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Sefer Chafetz Chayim                                                                   םייח ץפח רפס
                              Hilchot Esurei Lashon Hara                                                            ערה ןושל ירוסיא תוכלה
                                 Kelal  Beit  ‑  Halachah 1                                                              ב הכלה -  ב ללכ

             three  people  is  exempt  from  Lashon  Hara,  I  feel  obligated  to  explain            רוסא ןיכרעב 'סותה ירבד יפלד בתכש 'ט ןיואל
             this statement, with G‑d’s help, in all of its details as I have found them
             in the writings of the Early Authorities.  I will quote the explanation of                 ,אתלת יפאב רבדה עמש םא ףא ךכ רחא דיגהל
             every  one  of  these Authorities  who  have  commented  on  the  statement                          .הזב ןמקל בותכנש המ ןייעו
             made by Rabbah Bar Rav Hunah.  This explanation will greatly benefit
             an understanding of several fundamental laws that deal with this issue
             of  speaking  in  the  presence  of  three  people.    In  quoting  these  Early           ארמימ לע תופסותה שוריפ י"הזעב ונרריב ירה
             Authorities, you will come to understand that what I wrote in the Mekor                    הז ךותבו .אתלת יפאב ריתהש אנוה בר רב הברד
             Chayim is not the opinion of a single individual but rather all Authorities
             are in agreement in this regard. 28                                                        לע וליפא תוליכרו ערה ןושל ןינעל ןידה ונרריב
             In the essay that follows, I will review in detail all of the laws in this broad           רפסמ ןינעל ןיב ,אתלת יפאבו הרמ יפאבו תמא
             subject that deal with disclosures made to three people, even disclosures                  קבא ןיד ןהירבדל ונרריב םגו ,לבקמ ןינעל ןיבו
             that are truthful and disclosures that are gossip \ Rechilut.  I will review the
             law as it applies to the speaker and as it applies to the listener.  I will review                  .ל"נה םינינע לכל םהינש לש
             the law as it applies to remarks that allude to but are not actual Lashon
             Hara or gossip (i.e., Avak Lashon Hara).  I will detail these laws here,
             once, so that I will not have to repeat myself later, but I will summarize
             this commentary in an abridged form in the Mekor Chayim.  And here I
             will begin with the help of Hashem Yitbarach.                                                                  :ה"הגה
             The Gemara Babba Batra (39a) is quoted as follows:  “Rabbah Bar Rav
             Hunah said the following: Any remarks made in the presence of three people                  אבבב םש תופסותה ובתכש הממ ונירבד לע גישת אלו *
             are not Lashon Hara.”  Rashbam (commenting on that reference) explains                      ןושלש יפ לע ףאו ובתכש 'וכו ןניעב אתודהס ה"דב ארתב
             the context of the gemara, that if someone made remarks denigrating a    VOL-1              אמלא םדא ינבמ ןתוא ןימילעמש יפל ונייה עמשנ ןיא ערה
             fellow Jew in the presence of three people, it is permissible for someone to
             go to that person who is the subject of the remarks (the “victim”) and tell                 יכהד וניא הזד ,ןיכרעב םשוריפכ ןירבוס ןיא תופסותהד
             him so-and-so said this about you.  The reason it is permissible is because                 םהינפבד ירת יפאבו דח יפאב וריתה אל ךכיפלד ושוריפ
             of the rule that if three people know something “word will get out” (word
             will pass from friend-to-friend) and will get back to the person who is the                 שייבתמ היהש ןושלב רמאמה רמואו ומצע תא רמוש ןיא
             subject of the remarks, and remarks that will inevitably become generally                   אלו רבדה ומילעי אמתסמש ומצע תא ךמוסו וינפב רמול
             known do not fall into the category of Lashon Hara.  However, Rashbam                       הז לע ךמוס ןיא השלשב לבא ערה ןושל םושמ ומסרפי
             does agree with the unanimous opinion of all the Authorities that I will
             quote, with G‑d’s help, that this first person who said the remarks to three                רמאמכ 'וכו ךרבחו וריבחל דיגי אל םהמ דחאש טלמי אלד
             people has violated the Lav of Rechilut. 29                                                 שוריפל ירייא קבאב ןאכ םגד ערה ןושל קבאב םלוכו ל"זח
                                                                                                         רמול  ומצע  תא  רמוש  אמתסמ  ןכ  לעו  ל"נכו  תופסותה
                 These five commentaries on “אתלת יפאב”	\	“In	the	presence	of	three	people”are	          ךכיפלו  אשיב  אנשיל  םושמ  היב  עמשימל  אלד  ןושלב
                 summarized in an appendix at the end of this Kelal.
                                                                                                                        .כ"ע .ל"זח וריתה
                 Rabbi Hillel Zaks quoted in Sefer Netivot Chayim (Rabbi Moshe Kaufman,
                 #34  Abraham  Ben  David  Street,  Bnei  Brak,  5765)  changes  “Rechilut”  to
                 “Lashon	Hara.”

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