Vetus Testamentum Syriace (Leiden: Brill, 1973) p.
               evenings with him and his colleagues in the Benedictine Dominion Abbey in Jerusalem. With him, I have endeavored
 23 36  I corrected the Greek.   to stress the Jewishness of Jesus and commonality today between Jews and Christians.               17  For the Syriac text, see S. Dedering, “Apocalypse of Baruch,” Vetus Testamentum Syriace (Leiden: Brill, 1973) p.   18  I endeavor to reserve “shall” for God’s actions.
  Often, I cite the Septuagint because its text is often older and better than the Masoretic Text.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I endeavor to reserve “shall” for God’s actions.
               to stress the Jewishness of Jesus and commonality today between Jews and Christians.
  I corrected the Greek.
  Often, I cite the Septuagint because its text is often older and better than the Masoretic Text.
 16                                                       25                                                                                                                  12
 Fifth, are there other worlds? When I began in astrophysics, we knew about only seven planets.   Constantinopolitan Creed those confessing belief in Jesus did not want simply to equate Jesus with   corpus. I discovered that the lead plates of Charles’ volumes had been melted down to make bullets   who dismiss the description of the serpent in Genesis as fictious need to continue reading and
 mistakes. What wisdom disappeared in smoke when the great libraries, like the one in Alexandria,
               trusted. When he declared creation “good” and “very good” God knew, according to the priestly
               scribes, that human destiny would be beatific.
 were burned?
 All were in our solar system. Now, today, we know about millions of planets. Are not some of   God.  Did not  the  earliest  Christians  affirm  that Jesus  was  “crucified, dead and buried”  and   in the Great War. All students preferred translations in English; moreover, virtually no reliable text   studying.

 them inhabited by beings somewhat like us? If UFO’s are real and represent life from elsewhere,   represented God on earth. The highest Christology in the New Testament is in the Gospel of Saint   editions were published for many of the documents I was convinced should be included in the     who dismiss the description of the serpent in Genesis as fictious need to continue reading and

 3. Are the Apocalypses the Dream Literature of Antiquity? Yes, that is characteristic of the
 did any who composed the Bible or the pseudepigraphical and apocryphal books intimate such   John; and in this masterpiece, Jesus is celebrated with the asyndetic affirmation? Two nouns are   corpus we all called “the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha.”     studying.
               I have heard the tale of an old native American who, centuries ago, was leading his tribe from cold
 major apocalypses. But we should also add that the apocalypses ultimately revealed the importance   not separated but side by side: “the Logos Word became flesh”; subsequently, Jesus collapsed,       corpus. I discovered that the lead plates of Charles’ volumes had been melted down to make bullets
 knowledge? What about Ezekiel’s ascent in a chariot that resembles a flying saucer? Is the biblical
               Montana to warm Texas, an ideal land in the south that is free of snow. He was stopped on the way
                                                         nd “
               Constantinopolitan Creed those confessing belief in Jesus did not want simply to equate Jesus with
                           n he
 mistakes. What wisdom disappeared in smoke when the great libraries, like the one in Alexandria,
 Fifth, are there other worlds? When I began in astrophysics, we knew about only seven planets.
                                              on “
                                       d c

 and fragility of life on earth and enriched speculations and provided in-depth moral insights.   exhausted and thirsty, by the well in Samaria and stood weeping outside Lazarus’s tomb. Jesus’   in the Great War. All students preferred translations in English; moreover, virtually no reliable text
 report possibly a garbled account of something else? Are we allowed to learn from areas too often
                                                                                                                                    Since the 1970s, gifted men and women have provided texts, translations, and studies focused on
               with this warning: “Sir, do you not know there are deadly snakes, deserts, and horrible heat where
               God.  Did not  the  earliest  Christians  affirm  that Jesus  was  “crucified, dead and buried”  and
                                n de
 were burned?
 All were in our solar system. Now, today, we know about millions of planets. Are not some of

                     s, that hum
                                          would be
 considered  fantastic?  Is  it not possible that weird accounts  and apocalyptic visions may have   early followers experienced him as a man who transcended human abilities; but, in my opinion, he   editions were published for many of the documents I was convinced should be included in the
                                                                                                                                    one of the documents in the OTP. Now we have a known corpus that is increasing. At that time,
 them inhabited by beings somewhat like us? If UFO’s are real and represent life from elsewhere,

               you are leading your people?” He replied: “We are moving because we spy a blessed place and

               represented God on earth. The highest Christology in the New Testament is in the Gospel of Saint
                                                              o, c

                                                                           o, w
 did any who composed the Bible or the pseudepigraphical and apocryphal books intimate such
                                                                                                                                    focus was almost always on philology and history. Now, we have a vineyard of ancient apocalyptic
 hidden experiences? Do we have access to our subliminal consciousness? What has shaped our   I sought to point them to God, the Father: “It is not possible that I do anything on my own. As I   corpus we all called “the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha.”
 4. Do we Become Present when We Imagine a Place Phenomenologically? Absolutely, that
 3. Are the Apocalypses the Dream Literature of Antiquity? Yes, that is characteristic of the
               John; and in this masterpiece, Jesus is celebrated with the asyndetic affirmation? Two nouns are ld
               dream of it. We all must dream.” Perception and understanding may be found in stories.
                                        n idea
                                                              that is
 major apocalypses. But we should also add that the apocalypses ultimately revealed the importance   not separated but side by side: “the Logos Word became flesh”; subsequently, Jesus collapsed,       creations, so to speak, and we may enjoy its fruits by exploring the eternal questions and asking in
 knowledge? What about Ezekiel’s ascent in a chariot that resembles a flying saucer? Is the biblical
                                                                                              d on the
               hear, I judge; and my judgment is just, because I do not seek my own will but the will of him who
 is pellucidly obvious thanks to the publications of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. When we imagine a

 and fragility of life on earth and enriched speculations and provided in-depth moral insights.   with  thi s  wa rning :  “ S ir,  do  y ou not  know  ther e   a re   de a dl y  sn a ke s,  de s e rts, a nd horr ibl e  he a t  whe re  Since the 1970s, gifted men and women have provided texts, translations, and studies focused on
               exhausted and thirsty, by the well in Samaria and stood weeping outside Lazarus’s tomb. Jesus’
 report possibly a garbled account of something else? Are we allowed to learn from areas too often
               sent me;” Οὐ δύναμαι ἐγὼ ποιεῖν ἀπʼ ἐμαυτοῦ οὐδέν· καθὼς ἀκούω κρίνω, καὶ ἡ κρίσις ἡ ἐμὴ
   distant location, we also imagine that somehow and in some way, we are present entering that
                                                                                                                                    what ways, if at all, these complex ancient compositions help us draw closer to possibly reliable
               I am reminded of the description of the land of “the Blessed Ones” in the History of the Rechabites,


 considered  fantastic?  Is  it not  possible  that weird accounts  and apocalyptic visions  may have   early followers experienced him as a man who transcended human abilities; but, in my opinion, he    one of the documents in the OTP. Now we have a known corpus that is increasing. At that time,



                  u a
 If the answer to all these questions is “no,” then why are we so fascinated by stories and accounts
               δικαία ἐστίν, ὅτι οὐ ζητῶ τὸ θέλημα τὸ ἐμὸν ἀλλὰ τὸ θέλημα τοῦ πέμψαντός με. (John 5:30). Did
                                                                                                                                    (perhaps revealed) perceptions and answers. Here are some areas we may all continue to explore:
 place to describe it. Those who enter the heavens, according to the authors of the Apocalypses and
               a document in the Pseudepigrapha. Recall how after God had brought the seer among “the Blessed
 hidden experiences? Do we have access to our subliminal consciousness? What has shaped our   dre a m of it . W e  a ll  must  dre a m.” Pe rc e pti on a nd u nde rsta ndin g  ma y  be  fou nd in s torie s.    focus was almost always on philology and history. Now, we have a vineyard of ancient apocalyptic
 4. Do we Become Present when We Imagine a Place Phenomenologically? Absolutely, that
               sought to point them to God, the Father: “It is not possible that I do anything on my own. As I
 apocalyptic literature, imagine that visionary men like Enoch and Ezra, who visit the heavens
               Jesus not emphasize that he sought to share what he heard ὁ πατήρ (the Father) instructing him?
 found in the biblical and related books? If many are too fanciful for modern science is that not also

               hear, I judge; and my judgment is just, because I do not seek my own will but the will of him who

 is pellucidly obvious thanks to the publications of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. When we imagine a
 mind?         Ones” on a paradisaic island, he shares their report about their life:                                               creations, so to speak, and we may enjoy its fruits by exploring the eternal questions and asking in
 above, or Zosimos, who is guided to the mysterious islands, are depicted present in such places to   Did this confession and understanding create the Nicene Creed that stipulated that Jesus was fully   First, how is the Creator perceived? Are we wise to ask about monotheism or henotheism? To what
 true of many recent discoveries and inventions? My grandfather took a steamer to Palestine before

                                                                                                                                    what ways, if at all, these complex ancient compositions help us draw closer to possibly reliable
                                                                                            the R

                            d of


                                            n of
   distant location, we also imagine that somehow and in some way, we are present entering that
               sent me;” Οὐ δύναμαι ἐγὼ ποιεῖν ἀπʼ ἐμαυτοῦ οὐδέν· καθὼς ἀκούω κρίνω, καὶ ἡ κρίσις ἡ ἐμὴ ,
 describe the mysteries of our universe.   human  and fully divine? Confessions  must not  be reduced to  simplistic  Umgangsprache   extent is the Eternal One represented by “the Lord Our God”? Is this Being powerful or has he
 1913 and was on board for almost two weeks; what would be his response to my claim that I took
                                                                                                                                    (perhaps revealed) perceptions and answers. Here are some areas we may all continue to explore:
                      And God commanded and this land brought forth for us pleasant and splendid trees which
                                               . R
                                                                       d b
               δικαία ἐστίν, ὅτι οὐ ζητῶ τὸ θέλημα τὸ ἐμὸν ἀλλὰ τὸ θέλημα τοῦ πέμψαντός με. (John 5:30). Did d
                    ument in
 If the answer to all these questions is “no,” then why are we so fascinated by stories and accounts
 place to describe it. Those who enter the heavens, according to the authors of the Apocalypses and

 the same journey but I needed only about ten hours?    (colloquial speech).  ic isl a nd, he  sha r e s their r e por t about their  li fe :    delimited his might by creating Adam, in his image, and with the freedom to reject the good and

 found in the biblical and related books? If many are too fanciful for modern science is that not also
                      on a
 apocalyptic literature, imagine that visionary men like Enoch and Ezra, who visit the heavens
                      are filled (with) lovely, marvelous, and abundant fruits. And again, from the roots of the
               Jesus not emphasize that he sought to share what he heard ὁ πατήρ (the Father) instructing him?
 5. How May we Perceive a New Creation? We can focus on the improvements in human
                                                                                                                                    even the Creator? How and in what ways can the Creator effect history; is this One incapable, by
   true of many recent discoveries and inventions? My grandfather took a steamer to Palestine before     Did this confession and understanding create the Nicene Creed that stipulated that Jesus was fully    trees flows sweet and delightful water; and from these fruits and water we take delight and   First, how is the Creator perceived? Are we wise to ask about monotheism or henotheism? To what
 above, or Zosimos, who is guided to the mysterious islands, are depicted present in such places to
 culture over the past three centuries and recognize that we all share the same dream: peace and   In seeking understanding about our nature, our origins, and the universe, let us not be misled by     extent is the Eternal One represented by “the Lord Our God”? Is this Being powerful or has he
 Who made science superior and the only source of knowledge? Albert Einstein warned us not to
                                                                                                                                    self-limitations, to  never  intervene but  only to supervene? And  how  may  we make such
                                              d thi
               human  and fully divine? Confessions  must not  be reduced to  simplistic  Umgangsprache
                                                                                                   s whic
                                                  s land br
 1913 and was on board for almost two weeks; what would be his response to my claim that I took
                                                                                            did t
 describe the mysteries of our universe.
                      And G
                                                             ht fo
                                                                  rth f
                             od c
                                                                      or us ple
                                                                                 nt and sple
                      rest and are sustained.”
 harmony on this fragile earth. If relatively recently humans have “created” rapid means of effective
 make such absurd errors. He eschewed “the religious paradise” which was “dominated by wishes,   those  who  claim  myopically  to  have the proper  theology or  Christology.  Did not  the early   delimited his might by creating Adam, in his image, and with the freedom to reject the good and

 the same journey but I needed only about ten hours?
               (colloquial speech). ith) lovely, marvelous, and abundant fruits. And again, from the roots of the

                      (HistRech 11:3-4; Charlesworth in OTP 2.456].
 5. How May we Perceive a New Creation? We can focus on the improvements in human
                      trees flows sweet and delightful water; and from these fruits and water we take delight and
   communication, the  railroads,  planes,  rockets,  medicines,  and life-saving  alterations to  our     reflections about Jesus warn that definitions should be clear but also open ended? Are all the so-  even the Creator? How and in what ways can the Creator effect history; is this One incapable, by
 hopes, and primitive feelings.” He chose  another path: “The  road to this paradise was not as

 Who made science superior and the only source of knowledge? Albert Einstein warned us not to
                        st and a

 culture over the past three centuries and recognize that we all share the same dream: peace and   In seeking understanding about our nature, our origins, and the universe, let us not be misled by   self-limitations, to  never  intervene but  only to supervene? And  how  may  we make such
               called  Gnostic  Gospels  heretical?  Why  were  only  “Jews”  at  Jamnia  and  only  “Christians”  at
 comfortable and alluring as the road to the religious paradise; but it has proved itself as trustworthy,
                                                                                                                                    Second, the  Bible is  the “Crucible of  the Pseudepigrapha.”   Those  who  wrote these  cultural
 precious earth, then they can recognize the impending disasters to all, and accordingly, make
                                     4; C
                               h 11:3
 make such absurd errors. He eschewed “the religious paradise” which was “dominated by wishes,   The author, like some Essenes, perceived that οἱ ἄγγϵλοι τοῦ θεοῦ dwell with them: καὶ οἱ ἄγγϵλοι   distinctions?

 harmony on this fragile earth. If relatively recently humans have “created” rapid means of effective
               those  who  claim  myopically  to  have the proper  theology or  Christology.  Did not  the early
                                                  th i

 and I have never regretted having chosen it.”  Einstein continued to believe in God and in an
 preparations to share a common destiny.
               Nicaea? How has our theology been contaminated by endeavors and predilection for too precise
                                                                                                                                    shaping apocalyptic masterpieces intimate and even anticipate a beatific future since God claimed
 hopes,  and primitive feelings.” He chose  another  path: “The  road to  this  paradise  was  not  as

               reflections about Jesus warn that definitions should be clear but also open ended? Are all the so-
 communication, the  railroads,  planes,  rockets,  medicines,  and life-saving  alterations to  our   τοῦ θεοῦ οἰκοῦσιν μεθ᾽ ἡμῶν [HistRech 12:8].  Most likely, the author is imagining the recreation     the “End” of creation would be glorious. They also knew that the future, for God, is also the

 impersonal  supreme  Being and was  captivatingly  “enthralled by the  luminous figure of  the
               definitions? “Either-or” is blind sometimes; “both-and” may offer a world in which harmony is

 precious  earth, then they  can  recognize the impending disasters to  all,  and accordingly, make
 comfortable and alluring as the road to the religious paradise; but it has proved itself as trustworthy,   (perhaps at the end of time) of the blessed life that Adam and Eve had enjoyed in the Garden of   Second, the  Bible is  the “Crucible of  the Pseudepigrapha.”   Those  who  wrote these  cultural

               called  Gnostic  Gospels  heretical?  Why  were  only  “Jews”  at  Jamnia  and  only  “Christians”  at


 Nazarene,” Jesus.    27  perceived, promised, and experienced because no option is excluded for human speculation and              present,  since God  by definition transcends  categories  like “time.”  If  so, then  God  saw  and
 6. Is the Morality in the Apocalypses Focused Only on This Earth? Moral imperatives are
                                                                                                                                    shaping apocalyptic masterpieces intimate and even anticipate a beatific future since God claimed
               Eden (at the beginning of time): Endzeit wird Urzeit.  kely, the author is imagining the recreation
               Nicaea? How has our theology been contaminated by endeavors and predilection for too precise
 preparations to share a common destiny.
                                                          .  Most li
 and I have never regretted having chosen it.”  Einstein continued to believe in God and in an

   present in the earliest times in Eden (and Jews placed the present blessed abode in many different   contemplation. As we seek for an improved theology should we not also learn from the concept of   pronounced the beginning and end of creation “good” [׃בוַֹֽט־יִּכּ םיִָּּ֖הלֱֹא א ְרֵַּּ֥יַּו]. Almost always, Jews
                                                                                                                                    the “End” of creation would be glorious. They also knew that the future, for God, is also the
                 (perhaps at the end of time) of the blessed life that Adam and Eve had enjoyed in the Garden of

 impersonal  supreme  Being and was  captivatingly  “enthralled by the  luminous figure of  the
               definitions? “Either-or” is blind sometimes; “both-and” may offer a world in which harmony is
 28ons). Paradise is in the third heaven, according to Paul in 2 Corinthians 12 and
 cosmological locati  Logos according to Heraclitus (c. 535- c. 475 BCE), from so-called Lao-Tzu (c. 500 BCE) who                   present,  since God  by definition transcends  categories  like “time.”  If  so, then  God  saw  and
 Sixth,  is  there life after death? Is  that not  a focus  of  many apocryphal  works? Do  not the
                                                                                                                                    who left us apocalypses foresaw a blessed future for those faithful to the Creator; their life would
               Eden (at the beginning of time): Endzeit wird Urzeit.
 Nazarene,” Jesus.
               perceived, promised, and experienced because no option is excluded for human speculation and
 6. Is the Morality in the Apocalypses Focused Only on This Earth? Moral imperatives are
               Continuing our perusal of the Essenes, some of the most gifted intellectuals within early Jewish
   the author of 2 Enoch 8 in Recension A: “And the men took me from there. They brought me to   according to  old  Chinese traditions  composed the  Tao-Te-Ching  urging that we live and act   pronounced the beginning and end of creation “good” [׃בוַֹֽט־יִּכּ םיִָּּ֖הלֱֹא א ְרֵַּּ֥יַּו]. Almost always, Jews
                                                                                                                                    be similar to those enjoying the Abode of the Rechabites – perhaps only after we stop breathing.
 apocalypses contain descriptions of postmortem life? Of course, they do. And it is possible to note

               contemplation. As we seek for an improved theology should we not also learn from the concept of
 present in the earliest times in Eden (and Jews placed the present blessed abode in many different
               apocalypticism, we now should ask:  Did the  Essenes  establish dwellings  only  at  Qumran?
 the third heaven. And they placed me in the midst of Paradise.” [OTP 1.115F.I. Andersen]  The
 that the emphasis shifted from suffering for the unrighteous, and blessedness for the righteous - to   according to  the  energetic  force that unites  the  universe, and from  the  Upanishads, the  great   who left us apocalypses foresaw a blessed future for those faithful to the Creator; their life would

               Logos according to Heraclitus (c. 535- c. 475 BCE), from so-called Lao-Tzu (c. 500 BCE) who
               Continuing our perusal of the Essenes, some of the most gifted intellectuals within early Jewish
 Sixth,  is  there life after death? Is  that not  a focus  of  many apocryphal  works? Do  not the
 cosmological locations). Paradise is in the third heaven, according to Paul in 2 Corinthians 12 and
               Obviously not. Josephus (37-100 CE), who knew the culture of first-century Palestine intimately
 the author of 2 Enoch 8 in Recension A: “And the men took me from there. They brought me to
 ancient Jews and Christian imagined a blessed place, sometimes in an unknown place, in which   treasury of wisdom in India that took shape from about 500 BCE to the Middle Ages, and tried to   be similar to those enjoying the Abode of the Rechabites – perhaps only after we stop breathing.
 apocalypses contain descriptions of postmortem life? Of course, they do. And it is possible to note
 annihilation of the wicked, and eternal blessed and unimaginable glory and happiness for those
               apocalypticism, we now should ask:  Did the  Essenes  establish dwellings  only  at  Qumran?
               according to  old  Chinese traditions  composed the  Tao-Te-Ching  urging that we live and act
                                                                                                                                    Third,  how  and in  what  ways  are “humans” similar to  animals  and also different  from  other
 the third heaven. And they placed me in the midst of Paradise.” [OTP 1.115F.I. Andersen]  The   and observed the Roman conquest of Galilee and then the burning of Jerusalem, reported that     creatures? A few animals, like the octopi, chimpanzees, and especially bottlenose dolphins seem
 that the emphasis shifted from suffering for the unrighteous, and blessedness for the righteous - to
               according to  the  energetic  force that unites  the  universe, and from  the  Upanishads, the  great
               Obviously not. Josephus (37-100 CE), who knew the culture of first-century Palestine intimately
 God’s will was obeyed joyously.
 faithful to God and the Torah.
               demonstrate the human’s universal oneness. Is not the goal of world-wide theological speculations
 annihilation of the wicked, and eternal blessed and unimaginable glory and happiness for those
 ancient Jews and Christian imagined a blessed place, sometimes in an unknown place, in which   Essenes  lived in many areas of the country:    Third,  how  and in  what  ways  are “humans” similar to  animals  and also different  from  other
               treasury of wisdom in India that took shape from about 500 BCE to the Middle Ages, and tried to
               and observed the Roman conquest of Galilee and then the burning of Jerusalem, reported that
               basically human endeavors, guided by the spirit (variously defined), to arrive at a sense of Awe?

                                                                                                                                    to possess cognitive abilities equal to humans.  And tortoises may live over 150 years while
                 Essenes  lived in many areas of the country:
 God’s will was obeyed joyously.
 faithful to God and the Torah.    demonstrate the human’s universal oneness. Is not the goal of world-wide theological speculations   creatures? A few animals, like the octopi, chimpanzees, and especially bottlenose dolphins seem

 7. What Significant Advances Have Been Made in the Study of Ancient Apocalypses? The
 Seventh, why do too many claim or assume an absolute dichotomy between Jewish thoughts and
                                                                                                                                    humans often pass away before 80. Some apes and monkeys can use their hands. How intelligent
                      They [the Essenes; Ἐσσηνοὶ καλοῦνται] are not only in one town but many of them dwell

     preoccupation with ideas has been replaced in most recent endeavors by contextualization, thanks   basically human endeavors, guided by the spirit (variously defined), to arrive at a sense of Awe?   to possess cognitive abilities equal to humans.   And tortoises  may live over 150  years while
                                                                                                                                    is the octopus; is this creature’s strategies due only to ecological intelligence (that is, the ability to
 Christian reflections in the first century CE? Were Jesus and all his disciples not Jewish? Were not
               Today, too much has changed. Religion and philosophy have been too often abandoned and even
                      in every town [Μία δ' οὐκ ἔστιν αὐτῶν πόλις ἀλλ' ἐν ἑκάστῃ μετοικοῦσιν πολλοί].  And
 7. What Significant Advances Have Been Made in the Study of Ancient Apocalypses? The
 Seventh, why do too many claim or assume an absolute dichotomy between Jewish thoughts and      They [the Essenes; Ἐσσηνοὶ καλοῦνται] are not only in one town but many of them dwell   humans often pass away before 80. Some apes and monkeys can use their hands. How intelligent
 the books in the Christian Bible all composed by Jews, with maybe a few exceptions: the so-called   dismissed from too many curricula.  In the late 1960s, when I began to teach at Duke, students   secure food) or is it capable of planning (as Piero Amodio of the University of Padua observed)?
 to fabulous archaeological discoveries, epigraphy, enriched Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, and Greek
 Christian reflections in the first century CE? Were Jesus and all his disciples not Jewish? Were not   Today, too much has changed. Religion and philosophy have been too often abandoned and even   is the octopus; is this creature’s strategies due only to ecological intelligence (that is, the ability to
                      in every town [Μία δ' οὐκ ἔστιν αὐτῶν πόλις ἀλλ' ἐν ἑκάστῃ μετοικοῦσιν πολλοί].  And
 preoccupation with ideas has been replaced in most recent endeavors by contextualization, thanks
                      if any of their sect comes from other locales, their resources are available to them, just as
 Catholic Epistles, 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus. If “the Messiah,” “the Savior,” “the Christ,” and
 philology - as well as a focused phenomenology on past lives, their opportunities, perceptions,   knew  they needed courses  in  physical  education, languages,  religion,  and history. Why? The   How have the 3,400 species of serpents (reptiles, snakes)  existed 20 times longer than humans
                                                                                                                                    secure food) or is it capable of planning (as Piero Amodio of the University of Padua observed)?
               dismissed from too many curricula.  In the late 1960s, when I began to teach at Duke, students if any of their sect comes from other locales, their resources are available to them, just as
 the books in the Christian Bible all composed by Jews, with maybe a few exceptions: the so-called
 to fabulous archaeological discoveries, epigraphy, enriched Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, and Greek
                      if it were their own, and they go into the homes of those whom they had never known
 misunderstandings, and reality. Apocalypses are certainly grounded in reality on earth, in which   Vietnam War brought home a recognition of human limitation, the importance of values  and   and yet cannot blink, and most move without hands or legs and can disarticulate their jaws so they
 “the Son of Man,” are originally Jewish neologisms, why do their appearances mislead so many
                                                                                                                                    How have the 3,400 species of serpents (reptiles, snakes)  existed 20 times longer than humans
                      if it were their own, and they go into the homes of those whom they had never known
 philology - as well as a focused phenomenology on past lives, their opportunities, perceptions,
 Catholic Epistles, 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus. If “the Messiah,” “the Savior,” “the Christ,” and
               knew  they needed courses  in  physical  education, languages,  religion,  and history. Why? The
                      before as if they had been long acquainted with them” (Josephus, War 2.124; my idiomatic
 scholars into assuming the work is composed by “a Christian”?    sacrifices – and a view that extended beyond our nation’s borders. Now, too many students want   and yet cannot blink, and most move without hands or legs and can disarticulate their jaws so they   [Ancient Egyptian Art often Shows a Serpent with Feet. Above is a depiction of
 culture has developed for more than 200,000 years. For example, ornate jewelry about 150,000
                                                                                                                                    can swallow others whole? I should add that the Tetrapodophis specimen from the Cretaceous
               Vietnam War  brought  home  a recognition  of  human  limitation,  the  importance of values  and
 misunderstandings, and reality. Apocalypses are certainly grounded in reality on earth, in which
 “the Son of Man,” are originally Jewish neologisms, why do their appearances mislead so many
                      before as if they had been long acquainted with them” (Josephus, War 2.124; my idiomatic
   scholars into assuming the work is composed by “a Christian”?     to ignore these disciplines and prepare for a lucrative job. Why? Have they concluded that the   can swallow others whole? I should add that the Tetrapodophis specimen from  22 the Cretaceous         Nehebkau, the Snake God. Egyptian Book of the Dead.]
 years old has been recovered from Morocco’s Bizmoune Cave.
 culture has developed for more than 200,000 years. For example, ornate jewelry about 150,000
                                                                                                                                    Period has two feet and tiny front legs (or hands). It also has five fingers or toes.  Certainly, all
               sacrifices – and a view that extended beyond our nation’s borders. Now, too many students want



 When can we distinguish between “Judaism” and “Christianity”? And, is it not true that today
               humanities in which values and peace are cherished are no longer valuable or worth the sacrifice?
     years old has been recovered from Morocco’s Bizmoune Cave.      to ignore these disciplines and prepare for a lucrative job. Why? Have they concluded that the   Period has two feet and tiny front legs (or hands). It also has five fingers or toes.  Certainly, all   [Ancient Egyptian Art often Shows a Serpent with Feet. Above is a depiction of

   When can we distinguish between “Judaism” and “Christianity”? And, is it not true that today   humanities in which values and peace are cherished are no longer valuable or worth the sacrifice?                                                                          Nehebkau, the Snake God. Egyptian Book of the Dead.]
 Our study helps us bring into focus the heart of early Jewish and Christian reflections on life and
               Where are  young people to  learn  values  and transfer  apocalyptic hopes when the  church has
 some great minds, like David Flusser and Geza Vermes, showed that they are not only “Jewish”
 some great minds, like David Flusser and Geza Vermes, showed that they are not only “Jewish”   Where are  young people to  learn  values  and transfer  apocalyptic hopes when the  church has
 Our study helps us bring into focus the heart of early Jewish and Christian reflections on life and
 destiny. The horrors they suffered could not diminish the light even though it may have been
               become passé, the family no longer enjoys dinners in which morality is taught, and religion is
 but also deeply “Christian”? Each shared many hours with me, over decades, and I remember each

 destiny. The horrors they suffered could not diminish the light even though it may have been
 but also deeply “Christian”? Each shared many hours with me, over decades, and I remember each   become passé, the family no longer enjoys dinners in which morality is taught, and religion is   19   See  Charlesworth,  “Biblical Stories  and Quotations  Reflected and Even  Adumbrated in the  Old Testament
 caused by the flames. We are apocalyptically given the assurance that God is good and to be
 saying something like: “Jim I believe in one supreme Being, YHWH, and the divinity of Jesus but

                                                                                                                                       See  Charlesworth,  “Biblical Stories  and Quotations  Reflected and Even  Adumbrated in the  Old Testament
 saying something like: “Jim I believe in one supreme Being, YHWH, and the divinity of Jesus but   32                               Pseudepigrapha,” in S. Delamarter, A Scripture Index to Charlesworth’s The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha (London,
 caused by the flames. We are apocalyptically given the assurance that God is good and to be
 never will I imagine Jesus was God.” Contemplating, that statement, I imagine before the Nicene-
                                                                                                                                    Pseudepigrapha,” in S. Delamarter, A Scripture Index to Charlesworth’s The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha (London,
               32  Charlesworth, ed., The History of the Rechabites: Volume I: The Greek Recension. SBL T&T 17, Pseud Series 10.
                  Charlesworth, ed., The History of the Rechabites: Volume I: The Greek Recension. SBL T&T 17, Pseud Series 10.
 never will I imagine Jesus was God.” Contemplating, that statement, I imagine before the Nicene-                                                          New York: Sheffield, 2002) p. 1-6.
                                                                                                                                    New York: Sheffield, 2002) p. 1-6.
               (Chico, Calif.: Scholars Press, 1982); for this citation see p. 72.
               (Chico, Calif.: Scholars Press, 1982)
                                                                                                               ; for this citation see p. 72.   20  See esp. J. R. Learn, “Just How Intelligent Are Dolphins?” Discover (March 26 2021)).

                                                                                                                                      See esp. J. R. Learn, “Just How Intelligent Are Dolphins?” Discover (March 26 2021)).

                  They would do well to ponder the insights in Yaron Z. Eliav, A Jew in the Roman Bathhouse: Cultural Interaction
               29 33 See H. Gunkel, Schöpfung und Chaos in Urzeit und Endzeit: Eine religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung über Gen.
                  See H. Gunkel, Schöpfung und Chaos in Urzeit und Endzeit: Eine religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung über Gen.
                  They would do well to ponder the insights in Yaron Z. Eliav, A Jew in the Roman Bathhouse: Cultural Interaction
 27 30
 27 The redactor of Recension J adds “Then I looked downward” and so places Paradise on the earth. In 2En 42,
  Albert Einstein, “Autobiographical Notes,” in Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp.
                                                                                                                                      The number “3,400” is from the Encyclopedia Britanica (2023).
               I und Apoc. Joh. XII (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1895).
  The redactor of Recension J adds “Then I looked downward” and so places Paradise on the earth. In 2En 42,
  Albert Einstein, “Autobiographical Notes,” in Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp.
               in the Ancient Mediterranean (in press) and his “Bathhouses as Places of Social and Cultural Interactions,” in The
               I und Apoc. Joh. XII (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1895).
 Paradise is in the East, as in the Bible.
 Library of Living Philosophers. (Evanston, 1949) p. 5. Einstein’s quotation as assed by Max Jammer, Einstein and   in the Ancient Mediterranean (in press) and his “Bathhouses as Places of Social and Cultural Interactions,” in The   22  The number “3,400” is from the Encyclopedia Britanica (2023).
               Oxford Handbook of Jewish Daily Life in Roman Palestine, edited by Catherine Hezser (Oxford: Oxford University
                                                                                                                                      Today, pythons have a pair of little spurs that have evolved from earlier feet. Lizards still have something like feet.
                                                                                                                                      Today, pythons have a pair of little spurs that have evolved from earlier feet. Lizards still have something like feet.
 Library of Living Philosophers. (Evanston, 1949) p. 5. Einstein’s quotation as assed by Max Jammer, Einstein and
                  I concur with those who agree that the etymology of the word “Essene” remains doubtful.
 Paradise is in the East, as in the Bible.
               Oxford Handbook of Jewish Daily Life in Roman Palestine, edited by Catherine Hezser (Oxford: Oxford University
 31  Notably, see Sarah Kuta, “This 9,000-year-old Necklace is Remarkable. Who wore it is even more surprising,”   34  I concur with those who agree that the etymology of the word “Essene” remains doubtful.    See the illustrated and highly informative “A Fossil Snake With Four Legs” by Ed Young in National Geographic
 Religion (Princeton: PUP, 1999) p. 28.
 Religion (Princeton: PUP, 1999) p. 28.
               Press, 2010) pp.  605-22. Among  his  many publications, see  Anita Norich and Yaron  Z. Eliav, editors, Jewish
                                                                                                                                    See the illustrated and highly informative “A Fossil Snake With Four Legs” by Ed Young in National Geographic
  Notably, see Sarah Kuta, “This 9,000-year-old Necklace is Remarkable. Who wore it is even more surprising,”
                  See Philo’s comment that they dwell only in villages. The Greek noun πόλις is too often in Josephus’ description
 28  See Jammer, Einstein and Religion, respectively pp. 264 and 22.   Press, 2010) pp.  605-22. Among  his  many publications, see  Anita Norich and Yaron  Z. Eliav, editors, Jewish   (July 23 2015).
 National Geographic (August 25, 2023).
                  See Philo’s comment that they dwell only in villages. The Greek noun πόλις is too often in Josephus’ description
               Literatures and Cultures: Context and Intertext. Brown Judaic Studies 349. (Providence RI, 2008).
                                                                                                                                    (July 23 2015).
  See Jammer, Einstein and Religion, respectively pp. 264 and 22.
 National Geographic (August 25, 2023).
               Literatures and Cultures: Context and Intertext. Brown Judaic Studies 349. (Providence RI, 2008).
               of the Essenes understood to denote a city; here it means a town or village.
               of the Essenes understood to denote a city; here it means a town or village.
 18                                                       23                                                                                                                  14
   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60